"Hey, we should bring Cataleya and Cami." Chase suggested to Logan, who was such a tempting sight to look at.

"Uh, Cami can go I'll just stay here and study." I pressed.

I really didn't wanna go to a club accompanied by Logan. Also to make things worse, I'd be riding in his car.

"Yeah let her do that Chase." Lola pressed.

"I have room for one more, no worries." Logan winked at me.

A chill suddenly wiggled down my spine. His eyes though. 🤤🤤.

"Cami can go." I said trying to attempt to avoid his invite.

"Chase told me you're his best friend and in all honesty, I apologize for the other day." Logan said as he kept his eyes locked onto me.

I stood there speechless as the hottie stood there waiting for my reply. My mouth started to turn rather dry and before I could speak, I was interrupted.

"Wow Logan, that's the first I ever heard you apologize to a girl. In fact, it's the first I heard you apologize about anything. You always seem to think you're Mr. Right." Michael said chuckling.

"Because I'm actually sorry. You're one of Chase's best friends. He said you guys are practically family since he knew you his whole life. Anyone who is family of Chase, is basically family to me."

Family. Is that what I meant to him right now? Just family? I guess that's better than nothing.

"Perfect, so...I'll just go get Cami and tell her we're going out tonight. What time?"

"All of you, meet me outside on my signal."

"What's your signal Logan?"

"I don't have one yet."

"How about we just come up with a time." Michael suggested.

"10:00 p.m."

"Won't the Dean catch us?" Zoey asked.

"Um no. Even the Dean has a bedtime."

"How do you know if he goes to bed and what about the dorm advisors?"

"Well our dorm advisor just went through another harsh breakup with her abusive on and off boyfriend, so she doesn't give a shit." Zoey told me.

"Yeah, and our dorm advisor always falls asleep after 9:30 so we're off the hook." Logan said looking in my direction yet again.

"This oughta be fun." Lola said glaring at me.

I couldn't take the pressure she was throwing at me anymore, so I started to bellow,

"Alright, I've had enough of this. I'm sorry that you have a problem with me just cuz I stated my opinion-"

"A demeaning, insulting opinion." Lola interrupted.

"Whatever. Point is, it was my opinion, I realized I was rude and shouldn't have said it so I went to apologize to her. And you should at least be thankful I went and did that. I actually don't think Quinn is such a bad person."

"Where is Quinn anyway? Is she coming with us?" Michael asked.

"I asked her, she said she had something to do tonight and that she's not much of a partier."

"Anyone who says they ain't much of a partier, is a total liar." Michael said as he twiddled his thumbs.

"One of you are gonna have to sit on one's lap." Logan said smirking.

All I Ever Wanted 🖤🖤 Logan Reese Where stories live. Discover now