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Jasper watched quietly as Tristan slept, softly running a hand through his curls

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Jasper watched quietly as Tristan slept, softly running a hand through his curls. It was a common occurrence for the boy to fall asleep while waiting for the others to get ready for school.

"You're kinda creepy," Thomas teased standing in the doorway with Alice. The two had smiles on their faces as Jasper playfully glared at them.

"You'll wake him if you aren't careful."

"Good." Tom grinned walking over to his brother and slapping him on the back of the neck. "Your boyfriend has been babying you." Tommy chuckled as Tristan glared at him, rubbing his neck.

"Really, Tom?" Jasper shook his head at the boy as he pulled Tristan into his arms. Tristan smiled softly as the blond kissed him on the cheek, taking his hand.

Thomas smiled at the sight, wrapping his arms around Alice. "He's been smiling ever since he met Jasper." Thomas whispered to the brunette, meeting Jasper's eyes as the vampire smiled. "You make him so happy." Thomas whispered, knowing Jasper could hear. "And you make me happy too dove." Tommy whispered as he kissed Alice's forehead.

"Have either of you spoken to Edward? He got home last night." Alice asked as she rested her hands on top of Tom's.

Tristan rolled his eyes at that as he tried to leave the room, only for Jasper to pull the boy back down in his lap.

"You can't be upset forever," Jasper chuckled as he kissed the boy's neck.

"I'm expecting an apology."

"I'm sorry." The four turned to see Edward in the doorway, grinning beside Alice. Tristan gave a glare, standing and playfully shoving the boy.

"I hate you."

"Well I'm your best friend, so that's to be expected," Tristan rolled his eyes as the bronze chuckled once again.

"Can we please go to school?" Rosalie shook the keys in her hand as she looked to them with a slight smile. "It's snowing." The blonde shared a smile with Tristan, both of them having a fondness for the snow.

"Let's go," Tristan smiled as he pulled jasper along by his hand. Thomas smiled at the sight of the two, taking Alice's hand as they followed along.

Thomas knew how much Jasper had changed Tristan, Edward and Alice knew it too. He was laughing more, smiling even. Jasper could even tell that his emotions had become more positive since the first day he moved to Forks.

"What are you thinking about?" Alice whispered to Thomas with a smile. Despite being in the car alone, the other four riding with each other, her voice was always soft when she spoke to him.

"Thinking about forever with you my love," Tommy smiled as he glanced to the girl. One hand on the steering wheel as the other brought the back of her hand to his lips. "I can't wait to be like you. Be part of your life."

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