Siren (pt 1)

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The boy sat on the edge of the dock, his legs dangling over the clear and reflective water. He took a deep breathe in, his gaze focused on the sunset in front of him.

"Jay!" He turned his head hearing his name being called faintly. "Dinner!"

"Coming dad!" Jay yelled back quickly, pushing himself up he rushed off the dock. His bare feet went from feeling the wood of the deck to the soft warmness of sand as the boy followed the voice. Pushing open the sturdy oak wood door he entered his home. Looking around at the small and dim house he glanced over the mantel of photos- showing Jay and his family age over the years. In front of him was a small table, decorated with a small vase of flowers that Jay had picked that morning, and three sets of plates.

"Dinner smells good ma." Jay complemented, taking a seat at the dinner table. He breathed in the aroma that now filled the house, the smell of cooked fish and fresh vegetables made his mouth water.

"Thank you dear." His mother smiled, setting down the food onto the table. His mother and father both took a seat at the table and the family began to eat.

"Fish haven't been biting recently, something must have got them spooked." Ed spoke up, a long day of fishing only to come home empty handed.

"Oh Ed, are you going to go on about those lake monsters again?" Edna sighed. Jay paused, his mouth stuffed with food as he listened to his parents speak.

"They are out there I tell ya!" Ed argued.

"You're going to frighten the poor boy!" Edna gestured to their son, who's eyes were wide trying to understand what they were talking about.

"I'm old and brave!" Jay argued. "What are the lake monsters?"  He asked curiously, his head whipping back to his father.

"Sirens are really whatcha gotta watch out for." Ed spoke up, Edna sending him a disapproving look. "They spook all kinds of animals away."

"What are they like?" Jay asked curiously.

"Alright that's enough, no more talk of monsters." Edna interrupted, putting a stop to the conversation.


Jay ran a comb through his curly red hair- per his mothers orders- before rushing outside, excited to take a dip in the lake outside his house. The lake was cold as always but Jay was far used to it by now. Taking a diving leap of the dock, only dressed in some shorts, he dove into the water, feeling his feet brush against the lake floor before resurfacing. Jay then started to swim out to the deeper part off the lake. He knew how to swim at a very early age so he had no fears of the water. Smiling happily to himself his blue eyes and freckled covered body shined in the sunlight.

Jays smile faded as he noticed a shadow under the water move closer to him. Panic filled Jay as he kicked his feet, trying to make as much distance between himself and the shadows as possible. As the shadow crept closer Jay quickly swam away, reaching the wooden dock he quickly pulled himself up. Once his whole body was on the deck he turned to look for the mysterious shadow. Trying to catch his breath he found the shadow, only a few feet away from him. Jay stood still. The water was unmoving.

The water broke and splashed as the shadow moved, a head popping up to the surface of the water. A human head.. well it looked human enough. Jay jumped back, falling onto his back in surprise. Jay let out a scream as he sat upright quickly and scrambled backwards, wanting to get away from the thing in the water. Once Jay noticed the being was doing nothing more then staring at him Jay stared back, studying what he could see. The only thing that wasn't under the waters surface was its head, human looking with shoulder length raven hair and green eyes. What separated it from a human though was its grey fin like ears, and what Jay was to find out later. Jay stood still for a while, the two having a staring contest before Jay slowly inched towards the creature. "H-hello?" Jay spoke up. The creature slightly smiled.

"Hello." It responded back, which caused Jay to jump slightly.

"Are you a neighbour kid or something? I haven't seen you around here before.. hehe you really scared me." Jay laughed, all ease washed away as Jay concluded that it was simply just a normal kid. A normal kid with some abnormal ears. The creature full on grinned at Jay, revealing its large sharp teeth. At this Jay screamed, quickly standing up and running. Jay didn't stop running until he reached his house. He turned around to look back at the creature and saw it turn away and swim, a large orange fishlike tail flicking up out of the water as it swam.

"Fish?" Jay muttered to himself, confused and terrified.

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