19. Code Red

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Currently, on board the Cloud 9, in the training room both Ares stands in front of an exausted Lok who struggles to catch his breathe in their current sparing session. The Cloud 9 is also docked on the planet Olympia in the hanger bay building located just outside of the town.

"You done yet?" Ares

"Give... Me... A freaking.... Minute.... You..... God damned.... Super soldier....." Lok says while catching his breathe.

"Jealousy is not a good color on you my friend." Ares

"...... I hate you..... So much!" Lok

While Tyriel, Rika and Joshua try to decrypt the information aquired from stolen intel, Ares, Lok, and the Wave Riders are using this time for some exercise.

"Take 5 kiddo. I'll take over for now." Cole says coming up behind of Lok.

"Yeah..... Good idea...." Lok says then wobbles to the wall where everyone else is.

"Good on ya Lok." Arthur

"Yeah! You totally went in!" Gash

"Not to mention you lasted much longer than Gash whenever he goes up against Captain Cole." Ramsey

"OI." Gash

"So.... How long has it been? 2, 3 months?" Cole says as he stretches his arms behind of him.

"Practically 4 really." Ares says then instantly raises his hand to catch Cole's fist that would've hit his gut in the middle of his leaning back stretching.

"Reaction time is still pretty quick I see." Cole says with a mischievous smile.

Ares smirks and shoves Cole's fist away. They both put their hands up in front of them and prepares for a fight.

"This is not something you wanna miss." Arthur

"In other words..." Gash

"Don't blink." Ramsey

Both Ares and Cole close their eyes and take a deep breathe. They both open their eyes, Cole begins to bounce around in a fluent fighting motion with a smile and a look of confidence on his face. Ares opens his eyes and simply gets into a standard boxing stance with his hands held up infront of his head.

"Oh? Holding back are we? You sure you aren't going to regret that?" Cole asks as he starts to move around.

"Well... That all depends on you now doesn't it?" Ares says with a look of confidence of his own.

They both slowly move in close until they are in striking range. In the blink of an eye Cole quickly balances on his left leg, swings his right leg in striking motion and aims directly for Ares's head. Simultaneously, Ares thrusts his body forward, thrusts his right fist at a similar speed the same as Cole and aims for his head.

"Guys! We have a situation at the base in the mess hall!!" Cameron's voice says over the Cloud 9 speakers.

Ares and Cole simultaneously freeze their motions the moment they heard Cameron's voice.

"What's wrong?" Ramsey

"One hell of a fight broke out! Ares! Hurry!" Cameron says ending the communication.

Both Ares and Cole stand up straight from their previous motions.

"This doesn't happen often does it?" Gash

"Here's a better question. Why'd she only ask for you?" Cole asks directing his question towards Ares.

Ares doesn't answer but shows a look of annoyance on his face.

"Ah hell." Ares

Ares and the rest are located in their flag ship at the hanger bay facility. The nearest mess hall, where the current fight is located in the town area where not to far off. Currently, in the mess hall, bodies are being flung in different directions.

"Are you fucking kidding me?! I don't care who he is! One dude can't possibly keep this up!" Rogue Chaos worker 1

"He's been going for about 8 minutes and you still can't believe it?" Rogue Chaos worker 2

A person suddenly crashes on the ground right in front of the 2 Chaos Rogue workers.

"You 2!! Less talking more helping!!" Says another Rogue Chaos worker joined in the fray.

"This is fucking nuts!" Chaos Rogue worker 1

The scene can be described something similar to a large group of predators surrounding a single prey. Yet, this is no ordinary prey. The large circle of men are currently up against Miyuki. Yet this is no ordinary Miyuki. His eye color changed to a bright red and his expression is full of uncontrollable rage. One guy tries his luck by rushing after Miyuki from behind. Without turning around Miyuki leans forward and heel kicks the guy rushing him with his left foot. Another guy rushes Miyuki from his right, Miyuki instantly performs a barrel role by spinning his body counterclockwise with his right leg out, knocks the guy's head upwards from his chin and causes him to stumble backwards. Miyuki lands on his left foot and safely stands upright. Without missing a step Miyuki rushes after the same guy that he kicked and performs a multitude of precised strikes aiming for pressure points. Miyuki instinctively moves to the right, avoids a right hook, spins and punches the rusher in the liver area with a powerful left jab. Without missing a beat Miyuki opens his right palm, aims up, thrusts upwards, connects with his chin and sends him flying into a small crowd knocking them off their feet.

"Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! What's with this dude?!" Asks another Rogue Chaos worker as he rushes in.

Miyuki spins once and indents his left elbow in the rushers face sending him in the opposite direction. Another guy grabs a chair and rushes after Miyuki. He swings the chair down but ultimately misses because Miyuki had leapt in the air. Miyuki spins, flips comes down and stomps both of his feet against the side of the guys head. Miyuki lands and stands his ground.

"Miyuki!!" Cameron says as she runs to the scene.

Miyuki's head instantly turns to her the moment he hears his name.

"That's enough Miyuki! You need to calm down! Please!" Cameron

Miyuki doesn't answer but stares with an unchanged expression. Cameron carefully puts her hands up and moves closer to Miyuki step by step.

"Cameron! What are-" A Rogue Chaos worker begins to say but is quickly interrupted by Cameron putting up her hand towards him.

He instantly becomes quiet and watches on. Cameron then continues.

"Yuki. You can understand me right? Please say yes." Cameron

Once again Miyuki doesn't respond and remains in his current state unchanged. Cameron gets close enough to where she can nearly press her body against Miyuki's and takes a quick breathe of relief. Their eyes never left each other's gaze.

"Yeah that's it. You're okay yeah?" Cameron

Cameron slowly moves her right hand so that she can gently place it over Miyuki's heart. Without warning Miyuki grabs Cameron by her throat with his right hand, tightens his grip and raises her off of the ground.

"Mi.... Yu... Ki..... S... To... P...." Cameron says as she struggles to free herself from Miyuki's grip.

Yet Miyuki continues without letting up. Cameron glances down and notices a slight red mist slowly seep out of Miyuki's mouth through his teethe.

"F..... Uck!" Cameron says continuing her efforts but utterly fails in the end.

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