Pretend boyfriend (pt 1)

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"Cole!" Jay yelled, barreling into the black ninjas room.

"How'd you get in here? I locked the-" Cole started with a confused look.

"I need your help!" Jay interrupted.


"Be my boyfriend." Jay said plainly.

Cole paused for a moment, looking at jays desperate face before shrugging. "Ok. Any reason?" He asked, as if the proposal was a normal occurrence.

"I need you to pretend to be my boyfriend tonight for my parents. Ever since I came out they've been asking when I'll get a boyfriend."

Cole rolled his eyes. "Jay-"

"I know, shush. Please, if you're my friend you'll do it."

"Seems something someone more then a friend would do." Cole teased.

Jay gave him a pleading look.

"fine." Cole sighed.

Jay smiled, fist bumping the air. "Yes! Thank you! Be at my house at 5!" He said happily, running out of Coles room.

"Geez." Cole sighed to himself. Now he had to find something nice to wear.


At a few minutes after 5 Cole arrived at Jays house, wearing a black dress shirt, black dress pants and a blue tie. He held a small bouquet of flowers in his hand as he rang Jays doorbell.  Jay soon answered it and looked Cole up and down.

"You look straight." Jay stated.

"What'd you want me to do? Tie a rainbow flag around my neck?" Cole laughed in confusion.

"That's not what I meant- it's just.. Im scared this won't work." Jay sighed.

Jay rambled, starting to panic. "What if they know you're straight? Do people have like a straight sense where they can sense who's-"

"I never told you I was straight." Cole interrupted him, with an unreadable expression.


Just then Jays mother came to the door. "Oh you're here!" She smiled.

"Hey Mrs Walker." Cole greeted her, handing her the flowers.

Edna set down the flowers and hugged Cole. "I'm just so happy Jay is dating you!"

"You too were always so close it seemed to only be a matter of time." Jays father was now at the door with a teasing smile.

"You could say it's like nothing changed." Cole grinned at Jay. Jay glared at him before grabbing his mother and Coles hands, pulling them into the house.


Soon enough the group was sitting down at the table for dinner.
"So how did you two start dating?" Edna asked.

"Oh uh well.. you see.. it.." Jay stuttered, trying to think up a lie. While Jay utterly failed Cole took this moment as an opportunity to introduce his lie.

"It's a funny story actually. Jay was being annoying like always, and on that day he decided to target me with annoyance." Cole explained.

"So he was bugging me about who I had a crush on and he finally broke me so I told him it was him I had the crush on." Cole ended his story.

"Yes. I got you to date me through my annoyance. Great." Jay said sarcastically.

"Am I wrong?"

"No of course not!" Jay denied.

"Aww.." Cole chuckled, poking Jays cheeks as he pouted.

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