Will you please please smile?

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Cole the black ninja seemed quiet, calm, and emotionless - that was what Jay knew for sure. He also knew one other fact, a fact that he had made it his life time goal to disprove, that Cole never smiled. No matter how many jokes Jay made the earth ninja would never crack. Jay was determined to change that.

"Hey Cole!" Jay called out to the boy nodding his head to the music playing in his headphones. He had only know the black ninja for a short while, two weeks and three days to be exact. That was the day the ninja had joined together as a group- when Sensei gathered them all up.

"What's up?" Cole asked, taking off one side of his headphones off his ear.

"What do you call a can of soup that eats other cans of soup?" Jay asked smugly, tilting his head to one side.

"I don't know." Cole said.

"A CANnibal!" Jay shouted, trying to suppress his giggles.

Cole stared blankly at Jay and just shook his head disapprovingly.


"Yo Cole!" Jay called out through the communicators of their mechs.

"I swear if it's another joke-" Cole started,

"Just a pizza joke..." Jay said in a sing songy voice.


"Yeah, you'd probably find it too cheesy."
Cole and the rest of the team who could hear Jay groaned.


"Cole I got some great dating tips for you!" Jay grinned.

"You shouldn't kiss anyone on January 1st." Jay started, not waiting for Coles protests.

"Why not?"

"Cause it's only the first date."


Jay sighed, none of his plans had worked! He racked his brain for all sorts of great jokes and not even a small smile had come from Cole.

"Mr, Cole I will not give up! One day I will make you smile!" Jay announced to the earth ninja.

"Good luck with that." Cole said, seemingly not being able to care less. Jay did the "I'm watching you" gesture before turning his back on him. As soon as Jay left the room Cole started to crack a smile. He shock his head and chuckled. "Good luck bluebird."


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