31. Rough Ride

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Tasca, Ares, Lita and Miyuki arrive at the medical research facility where they are greeted by Professor Weq.

"Greetings friends! I trust that your travel here was pleasant?" Weq

"Professor Weq. Sorry to keep you waiting but we ran into an overweight roadblock." Tasca

Professor Weq laughs hysterically from Tasca's remark.

"Professor Weq. Long time." Lita

"Dr Lita! So nice to see you! Well what are we waiting for! This way everyone! Come come!" Weq says as he turns and begins to walk down the hallway.

The group follows close behind. They walk pass a multiple number of work stations while Professor Weq rambles on about science and inventions. The only ones that are able to keep up with him in conversation are Lita and Tasca. Ares glances back at Miyuki and notices that he is lost in thought. They arrive to a sliding door that opens the moment they get near. They enter a small room with a human sized pod at the center.

"And here we are ladies and gentlemen! The H.F.P.! Simply prefixed for Human Filter Pod!" Weq

"Filter. Wow. So simple that no one thought about it till now." Ares

"Indeed! I ask that you forgive our complex brains for this oversight." Weq

"Hmph. Even I understand whats going to happen." Miyuki

"You will have to forgive me for being surprised still." Tasca

Miyuki gets annoyed from Tasca and it shows but he does his best to pay her no mind.

"Don't let the simple name fool you my friends.... Because the procedure is much more simpler! I will inject Miyuki with some nanobots that will enter his nervous system, find the parts that are stained with the red cloud and get to work! Miyuki will step into this pod, become incubated under water, will wear the face mask that will filter out the cloud mist that gets ejected from your body and hopefully becomes cured of his burden!.... Hopefully." Weq

"Hopefully?" Miyuki

"Hopefully." Weq

"As the years went by the Red Cloud had plenty of time to fuze with your nervous system. To remove it has been simulated and has been deemed impossible. This has never been done before with someone of your unique DNA so you will be the first test subject. You will have to pardon our excitement." Lita

"...... I'm quite whelmed. Can we get this over with?" Miyuki

There are shocked faces all around in reaction to Miyuki's reluctance.

".... What?" Miyuki

"Well yo-" Tasca

"Nothing.... We'll leave you to it then. Just call me if anything goes off of the hinges. Let's go baby sister." Ares says then walks out with Tasca following.

They exit the facility and find an armored vehicle parked out front with two armed guards.

"What's all this?" Ares

"Mr Cage. Ms Cage. We will escort you both to Governor Fritz." Guard 1

"I'll explain on the way. Come on." Tasca says as she walks to the vehicle.

Ares pauses for a moment before he walks after Tasca. They both enter the vehicle and head for the Governor's office.

"So? Spill. What's with the not so subtle escort?" Ares

"Well, to put it simply... There is a small conflict regarding the Governor. The kind that causes riots in the general district. There have been multiple uprisings that have put many people at risk as a result." Tasca

"Why am I only hearing about this now?" Ares

"Its not that I didn't want to inform you. You have had your fair share of tasks that have piled up on your plate. The recent passing of Author doesn't help either. Not to mention that relying on anyone that isn't of Arbiterra would weaken the faith in the Governor's role as well." Tasca

".... Why does that sound like you all are too ashamed to ask for help?" Ares

Before Tasca answers she notices a shimmer of light on a nearby building and gets alarmed.

"Sniper!!" Tasca says just before the wind shield is pierced and the driver is shot.

The bullet hits the driver in his left shoulder and it causes him to loose the stearing wheel. The vehicle swerves for a moment before Ares grabs the stearing wheel from the back seat and steadies the car.

"Aren't the windows bullet proof?!" Ares

"Y-Yes! All of our vehicles are built for the state of the art protection!... At least, I thought so." Guard 2

"Swerve!!" Tasca

Ares immediately turns the wheel and the next bullet shoots off the left side mirror.

"I know it hurts but keep your foot on the gas pedal alright?" Ares

"Ngh! Y-Yes sir!" Guard 1 says as he grasps his left arm.

They have no time to think as another bullet is shot and it blows out the front left tire. The vehicle begins to move uncontrollably and the people on the street becomes frantic.

"Shit! If this thing has any cool features you'd like to show of then now would be the time to do so!" Ares

"Activate the back up tire!" Tasca

"Yes ma'am!" Guard 2 says then presses a button on the console.

Yet nothing happens. The guard presses the button repeatedly but nothing happens.

"Isn't something supposed to happen?!" Ares

"Try something else! Hurry!" Tasca

"Something is wrong with the controls! Nothing is working!" Guard 2

"What?! How?!" Guard 1

"That could only mean two things. 1: We have either been hacked-" Tasca

"Or my personal favorite. 2: We've been sabotaged from the get go." Ares

The next thing that they knew the vehicle was being shot at from behind.

"Oh what now?!" Tasca

They look back and notice that they are being chased by three black cars with people sticking out the windows and have rifles aimed at them.

"This better not be how you treat all of your tourist!" Ares

"Really?!" Tasca

They all duck in reaction to more shot being fired.

"Weapons!" Tasca

"Right!" Guard 2

The Guard reaches up to the roof of the car and uncovers a handle. Though the moment he pulls the handle he finds that it is jammed.

"I-It's jammed?! It won't budge!!" Guard 2

"Oh yeah! Definitely sabotaged!" Ares

"What can we do?!" Guard 1

Before anyone answers Tasca looks back and what she sees spikes her adrenaline.

"RPG!!" Tasca says just as the rocket is fired.

Ares glances back, notices where the rocket is going to hit and turns the wheel left at the last second. The rocket hits the ground right next to the car, it explodes and the car rises on its two wheels on its left side. It makes it a few feet before it is fully on its left side and slides a few more feet.

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