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Thomas smiled warmly as he fixed Edward's bow tie, Emmett smacking the boy on the back with a boyish grin

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Thomas smiled warmly as he fixed Edward's bow tie, Emmett smacking the boy on the back with a boyish grin. Tristan smiled along with the others, hands in Jasper's pockets as the vampires all smile.

"You ready, Eddie?" Tristan smiled at his friend, Edward giving a beaming smile.

Thomas and Emmett muttered wishes of luck to Edward, Jasper wrapping his arm around Tristan's and softly pulling the boy out of the room.

"I hate weddings," Tristan smiled as he looked around, noticing Jasper's questioning look. "How dare someone feel what I feel? A burning desire to be tied to the love of their life forever."

Jasper rolled his eyes, kissing the crown of the boy's head as they moved toward their seats.

"So, do you think Bella's going to be showing?"

Tristan grimaced are the familiar voice behind him.

"Jess, she's not pregnant," Angela replied to the girl calmly.

"Okay. Who else gets married at eighteen?"

"I'm sure it's something you would never understand, Jessica," Tristan glared over his shoulder at the girl. "But sometimes when two people are in love they get married. If you have anymore bitter comments to make you can get the hell out." The worse fell swiftly from Tristan's lips, the angelic tone as soft as ever. "You look great, Angela."

"Thanks," the girl smiled, holding back a laugh at Jessica's appalled face.

Everyone stood as Bella walked down the aisle, Embry's hand squeezing Tommy's shoulder.

The two boys were smiling as she moved toward Edward, Jasper and Tristan sharing matching expressions.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here on this glorious day to witness the union of Edward Cullen and Bella Swan."

"Blah, blah, blah," Tristan whispered to Jasper.

"Don't be a dick," the blond playfully scolded.

"Please, repeat after me. I, Edward Cullen."

"I, Edward Cullen."

Tristan let the words fade away as he stared up at Jasper, a smile on his lips. His head ran through it a million times, and there were a million different reasons not to kiss Jasper Hale. They were in public, at a wedding, and everyone was listening attentively to the ceremony.

But, damn, he was so in love with Jasper Hale and all he wanted to do was kiss him. So he did.

"What was that for?" Jasper smiled down at him.

"Find me after the reception."

"Tristan, speech!" Edward shouted over the others, everyone cheering and clapping at his words.

Tristan playfully rolled his eyes as he pulled from Jasper's grasp, stopping to kiss both Bella and Edward on the cheek as he moved toward the stage.

"I met Edward before I met Bella so that seems like a good place to start. Ed was always brooding, like he was waiting for something more, and I think he finally got that when Bella came to town."

Tristan waited for the quiet awe to subside, smiling across the room at Jasper as he held his glass toward the blond.

"Bella and I didn't get along at first, but I am so incredibly happy that I got to see her marry the love of her life today. To Bella and Edward."

Everyone raised their glass in turn, Tristan smiling as Thomas joined him on the stage.

"Jumping in after my brother, I'm sure we can all attest that Edward is at his happiest with Bella. And that they would wait an eternity for each other."

Everyone clapped and raised their glasses once more, Tristan and Thomas playfully wrestling each other off of the stage, quiet laughter spilling from their lips.

Tommy caught Embry watching him with a warm smile, breaking away from his brother and moving toward the Call boy.

"Like the wedding?"

"Yeah." Embry smiled, resting a hand on the side of Tom's face, taking in his features. "I like you in a suit."

"Yeah?" Tommy laughed as he straightened Embry's tie. "I like you too."

Neither boys paid much attention to Alice's warm gaze on them, a soft smile on her face as she watched the boy she loved fall in love with someone else.

"Finally going to kill me?" Jasper asked, a loud laugh coming from Tristan as he pulled the Hale deeper into the woods.

"Just a little further."

Jasper could hear a heartbeat nearby, raising a questioning eyebrow at Tristan. The Taylor pull Jasper past a couple of trees, smiling warmly when their destination came into sight.

There were fairy lights hanging from the trees, Rosalie and Thomas standing with Carlisle and Esme as Tristan pulled Jasper toward them.

Between the four vampires stood the officiate who had done Bella and Edward's wedding, giving a soft smile to the couple as they approached.

"What's this?" Jasper asked in a whisper, not being able to stop the smile as Tristan pulled him to stand in front of him.

"Do you, Tristan Taylor, promise to love Jasper Hale, for better for worse, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poor, as long as you both shall live?"

"I do." Tristan's words fell delicately off his lips, barely filling the silence as he beamed at Jasper. "I do."

"And do you, Jasper Hale, promise to love Tristan Taylor, for better for worse, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poor, as long as you both shall live?"

"I do. I really, really do."

"I now pronounce you Mr and Mr. Hale." The officiate gave a kind nod to Carlisle, and the couple.

Tristan gave a breathy laugh, Jasper lunging forward and pressing his lips to the Taylor's.

No, not the Taylor's. The Hale's. His husband, Tristan Hale.

"I love you to the ends of the Earth," Tristan muttered. "My beautiful husband."

"I love you, Tristan Hale."

The two smiled at one and other, Tristan laughing wildly as Thomas jumped onto his back, cheering as though he were watching a game on TV with Emmett.

Rosalie smiled warmly at Jasper, pulling him into a hug.

"You waited so long," she giggled in a quiet whisper. "How're you feeling?" Jasper merely beamed in response, kissing the girl on the temple.

Carlisle and Esme watched the four, Tristan's eyes finding his. The Cullen nodded, mumbling a quiet, 'congratulations, son.'

And in that moment, all the suffering the Taylor boys had experienced seemed worth it.

Tristan spared another glance at a smiling Jasper.

Yes, very worth it.

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