Cute mess - Aziraphale

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Life was hectic. You barely stayed on top of studying, working and looking after yourself. On top of that you tried to keep up a social life, also.

Aziraphale, an angel who was hopelessly in love with you and never told you, worried over you.

In the morning you would rush past the shop trying to make it to your next class. You would a book full of arms and a coffee in the other. You never slowed down long enough have a proper breakfast.

By afternoon you would be doing a shift at your job. You would always be rushing about and sometimes would even cover shifts for your colleagues. You just told Aziraphale it was because you could use the money.

He had offered to let you work in the shop. He would pay you nicely and it would be a lot more slow paced to your current job.

In the evenings you would make something quick to eat, study hard and then sleep. Your day would just repeat over and over.

Aziraphale was concerned about your health. He cared too much for you to just let you carry on like this.

One day, when you came to visit him in his shop for a little bit, he brought up his concerns.

"Y/N?" He called out softly.

You were studying in the corner of his shop. You had told him that the atmosphere of the shop helped you relax while you worked.

"Yes?" You didn't look up from your school book.

"Why don't you take a break?"

"I have a test tomorrow, the more last minute revision I do, the better. It will be fresh for tomorrow." You told him.

You hadn't had much time to study this week between collage/university and work.

"I think you should pace yourself. This isn't very good for your health. You look tired and hungry... When was the last time you ate?" He asked, concern written all over his face.

"Just now."

"I don't think cereal bars count." He said rather stern. He looked a bit upset.

You lowered your pen and gazed at him softly.

"Do you have anything here I can eat? I'll take a short break if it makes you happy." You sighed.

"Y/N..." He came over and sat in front of you. "Please listen to me, you're not doing yourself any favours. You need to slow down and take more care of yourself." He looked like a sad puppy.


"You need to work less, even out your studying and eat something proper. I care about you and I don't want to see you waste away like this."

You swallowed nervously. You were aware of what you were doing with yourself. You ran a hand through your hair and sat back.

"I'm a mess."

Aziraphale placed a hand on top of yours.

"No you're not. You're perfect!"

You felt some warmth come to your cheeks as you gazed at the angel.

"You're so sweet, worrying over me."

"I worry because I care... so very much." He spoke in a slight scolding manner. He was lightly telling you off for making him feel such a way.

"Aziraphale, I'm sorry. I promise, I'll take better care of myself." You gave him a smile.

"I'll hold you to that."

You raised your hand and crossed your heart. Aziraphale smiled at you and stood up.

"I'll make you something proper to eat. Take a rest from studying and I'll help you later."

"You're the best."

"I don't now about that." He turned away and went to make you something good to eat. He felt very flattered that you thought so highly of him.

When he returned you were browsing through on of his books. You looked much more content and relaxed. He put down a warm meal on the table and sat down with you.

"This looks amazing!" You looked at the fresh meal. You couldn't quite remember the last time you eaten something that looked as good as this.

You always chose the quick options.

"I did my best, now eat up while I take a look at what you're studying." He pi led up the book you had been working from and let you tuck into your dinner.

You ate it all.

It made Aziraphale very happy to know you enjoyed the food he made for you. He didn't get a chance to cook for others often.

"That was so good, thank you so much." You beamed up at the angel after you had finished.

"You're most welcome. Now, are you ready to get back to studying?" He held up the book he had borrowed from you.

You gave an eager nod and let the angel take the lead in your little study session.

Aziraphale made a promise to himself that he would keep a better eye on you. If he had to make you meals, then so be it.

Aziraphale made sure you left his shop at a good time, allowing you get plenty of sleep before your test. He wanted you to feel your best. He also made you promise him you would have a proper breakfast.

The next day you passed your test with flying colours. You had gone to the shop to celebrate your success with the angel.

Aziraphale was so very proud of you.

You asked him if he would help you study for tests in the future.

"I would be honoured to tutor you." He said with a bright smile. You had been so excited when he accepted.

"You truly are the best!"

He hoped you would come to him should you need help, maybe then he will admit to how he truly feels for you.

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