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"He hates me."

"No he doesn't." Kai responded from the other side of my bedroom at me. I look at him with annoyance, not believing him.

"Cole, he's just upset." Kai continued. It's not true, Jay hates me. It's pretty apparent. I took his girlfriend, I deserve his hate.

"I didn't mean for this to happen. I didn't know.." I muttered, looking down at the ground.

"You didn't know what?" Kai asked.

"That he liked Nya that much." I looked up at him, my words sounding stupid to even myself.

"Are you blind?! Of course he does." Kai retorts.

"Yeah.." I guess I just blocked out what I didn't want to see.

"Do you love Nya?" Kai blurted out suddenly, a serious expression on his face.

"I.." no ones asked me that. Everyone just started assuming that the two of us shared the same feelings. Jay assumed. Nya assumed.

I guess that lead me to assume.

"No.. I don't."

"You don't?! Wha- then why is all this going on!" Kai stood up, his voice raising.

"Tell Nya that. Tell Jay!" Kai continued, still shouting.

"I can't. They won't believe me." I sighed.

"You haven't tried!"

".." maybe I didn't tell them because I didn't think it was a big deal.

Or maybe that with Jay and I fighting I've gotten more attention from him then I ever had.

And maybe the name calling and constant competitions feel better then watching Jay simply be with Nya.

Maybe when Nya said 'I deserve more' more recognition, more love..

Maybe I didn't believe her. 

Maybe I don't deserve him.

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