Date night - Azirapahle

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Aziraphale hadn't been on many dates in his long lifetime, but even compared to all the events he witnessed, this was the most exciting to him.

He had it all planned out. His outfit, a rose, dinner and a walk under the moonlight. Aziraphale didn't have much experience with dates, but deep down there was a hopeless romantic side to him.

The angel adjusted his bow tie and held the rose up as he knocked on your door. He had that sweet smile of his on his face, which only brightened as you answered the door.

Now, he already knew you were beautiful, anyone who didn't think so clearly weren't looking at you, but when you opened the door and revealed yourself, he was in awe. You looked stunning!

Your smile being the most wonderful sight he had seen all day.

"Wow, you look... amazing."

You chuckled softly. Aziraphale always had small ways of making you smile and laugh. He was overall a sweet person, and if you didn't already know he was an angel, you would have thought him one anyway.

"As do you."

Aziraphale's smile was warm. He held out the rose to you and watched a you took it, smelling it gently. He just wanted to get you a small gift before the evening began.

You made sure to put it somewhere safe before leaving with him. You looped your arm with his and the pair of you walked down to the restaurant. Aziraphale had had plenty of time to find the best restaurants and explore with many dishes, so he knew exactly where he wanted to take you.

The walk there was pleasant and an excuse just to spend time beside you, talking. These were the best moments in life. No rush, hassle or worry of the world ending. Just you and him taking a stroll and enjoying each others company.

Aziraphale opened the door to the restaurant when you got there and even pulled out your chair for you. Tonight was all about you and appreciated it, even though he didn't have to do any of this.

"What would you recommend? I get the feelings you've been here a few times." You chuckled, looking at the menu.

Aziraphale looked down at his own menu and began to suggest some dishes to you. You got a little lost by the sound of his voice, but your interest was piqued with one dish he suggested. He smiled as he handed the menus back and ordered.

"I've been looking forward to tonight." He smiled at you.

"Me too, but this isn't going to be a problem is it? I'm human..."

Aziraphale's gaze was soft as he looked at you.

"Not at all. It would only be more of an issue if you were a demon and I know you're not. Anyway, it's not Heaven's business." He stated strongly.

You couldn't stop smiling.

Dinner went nicely. The pair of you made conversation, music played in the background and it became one of the best dates you had ever been on. Aziraphale was so sweet and funny.

He liked hearing you laugh. In fact, he was certain it was his favourite sound.

After dinner you shared a dessert, the pair of you giggling and just have a good time while you ate. Who knew eating a slice of cake could be so much fun when sharing with someone so special?

When dinner was truly over, Aziraphale took your arm and the pair of you went for your evening stroll under the stars. Your arms were locked with one another as you leaned into his side. The angel was pointing out constellations to you and telling you all about them.

"You know so much, but I suppose you've had plenty of time to learn." You smiled up at him.

"I suppose I have."

You both stopped walking halfway across a bridge, your eyes out across the length of the Thames. Your hand had settled within his as you looked at the lights reflecting on the water.

"This has been amazing." You sighed softly, not wanting the night to end.

"It has, but we can have many more nights like this one." The angel looked at you softly. "I'll think of something else amazing for us to do next week."

"I look forward to it. Now, take me home. It's late and I'm tired." You chuckled.

Aziraphale walked you back home, though slowly. He was trying to make the most of the evening by treasuring every second with you.

Soon enough you were at your door and it was time to bid you goodnight.

Aziraphale gave you a kiss on the cheek.

"Sleep well, dear."

"I will. I'll be by the shop tomorrow." You decided to give him a kiss in return, leaving him with a pink hue to his cheeks as you disappeared inside your apartment.

It was going to be a long night as he waited for the day to come. What memories would he make with you tomorrow?

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