Choose your own adventure

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You are a young teen named Jay, having just woken up to realize that your alarm had not gone off. You start to panic as you realize it's ten minutes until school, you decide to,

A) go back to sleep.
B) panic for a good half an hour and then rush out of the house.

A) you slept in and went to school the next day. You didn't realize that a teacher had assigned a new project and ended up staying up late for the next two nights to finish it. Your boyfriend cole stays up with you and from his help you are able to make the project deadline on time.

B) you missed the bus and made it late to school. On top of that you also forgot to take a shower. You arrive sweaty and tired and almost fall asleep in class, your boyfriend cole being the only thing keeping you from passing out.

AB) you decide to treat your boyfriend for helping you. You plan a;

1) fancy dinner.
2) night in.

1) you've saved up for months to take out Cole to a fancy restaurant. He told you you didn't have to but you insisted that he deserved a treat. The evening results in you being clumsy and spilling water on yourself but it made cole laugh so the night turned out a success.

2) you plan a classic movie night. You and Cole curl up with a fluffy blanket and you and Coles favourite movie playing on the tv. Everything was peaceful and sweet until Kai burst down the door, yelling something about a missing phone charger. The sudden disturbance causing you to let out a shriek and Cole holds you tighter.

An argument commences as Kai claims you were the one to borrow his charger last. You knew that you had in fact lost it, so you tell him you gave it to Lloyd. He leaves and you and Cole are alone again in peace and quiet.

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