4. Dire Situation

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"Miyuki! Fire when ready!" Tenna says steering the ship dead ahead.

"You got it!" Miyuki says then starts to fire after the oncoming missiles.

"Firing flare shots!" Ares

Flares are launched towards the missiles taking out 9 of them while the rest stay on course.

"Nine down giving some more breathing room!" Ares

"Let's go for it!" Tenna

Tenna grabs the handle on her left, pushes it forward and simultaneously turns the wheel. That causes the ship to not only speed up but also rotate. The missiles begin to rotate in sequence with the Cloud 9 and Miyuki continues his attempts to shoot down as many as he can. With all their attempts, four missiles slip through and make contact with Cloud 9.

"Ares!" Tenna

"It's all good. Shields at 94% and holding steady." Ares

"Hah! I still got it!" Tenna

"We're not over the hill yet. Mobile suits are being deployed from each ship." Ares

The monitors show blue mobile suits pouring out of each vessel.

"This is Lok Forge in the Gridlock Gundam, Heading out!" Lok

"Nice timing Lok." Ares

"Took ya long enough." Miyuki

"Well it ain't exactly easy to move about when the ship's driver is all over the place." Lok

"Hey! In my defense I'm not the designated driver." Tenna

"Thats a lot of robots." Kenji

"Yeah... At least you're calm about it." Tenna says rubbing Kenji's head.

"I got nothing to worry about! You guys came and saved my whoooole village! And they're all gonna be real sorry when Mr. Ares gets out there too! He's the coolest!" Kenji says with excitement.

Both Tenna and Ares smiles at Kenji's honesty.

"Agree to disagree on that kid. Looks like you have a number two fan Ares!" Miyuki

"Two? Who's number one?" Kenji

"Your sitting on her handsome." Tenna

"Well since you two think so highly of him I suggest we let gim get to work." Tyriel

Tenna, Ares and Kenji look towards the entrance to see the chief of tech Tyriel Nanase, Antonio Albert, Warren Keeble, Able Write and Cameron Lake.

"Jeeze what kept you guys? Its not like you had to get an entire village secured in the safety areas or anything right?" Tenna asks sarcastically as she gets up out of the driver's seat with Kenji under her arm.

"Oh heavens no nothing like that." Cameron responds as she floats over with her hand out.

Tenna grabs Cameron's hand, they use each other's momentum to swap places, allowing Cameron to take the driver's seat and Tenna to take her Commander's seat.

"You're in my chair kid. Go do something more useful why don't ya?" Tyriel

"Heh. Yes ma'am." Ares

Ares gets up, pushes off the chair and high fives Tyriel as he floats past her.

"More good news! Donte's here to releave me so I'll be heading out too!" Miyuki

"Uh guys... Something's up. Check out the mobile suits." Lok

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