Hug *short*

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*warning: slightly dark and depressing thoughts*

Cole slumped into his desk chair, staring at his bedroom wall as his thoughts overwhelmed him. Stress about school, his dad, and ninja life circled around his head, every thought feeling like a pin piercing his heart. He breathed heavily, running shaky hands through his hair. "I was better.. I was getting better." He muttered to himself, angry at the thoughts surrounding him, thoughts of how he was useless, and how he was weak. And dumb. And-

Cole jumped when the sound of his door being pushed open startled him. Jay with frantic eyes and cheeks that were stained with tears dove at Cole, wrapping his arms around him lovingly and buried his face into the crook of Coles shoulder. "I needed a hug." Jay muttered, his voice slightly shaky.

Tears sparked in Coles eyes as he hugged Jay back. As if being able to read his mind cole could feel the anxiety running through the blue ninja.

"Me too." Cole said back, not feeling quiet as alone with his thoughts.

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