Chapter 18 | To Hell with the Bet

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Saturday, January 4

"That was incredibly dangerous to do. I'm not helping if you get caught."

"Oh, shut it. I'm not about to get caught. The whole thing's over with, I'm just sad it didn't last longer for him." She rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"They seem well, the two of them. Makes me sick to my stomach," the other girl commented.

"I still can't believe what that rat's mother did," the first girl said, her nose wrinkling in disgust.

The other girl smiled, not warmly. "Even though what you did was stupid, I enjoyed seeing how worried she was."

"Hey, girls, wanna go outside for a little dip?" A guy asked, his eyes narrowed and sparkling with a weird lustful delight.

"One second, baby. We're gossiping."

"Right on, lovely ladies. Gossip away."

The first girl rolled her eyes. "I'm gonna go take a bath. You two have fun, but don't let anyone catch ya."

The second girl smirked and looked her over. "You're a real bitch, just so you know. I love it."

The first girl gave her an equally cruel glance and quickly hugged her. "Laters."


Monday, January 6

"Hey, (Y/N)," George said, walking up to her. You both walked to your next class.

"Howdy. Is Fred coming?"

He smirked and you felt embarrassed for a second. "Your lovely boyfriend had to stay behind in class. Didn't you see? McGonagall caught his airplane."

You felt even more heated. "He isn't my boyfriend, you scamp," you corrected. "And no, I didn't see. Must've been distracted."

He shrugged. "Maybe. Well, Fred will be back in a few." He went to his seat.  You went to yours, and waited for Fred to come in a few minutes later, smirking.

As he passed your seat, he gave you a small wink. Angelina saw from beside you. She raised an eyebrow.

"Sly one, isn't he." You fiddled with your necklace, a new habit of yours.

She smiled. "He's awful cute, you gotta admit."

You blushed and your mouth opened slightly, but you shook your head "no."

~ ~ ~ ~
You ate a small lunch quickly and went off to the common room to study with Hector the bird-pen. You had a small quiz in Professor Snape's class in the afternoon and you wanted to be prepared.

You didn't realize Fred was behind you several minutes later, until he decided to scream in your ear.

As an instinct, you flew up from the chair and threw the Potions handbook at him. Hector snooted angrily and flew away.

"Aw, shit!"

"Fred Weasley!" You exclaimed.

He grabbed his chest dramatically and gasped. "You've punctured me! I'll never live another day!" He fell on the chair.

You started tickling him. He screeched and rolled off onto the floor. You bent down with him and laughed at his "pain."

He grabbed your wrists and flipped you onto the floor.

First Love, Last Love (Fred Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now