Come with me? (Royalty au)

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"Prince, your highness are you awake?" Cole opened his eyes to see Jay standing over him, a tray in his hands.

"Oh I didn't mean to distrupt you! Uh.. your morning tea sir." Jay stuttered, setting the tray down and handing Cole the warm tea cup.

"Thank you Jay." Cole smiled, his morning drowsiness slurring his words. He took a sip from the cup.

"Uh no problem! Your father has asked me to tell you that he wants to meet with you for breakfast." He stated.

Cole sighed and rolled his eyes. "Is it mandatory?"

"If I were you I would go." Jay answered.

"Is that all?"

"Yes sir."

"I told you before, call me Cole."


"I will make sure you don't get in any trouble for it. I promise."

"..ok.. Cole." With that Jay rushed out of the room and Cole slowly got dressed and got ready to head downstairs to his father.

"Father." He greeted as he sat down at the table, his food already placed on the table in front of his chair.

"Cole." His dad returned, glancing up from his plate and locking eyes with Cole. They had a moment of a staring battle before Cole glanced away, losing the battle. 

"I'd like to discuss the topic of your marriage." His father stated.

"Marriage?" Cole looked at him confused.

"I'm hosting a ball and have invited all neighbouring kingdoms. You are to pick a wife at this party."

"What?!" Cole exclaimed.

"I'm tired of you putting this choice off so I'm forcing you to." He answered calmly.

Cole threw down his utensils and stormed out without another word.


Jay was making Coles bed when he stormed in. "Si-Cole?" Jay jumped, turning his full attention to the prince.

"I'm leaving. I'm running away." Cole stated without looking at Jay, opening his cabinet to find a bag.

"What! Uh Cole calm down. What happened?" Jay stepped towards Cole.

"I can sell my things, they'll definitely be able to keep me on my feet until I can get a stable job. I could live in a cottage, or build one!-" Cole rambled to himself.

"Cole what are you saying!" Jay grabbed his shoulder, pulling Cole to face him.

"Come with me!" Cole exclaimed happily, grasping Jays hands.

"I-I cant." Jay sighed, looking at the ground.

"....right." Cole frowned. Jays loyalty was to the castle, and the king. He was to forever serve the kingdom.

"Cole why do you want to run away?" Jay asked, following after the boy as he paced around his room.

"My dads forcing me to marry." Cole muttered.

"..." Jay paused, noticing how visibly upset Cole was. "Marriage isn't the worst thing in the world. You're royalty, you don't even have to talk to each other." Jay replied, it was true, the only exception Jay knew of was the stories he heard of Coles parents. He was told they were very close which made it even more devastating when Coles mother passed away.

"I'll be forced to have children to keep the royal blood line alive, I can't live with someone I don't like I-" Cole explained.

"Well, maybe you can convince him you don't have to marry. Your fathers brothers son could keep up the bloodline." Jay suggested. Cole thought to himself, maybe it'd work. He would have to talk to his father tonight, during the party.

Jay was wandering around the ballroom, making sure everything was in order and that the appetizers were getting around to enough people when he noticed Cole and his father talking at the side of the room. Sneakily hiding in a group of people he listened in to their conversation.

"But Dad-" Cole argued,

"No buts. You will marry and that will be it. No more arguments." His father replied strictly. With that Cole ran off, not getting very far until he was stoped by a girl in a beautiful green dress.  

"Prince Cole! It's a pleasure to meet you! I'm the first born of-" she bowed but stoped once she realized Cole had ran away from her.

"Hey! Servant!" Jay jumped and turned away from spying on Cole to give his attention to the one yelling at him.

"Uh! Yes sir?" He asked, looking at the annoyed stranger.

"Pay attention when a higher up is speaking to you." He scolded.

"Of course sir, my apologies." Jay said, bowing to the man.

"I was saying-" the man started before Cole came running up to Jay.

"Jay-" Cole stoped and corrected himself as he noticed the mans attention. "Servant Jay! Your presence is needed." He stated, before running out of the ballroom.

"Must go. My prince awaits." Jay smiled politely before running off.


"Didn't go well?" Jay asked as he entered Coles room, seeing Cole packing things into his bag.

"Yup. I'm leaving." Cole stated plainly, as if this action wasn't a big deal.

"Isn't that a bit drastic?"

"You said it yourself, my cousin can just take my place. Or my father can just have another stupid kid." Cole scoffed.

"Well. If your mind is set I suppose I can't stop you." Jay shrugged, standing next to Cole and helping him neatly pack his things.

"Might as well come with you." Jay stated, his eyes focused on the clothes he was folding.

Cole looked at Jay in shock. "Really?!"

"Of course. Someone needs to protect you out in the real world." Jay smirked.


Sorry for my slowness in updates, as I said in my other Bruiseshipping book I'll try as hard as I can to update more normally. I have a handful of requests to finish so I'll likely be working on those next. If you have any requests feel free to comment them.

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