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"I love days like this," Tristan whispered as he ran his hands through Jasper's hair

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"I love days like this," Tristan whispered as he ran his hands through Jasper's hair. The sun shining in through the window felt warm on the Taylor boy's skin, his head resting on Jasper's chest as he looked up at the Hale. "I love waking up next to you," he continued on. "And I love being myself, and I love being in love with you." Somewhere in the house Tristan was sure that someone was listening in, but he didn't care. Because in these moments when he was alone with Jasper he had never felt more bliss.

Jasper smiled down at the brunet, pulling him up for a kiss. A soft smile was on the Hale's face, looking at Tristan with soft eyes as he ran a hand over the human's cheek.

"I love you too," the two shared soft smiles. It was a normal occurrence for the couple to be locked away in their room in the mornings when they didn't have school. Coming out closer to the evening with smiles still set on their faces.

Alice and Thomas were a little different.

Waking up to the girl's quiet laugh was something Tom always looked forward to. Without opening his eyes the Taylor boy pulled her close, resting his head on the back of her shoulder.

"What are you laughing about this early?" He mumbled sleepily.

"I'm just happy," she replied turning over to face him. Tommy opened his eyes slowly, a wide smile on his face. He leaned forward, kissing their girl on her nose and then her forehead. "Happy to be with you," Thomas playfully groaned.

"It's so sweet it's gross," Alice rolled her eyes at her boyfriend, shaking her head as well.

"You're lucky you can't hear Tristan and Jasper in the mornings." Alice giggled as she stood to her dressed for the day.

"Tristan and I never thought we'd find love," the boy told her as she hummed in question. "It just never seemed like an option for us. We both dated people back home but, it never really felt right. Like we were waiting on something we'd never get."

"And what do you think now?" Alice rose an eyebrow at the boy with one of her sweet smiles.

If Thomas Taylor could only do one thing for the rest of his life he would want it to be making Alice Cullen smile.

"I think you're the love of my life."

"I think you're mine too Thomas."

"What would you do if you had forever?" Jasper asked in a whisper, running his hand up and down Tristan's arm as the boy pulled on his jeans.

"Spend it beside you."

"No," Jasper shook his head as he laughed. "Seriously, what would you do?"

"I mean it," Tristan whispered as he turned to face the blond. "Since I met you everything has been so much better. I learned how to be happy," a laugh escaped the boy. "I didn't think I was ever going to be happy." Tristan took Jasper's hands in his own, looking up to the blond. "Are you happy?"

"Of course I'm happy," Jasper pulled his hand away to rest it on the boy's face.

"Then why are you looking at me like I broke your heart?" Tristan scoffed lightly, forcing Jasper to meet his eyes. "Baby, I don't ever want to hurt you."

"But you are," the blond shook his head. "Every single day you are with me I am in pain, because I know in a few years you're going to be dead and gone. And you won't wake up beside me and I will be all alone." If the Hale boy could cry he would've been in tears.

And god, Tristan Taylor would rather take a bullet than ever seen that frown on
Jasper Hale's face ever again in his life.

The Taylor boy didn't know what to say, staring at Jasper with wide eyes that were brimming with tears.

"Please don't cry," Jasper whispered softly. "I'd rather die then be the reason you're crying." The blond rested both of his hands on Tristan's face.

"Hey," both boys turned to the door to see Rosalie. The girl gave a sort of sad smile as she looked to Tristan. "Let's take a walk Tris." She nodded, the Taylor boy doing the same as he followed her.

"I didn't mean to listen in," Rosalie hooked her arm through Tristan's as she led him outside.

"That's all right," he wiped the tears from his eyes as they sat down on the steps to the front door.

"I know you might feel like Jasper wants you to change your decision," she shook her head softly. "He doesn't. He just wants you to be happy."

"I know that. I just hate hurting people, Rose. I hate it so much," sobs wracked the boy's body as he rested a hand on his eyes.

"People die, that's what you're supposed to do. It will hurt for a while when you're gone, but it's part of life." Rosalie told the boy softly as she tried to calm him down. "Tristan, this is your choice. It is what you want, and nobody can be mad at you for it."

"Then why do I feel so guilty?" Rosalie's heart broke as she watched the boy break down. "If I love him I should want to live forever too, shouldn't I?"

"Just because you love someone doesn't mean  you have to change for them. Jasper knows that, but that doesn't mean he won't be upset." Tristan gave a soft nod as the girl spoke, wiping his tears away. "It's okay that you don't want to live forever."

"Thank you," Tristan whispered as he pulled the girl in for a hug. "Thank you, Rose."

"Of course," the girl pulled back with a smile. "We're family now after all, aren't we?"

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