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Thomas Taylor's feeling of nausea was the first thing he felt as soon as he woke up

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Thomas Taylor's feeling of nausea was the first thing he felt as soon as he woke up. Running to the bathroom and hunching over the toilet as the food from the day before left his body.

Wiping the back of his mouth as he grabbed his toothbrush he took a shaky breath.

"Are you okay?" Alice's soft voice called to him as she leaned in the doorway of their bathroom. Thomas nodded as he stared down at the sink, spitting out the toothpaste and putting the toothbrush back on the counter. "Hey, what's wrong?" Alice placed her hands on the boy's face as she ran her thumbs over his cheeks.

"I know." The two simple words created a new tension between the two. Tommy's bloodshot eyes staring into Alice's as her jaw dropped.

But she quickly covered it with a smile, holding out her hand to Thomas.

"Come with me?" Tom looked between her and her hand, swallowing harshly as he took it. He held onto Alice's hand like it was the last time as she led him outside.

The Cullen girl pulled him into the backyard, out of reach from her siblings prying ears.

"You're leaving," Thomas broke out in tears faster than he thought. Alice's heart broke as she watched him look to the ground, scared to meet her eyes.

"Hey," she whispered. Stepping closer to him and making him meet her eyes. "You know why." Thomas nodded despite himself, shaking with quiet sobs.

"Please don't leave me, Alice."

"You know I don't want to," the girl frowned as she rested her hands on Tom's shoulders. "You know-" She stopped taking a deep breath.

"Where are we going to stay?" Thomas whispered as he wiped the tears from his cheeks, but more kept coming.

"Chief Swan is going to take care of you guys." That only made Thomas cry harder, the fact that this was all real breaking his heart into pieces.

"Please," the boy sobbed once again.

Alice didn't say another word, she just kissed his forehead.

"Come on," she whispered as she took his hand. Alice pulled him to the car, glancing to him as he banged his fist against the dashboard.

Thomas looked out the window the whole drive, Alice pretending not to hear the cries leaving him. She couldn't help but wince as she heard him gasp for breath, her heart breaking.

As the car came to a stop in front of the house Alice took a shaky breath.

"Rosalie and Carlisle brought your stuff over," She gave a sad smile.

Thomas leaned over the console, bringing her into a long kiss.

"I love you Alice Cullen."

"I know." She grabbed his hand with a smile, slipping something into his palm. "Look out for your brother Tommy."

When Tristan Taylor woke up it was far too hot. Kicking off the sheets as he felt sweat on his forehead, he quickly noticed Jasper wasn't in the bed beside him.

"I need to talk to you." Tristan's head snapped up to see Jasper standing at the foot of the bed. "Come on." The human threw on a shirt as he followed Jasper out of the house.

"Hey." Rosalie stopped the boy at the front door, wrapping him in a tight hug.

"Okay," Tristan mumbled in confusion watching as the girl hurried inside. "What's going on?" Tristan asked softly as Jasper led him to the woods behind the house, wanting privacy. 

"We're moving away," Jasper took a deep breath. "You and Thomas aren't coming."

"What? Why?" Tristan's voice cracked. "This isn't funny."

"I'm not being funny." Jasper raised just voice, causing the Taylor boy to flinch.

"N-No," Tristan let out a bitter chuckle as tears came to his eyes. "You're going to leave me alone in this bullshit town, w-where it never stops raining?" He let out a laugh through his tears, shaking his head. "No."

"Yeah, that's the plan."

"What the hell Jasper?" The boy's yell was almost defaming, his anger mixing with his sadness. "You're lying," Tristan shook his head as he sobbed.

"I'm not lying, you and Thomas are staying with Bella," Jasper crossed his arms coldly as he yelled. "I was never in love with you, now now go away."

Tristan felt as if his knees could buckle from underneath him and send him crashing into the ground, but he figured that would be better than what was going on right now.

"Stop yelling-"

"Stop crying!" Jasper fired back, Tristan jumping as his hands flew to his ears. Their whole relationship had been soft whispers and easy tones, and now here the blond was yelling at the human.

"I can't do this without you," Tristan cried impossibly harder.

"Stop crying," Jasper shouted once again as he stepped closer to Tristan.

"Please don't yell at me," the brunet whispered as he struggled for breath.

"We're leaving," Jasper took a step back from Tristan. "I don't love you, and I'm leaving to get away from you."

"Liar," Tristan glared as he shook his head. "You have never lied to me, so why now? You're leaving Bella's dad alone with three heartbroken kids Jasper, what the hell?" Tristan took a shaky breath as he sniffled.

His cheeks were red and his eyes were bloodshot, it was a sight Jasper had yet to see. Tristan's chest rising and falling rapidly as he bit the inside of his cheek.

"I hate you," the words made the Hale boy go rigid. "I hate you Jasper Hale." Tristan slowly backed away from the blond. "I have never hated anyone, the way I hate you." An angry laugh escaped Tristan as he stood on the edge of the woods, looking back to Jasper.

"Don't come back."

With that Tristan left Jasper Hale, not giving him a second glance.

The Taylor brothers both felt like their hearts had been ripped out, their eyes swollen from crying.

"I didn't get to say bye," Tristan mumbled as he sat beside his brother. "I didn't get to say bye to m-" He cleared his throat. "Esme and Carlisle."

"Me either."

The two boys had been crying all day, tears staining Tommy's bed sheets. As the two stared at the ceiling a sickening kind of emptiness filled them. But Thomas knew Tristan had it worse. Glancing to his brother as his eyelids became heavy. 

"I hate him."

"I know Tristan."

And with that the Taylor boys drifted to sleep.

Neither of them knowing what they were supposed to do once they woke up.

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