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Jay sat at the kitchen table, watching Cole from across the room. Cole was trying his best to make whatever concoction he was attempting to create in the kitchen edible. Nya, who was beside Jay working away at her computer, elbowed him in his side. Jay broke out of his trance and shot a questioning look at Nya. She giggled and spoke out. "Instead of just staring at him you should talk to him." She teased. Jay blushed and rolled his eyes at her.

"Come on Jay, you're going to have to tell him how you feel eventually." She stated. Jay shushed her, looking back at Cole to make sure he wasn't over hearing them. Cole was beyond busy, cursing to himself as he accidentally dumped way too much flour into his bowl.

Jay started to regret telling Nya about his crush on the black ninja, but he also quickly remembered that she was the one who had practically knew before he even told her.

"Fine. I-I'll do it right now!" Jay announced, standing up from his chair.

"No you won't." She stated with a smirk.

"Watch me." He smiled at her, and made his way to the kitchen. Jay was beyond terrified, and he wanted nothing more then to hide under his blanket and curl into himself. But he had to do this. He couldn't keep his feeling locked up anymore. As he walked up next to Cole, he was greeted with a smile.

"Hey dude! How's it look so far?" Cole asked, showing off the bowl of contents to Jay.

Jay grimaced at the concoction. "Uh.. g-great.." Jay smiled nervously, not wanting to break the mans spirits.

"Thanks!" Cole smiled. "So, any reason you came in here? Other then wanting to hang with your best friend?" Cole chuckled. The word friend stung at Jays heart but he quickly pushed the feeling away.

"Uh yeah.. I just wanted to say.." Jay looked back at Nya who was listening intently from her hiding spot behind her computer. "I... like..... y- uh video games!" Jay blurted out nervously. He could practically hear Nya's face palm. Cole looked at him confusingly. "You wanna play video games after dinner?" Jay asked, his racing heart starting to settle.



"Told you you couldn't do it." Nya smirked at him as he sat back down.

"Shut up." Jay muttered, burying his face into his hands.

"Well if you're not going to be brave enough, I'll tell him for you." Nya shrugged, standing up from her chair.

"No!" Jay shrieked. Nya ran away towards Cole, who was grabbing some ingredients from their pantry. Jay scrambled after her

"Hey Cole, I've got something to tell you~" she said in a singsongy voice.

"What is it?"

"It's nothing!" Jay interrupted, shooting a glare at Nya. Nya simply smiled and rested her hand onto Jays shoulder.

"Sorry Jay." Jay gave her a confused look before she shoved him into Cole, making the two of them fall backwards into the large pantry. She quickly closed the door and locked the hatch onto it.

Jay looked around to see that he was lying directly on top of Cole. Jay blushed and quickly jumped up off of him. He banged on the door and started shouting, "Nya you better let us out!"

"Nope. Not until you tell Cole what you wanted to tell him."

"What is she talking about?" Cole asked calmly, looking over at Jay.

"I-its nothing. She's jut crazy!" Jay stuttered, looking like a stressed mess.

"I have to go run an errand. Call me when you've complied with my demands." Nya shouted from behind the door.

"No Nya wait!" Jay yelled out, but her fading footsteps signalled she had left.

"Ugh.. great." Jay muttered, sliding down against the door and sitting down onto the ground.

"If you just tell me what's wrong then she'll let us out." Cole said, sitting down next to the blue ninja.

"Come on, I'm your best friend. No matter what." Cole begged, a soft smile on his face.

"I- I just can't..." Jay sighed, fidgeting with his hands.

"Ok, guess we'll be here for a while." Cole shrugged, letting the topic go with a smile still on his face.

The boys sat around in the pantry, having a snack and talking about random things.

"Do you think if we yell loud enough Zane will save us?" Cole laughed. They had found a deck of cards and were playing crazy eights.

Jay let out a small giggle. "Probably not, he's likely very happy that we aren't around anymore."

"Oh god, no ones ever going to let us out!" Cole cried sarcastically.


"I'll tell you. Ok?" Jay spoke up after a while of silence.

"Jay, you don't have to-" Cole started, not wanting Jay to be upset.

"It's fine... sorry you got stuck in this." Jay sighed, intwining his fingers together.

"Nya obviously already knows... but uh.." Jay spoke. He shut his eyes tightly and his heart raced as he said the next line.

"I really like you!" Jay said it so quickly it sounding like an unrecognizable jumble of words to himself.

Cole stayed silent, a look of realization on his face as if all the pieces were fitting together.

Jay smiled nervously at the boy. "I understand that you don't like me like that! It's why I didn't want to tell you!" He chuckled pitifully, not being able to help the sadness that over came him. Jay stood up swiftly and knocked softly on the locked door. "Nya I told him, let us out." He couldn't force his voice to be loud so it came out weak and cracky.

Cole broke from his thoughts and finally found the ability to talk. "Jay wait." He stood up as well and took a few steps closer to the blue ninja. Jay turned around and looked up at Cole.

"I-I'm sorry- I'm sorry-" Jay started to stutter, shaking his head. Cole leaned into him and wrapped his arms around Jay, pulling him into a hug. Cole felt Jay freeze up before tightly returning the hug, burying his face into Coles chest.

"I love you Jay." Cole said softly, a blush evident on his face.

Jay pulled back slightly, and with a newfound rush of bravery he stood on his tippy toes and kissed Cole. Cole jumped in surprise, but happily kissed the blue ninja back. Coles hands moved to Jays sides as he deepened the kiss.

"Ahh yes finally!" Cole heard a squeal, he opened his eyes to see the door was open and Nya was standing their with a wide smile on her face. Jay turned back to look at her.

"Nya!" Jay whined.

"I'll leave you two to it." She giggled, throwing up a piece sign and winking at Cole before leaving.

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