"They've been taken care of while you were fainted." Amai said to me and I smiled. "That's a relief." I said and they nodded. I walked out with them as Ayano and Ayato hugged me. "Are you okay?" I nodded and hugged them back as Taro and Taeko quickly hugged Osana and Hanako. "You're both okay... thank god..." They said and the two nodded and hugged back as Megami and the Student Council spoke to them.

"Alright everyone, the school is now safe. But please, go home." She said and everyone nodded before leaving.

Class- After the reset

I was in the detective personality and waiting at Corporate Company. I knew that the boss set up a field trip for the kids there to come and see the last five floors of the company as I was going to show them around.

Megami's POV

"Alright students. Today is different, we've been offered a tour of Corporate Company. We will need to take the private bus waiting outside but you can't say anything about it to anyone outside of this school. They like to keep their place private from others and we were offered a tour of the last five floors. Someone named Alice will show us around there.

We nodded and went to the private five story bus waiting outside. The seats were ten across from ten so we could talk to each other. I sat with the girls, Damien, Janise, Ayano, Ayato, Budo, Taeko and Taro. "Alright students and teachers. If you don't stay silent and I need to warn you multiple times, I will not hesitate to drop you off at the side of the road." "No you won't. You're being paid to get every student. If one is gone, you won't get paid as you agreed. You claimed it wouldn't be that hard. That being said, if you are too loud and need to be warned, you will be injured in some way. Bullet wound, knife wound or broken bone." There was silence and the voice spoke again.

"Don't worry. You won't die as the wound will be treated immediately by our doctors nearby. If you don't mind, I'll be getting off this bus." The doors opened and closed quickly as the bus started driving.

When we arrived at the company as the bus never got super loud in fear of the pain that would ensue. "This will be interesting." "Agreed." "Ayato, how surprised do you think everyone will be when they see (Y/n) there to give us the tour?" "Certainly very surprised. It'll be funny to see." We heard Ayano and Ayato chuckle at the idea as the bus parked. "Alice is outside the door." The bus driver said and released us by floors.

Our brothers and the popular girls walked out first and we were next. We walked out and the driver had his face completely covered. (Y/n) was facing the building and her pose was very formal. Like Kuroko when patrolling the halls, she had her hands behind her back and clenched in a fist. When everyone was off the bus, she spoke.

"Good. Everyone is accounted for. Stay still, I will be choosing a random person to do this too. Don't worry, if you stay still, you won't be harmed." We did as told and she suddenly got out a knife. She twirled it for a while before suddenly appearing at Megamo, holding the knife at his neck. He was still and staring down at her.

"Good. Now then, I will be your tour guide of the company's last five floors." She said and we all nodded as Pipi spoke. "(Y/n)?" "Ah yes, I should've figured I'd need to explain it. While I am (Y/n) in a way, I'm not her currently. The innocent little angel you all know as (Y/n) currently isn't in control. She has split personalities but doesn't know about me. Don't try to talk to her about it. Know me as Alice." She said and turned. "Now then, if you would all follow me, teachers in the back to make sure no one will try anything." She said and we walked.

Reader POV

The girls were in the front beside me and Shiromi spoke. "You really do like terrifying them, don't you?" I scanned my eye and badge. "Now what do you mean? I simply like making sure people can pass a few tests. Now then everybody, there are elementary school kids to toddlers here but know that their parents have given full consent to let their child work here." I said while walking by a room where a mother was teaching her 5 year olds knife safety. She held their knifes and looked up. "Ah, Alice. Giving kids a tour?" "Of course I am. How are they doing?" "Good. Would you like to see?" "Yes please. Everyone, watch." The babies were given their knives and told to say one thing after the other about knife safety. "Very good. And if someone is attacking you with a knife?" "Put them in pain so they can't hurt me or my sissy anymore." The older sister said and I nodded.

Heartfelt Love (Male Rivals x Reader) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu