The fall (s10)

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Jay woke up with a gasp, the cool air in the room countering his hot breath. His breathing was heavy and uneven as he sat up, taking a look around the room. Jays hand moved to his chest, feeling his fast heart rate. He sighed. Another dumb dream. They felt so real to Jay.

He couldn't stop having nightmares about the fall. When Cole was gone and he thought he was dead. His brain wouldn't stop obsessing over it, and even though he knew Cole was back safely now, a part of him was worried that all of this would turn out to be a dream. That Cole was actually gone and Jay had just gone completely crazy and imagined everything. He looked down beside him, noticing the familiar black ninja lying asleep next to him. Jay tried to ignore his thoughts, telling himself that all this was real and that he wasn't imagining all of it like he was back in the first realm.

"You okay?" Jay tensed up as he heard his boyfriends voice, words groggy and weak from just waking up.

"Y-yeah." Jays voice cracked, and he couldn't help the little tears that sparked in his eyes. He covered his face with his hands. Cole took quick notice of this and sat up.

"What's wrong?" He asked worried, moving closer to Jay so that they were facing each other.

"I...." Jay paused and looked away, biting his lip. "I had another dream.. of you being.." he stoped himself and buried his face in his hands, but Cole knew exactly what he was talking about.

"Hey- hey it's okay." Cole said soothingly pulling Jay into a hug and softly rubbing his back.

"I'm such a baby." Jay muttered, his face hidden in the crook of Coles neck.

"No you're not." Cole argued. Of course he wasn't. Cole wanted to yell at Jay for thinking such a dumb thing. Ptsd was normal and something most of them suffered from often. It would take Jay a long time to overcome his fears and nightmares and Cole was for sure going to help him in any way he could. And Cole knew the easiest way to help Jay was to help him talk.

"What was this one about exactly?"

"Y-you weren't there.. and I- I knew you were gone.." Jay stuttered out.

Cole remained calm, his voice soothing. "And how is that different from real life?" Cole wasn't an expert but he did learn a few tips on how to deal with things like this. And the main one that helped him was separating fact from fiction.

"You're here." It was true but Jay almost said it like a question.

"I'm right here. And I'm safe. We're all safe." Cole explained. Jay nodded, gripping onto Cole tighter.

"We're all okay." Sure for now they were. But for how long? Being a ninja was a dangerous business, and their past has proved that time and time again. How long would it be before one of them died for real? Cole took a breath in.

"I love you Cole." Jay mumbled, feeling himself become tired again, feeling comfort in Coles arms.

"I love you too Jay."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2020 ⏰

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