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"Do you want to tell me where the hell you are?" Tristan laughed at his brother's angry voice

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"Do you want to tell me where the hell you are?" Tristan laughed at his brother's angry voice.

"I'm in LA Push."

"Why are you in LA Push?" Thomas was practically radiating anger, Tristan could see it now. His brother with his hands pressed to his temple as he gave himself even more wrinkles between his eyes.

"They have a beach."

"A beach? Mom is going to kill you if she finds out you skipped. You're going to get killed over a beach."

"I'll be back after lunch. Bye Thomas." Tristan laughed, shaking his head as he shoved his phone into his pocket. He had never seen the beach, it was a nice feeling to hear the waves in the distance. The Taylor boy quickly began to detest sand, the wind blowing it in his eyes occasionally as he watched the water.

"Take a picture," a boy in cut off shorts with short dark hair smiled at the boy. "It will last longer." Tristan offered a small laugh, his usual cold glare melting away.

"I've never seen a beach."

"Never?" Tristan shook his head. "Well then you should really take a picture. Have you been locked in a basement all your life?"

"New York, so yes basically." The two laughed, the stranger holding out his hand to the boy.

"I'm Paul."

"Tristan." The Taylor boy didn't miss the way Paul's eyes looked him over, a small blush creeping on his cheeks.

"You live in Forks?"

"Sadly, no one over there looks like you." Paul rose an eyebrow at Tristan, a small grin on his lips. "Tan I mean, everybody there looks like they've never seen the sun." Tristan cleared his throat softly as a small laugh escaped him.

"Are you doing anything else today?" The LA Push boy ran his tongue over his lips, looking down at Tristan. The Taylor boy rose an eyebrow, looking Paul over as well as he gave a small shake of his head.

Paul stuck his hand out with a grin, Tristan taking it without a second thought.

"Is it really that big of a deal?" Rosalie rose an eyebrow at Thomas, the boy was basically bouncing in his seat.

"Tristan doesn't-" another huff escaped the boy as he shook his head. "Our mother hasn't been the same since we moved, I had to convince her to let Tristan go to school. She blamed him for what happened." The Taylor gave a look to Jasper, knowing he was the only sibling who knew what happened.

"It wasn't his fault," Jasper furrowed his eyebrows at Tommy.

"Our mother thinks otherwise."

"That's not very fair of her," Edward mumbled stiffly. Thomas merely leaned back in his chair, rubbing his temples. He was worried about his brother, worried about what would happen if their mother found out.

"Hey." Alice pushed back the boy's hair, resting a hand on his cheek. "It will be okay." Thomas nodded, although the girl's smile didn't seem all that genuine. The Cullen girl linked her fingers with Tommy's, a small smile appearing on the boy's face.

"Gosh, get a room already." Emmett grunted as Rosalie sent an elbow into his arm, a slight laugh escaping her and Edward. However the laughing stopped as none other than Tristan Taylor stumbling over to their table with a smile.

"He's smiling. Why is he smiling?" Rosalie's eyes were wide as she looked to Tommy in question.

"You're kidding." Thomas huffed, clearly knowing something the others did not. He quickly stood from the table, meeting his brother halfway. "Are you kidding me? On a beach? Is that a hickey?" Thomas pushed his brother's head to the side, looking over the dark bruises all over the boy's neck.

"Relax," Tristan chuckled. "I told you I'd be back after lunch." Thomas opened his mouth to scold the boy once again when the bell rang throughout the school.

"Let's go," Alice smiled as she grabbed Tommy's hand.

"Can I walk you to class?" Tristan rose his eyebrows as Jasper gave him a small smile.

"Sure," the Taylor boy smiled as well. He and Jasper walked shoulder to shoulder as they made their way to History. "You're not going to interrogate me?"

"I'm not your brother," Jasper's eyes flickered to Tristan's neck as a slight smirk crossed his lips. "Plus, I could do better." Tristan coughed momentarily as he felt a blush creeping up his neck.


"She's going to kill you." Tommy sighed as he put the car in park. Tristan merely shrugged, his eyes trained on the ground.

"I just needed a day."

"I know Tris, I just don't want her to hurt you." The eldest Taylor rested a hand on his brother's shoulder. "Just watch out when we go in there okay?" Tristan nodded softly as he and Tommy made their way to the door.

However before either could get a chance to speak their mother had wrenched back her arm and sent a wine bottle right into Tristan's face.

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