Siren (pt 2)

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The sun had set and Jay stood a dozen feet away from the lake, armed with a homemade spear that was made with a simple stick with a small knife tied to it. "H-hello?" Jay spoke up, slowly approaching the water. "I know you're there." Jay said louder. The water started to ripple and Jay took a shaky step back. The sirens head popped up slowly from the water and Jay tried his best not to scream. The siren stared at him curiously.

"M-my names Jay." Jay stuttered, taking a step closer.

"...Cole." The siren answered hesitantly.

"Oh you can speak!" Jay smiled,

"I'm not suppose to talk to humans like you." Cole frowned.


"You creatures kill things like me." Cole narrowed his eyes at Jay, swimming back slightly.

"I wouldn't." Jay shook his head. Cole glanced at Jays makeshift spear. Jay noticed and immediately dropped the spear down. Cole smiled slightly before quickly diving down into the water again.

"Jay!" Jay turned his head to see Kai, Nya, Zane, and Lloyd running up to him.

"We haven't seen you in a while Jay." Lloyd greeted him.

"Oh hi guys." Jay greeted. They were all Jays friends who lived nearby.

"Lets go to the cliff." Nya suggested. The cliff was the classic place that they hung out often at. It had a beautiful view over the lake.


They sat near the cliff, Jay and Nya standing the closest to the edge, laughing and joking around. Kai sat next to Zane with a frown, watching the two talking. His brother instincts kicked in and he stood up, making his way towards the two. He gave Jay what he thought would be a gentle shove. Instead Jay slipped and fell backwards, landing precariously at the edge of the cliff.

"Woah Jay I'm sorry!" Kai panicked, watching the boy scramble to not fall of the edge.

"Don't move." Nya commanded.

"I-I'm ok." Jay stuttered, keeping still. As he said that the ground started to crumble underneath him and he fell.

"Jay!" Everyone screamed as Jay fell.
When Jay hit the water his breath was knocked out of him. He looked around as frantically as he could. He could see something blurry move towards him.

"Cole?" Jay mumbled out before completely passing out. Cole swam up to the boy, pulling him close before hesitating and pulling him back up to the surface. 
Jay woke up to Kai yelling.
"Jay! You're alive!" Kai gasped.

"...w-wha-" he stuttered, weakly sitting up.

"I.." Jay looked around seeing that all his friends were gathered around him.

"I'm so glad I didn't kill you!" Kai cheered, hugging the boy.

"Let's get you home." Zane said, helping the boy up.


Jay sat quietly in his room. It was safe to say that Jay wasn't allowed near water anytime soon. Not until his lungs stoped hurting at least.

He tried to recall what had exactly happened that day. He swore he saw Cole. Did he save him? Maybe. How else would Jay be here otherwise?

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