Lunch date - Aziraphale

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Aziraphale was stood by the window of the book shop, his eyes watching as people passed by and went about their day. However, his mind was on you.

You were a regular at his little shop and he was fascinated by you. Every time you came in you walk and he would talk for hours about anything and everything.

In the distance he caught sight of you. His lips twitched into a warm smile as your figure began to cross the road, coming right towards the shop.

He caught sight of his reflection in the window and began to adjust himself. He wondered what you thought of him. Aziraphale liked you a lot and it would be a great honour if he could accompany you to dinner, but he was uncertain if you would like that. As far as he knew, you just saw him as the owner of the bookshop you visited.

To make it look less like he had been waiting for you to see what you would talk about today, he picked up the nearest book and sat down, opening it and acting like he had been reading all this time.

The door opened and in you came, shutting the cold out as you rubbed your hands together and smiled when you saw the angel sitting across the room.

"Good afternoon, Aziraphale!"

"Ah, hello Y/N, good afternoon." He closed the book and placed it down on the table beside him. The angel stood up and came over to greet you properly.

"It's cold out today and I'm in need of another book." You chuckled softly. "You have such an interesting collection, it's hard to put them down once I start reading them."

"That's how you know it's a good book." He chuckled. "Shall I pick something out for you?"


As Aziraphale wandered off to find you something new to read.

You watched him walk about his shop. You had had something on your mind all morning and come to the shop in Hope's of making it reality.

You couldn't deny he was sweet and kind to you. He was always so polite and seemed to love hearing you talk about the books you bought off of him. He was always smiling at you and asking you questions, and in the time you had been coming to the shop you had grown very fond of him.

You were hoping he would accept your offer to grab lunch with you.

Aziraphale returned with the book he had chosen for you and wrung it up, all ready to go.

You smiled at him when he returned and took the book from him gently, but you remained stood there, debating on of you should go through with this or not. You didn't think it would be so hard.


"Yes, Y/N?" He gave you a small kind smile as he looked at you curiously, wondering what you wanted to ask him. Usually you would bring up the last book you read and a conversation would blossom.

"Would you perhaps... Would you like.... I was wondering if you wanted to... join me. For lunch! No where fancy... just lunch." You bit your lip with nerves. You just wanted to spend some time with sweet man outside of his book shop.

Aziraphale looked caught off guard. Clearly he wasn't expecting you to ask that, but his heart was racing with excitement. You wanted to spend time with him? Sooner or later he would have talked himself into inviting you out to lunch.

"Yes. Of course! I would like that very much." His smile was wide and bright. You had just made him a very happy angel.

The shop was empty apart from the two of you, so you smiled and gestured to the door.

Aziraphale gave his coat a little tug and turned the sign on the door as he left, locking up for an hour.

"Do you have a preference?"

The angel shook his head. "I'll be happy anywhere." Which was true because he just wanted to be in your company, if only for a little while.

You walked for about ten minutes before leading him into a small cafe around the corner. It was a small place that you liked to visit often, usually to start the books you buy from your friendly book shop owner.

The man behind the counter greeted you both as you entered.

"Pick a table and I'll get something to drink before you decide what you want." You smiled politely and walked towards the counter.

Aziraphale chose a table by the window. He liked people watching. He liked to wonder where they were going, where they've been, who people are talking to if they have their phones.

His gaze shifted back to you after a few minutes of people watching. You place a cup of tea in front of him.

"I don't know how you like so I brought sugar and stuff." You chuckled, setting everything down.

"That's very nice of you."

You both prepared your drinks to your liking and settled down. Your gazes meeting.

"I hope I didn't seem to forward asking you out to lunch...." You were still a little nervous now, though just as much excited.

"Not at all."

"Its just.... You're so sweet! You greet me every time I come to your shop. You stop to chat with me, even though you sometimes seem busy. I guess I just wanted to know you better."

Aziraphale gave a charming smile and leaned in a little closer as he was about to reveal a huge secret.

"I feel I may have asked you to lunch sooner or later, myself. You caught my interest, that's for sure." He leaned back with grin and a slightly mischievous look in his eye, of which you had never seen on his face before.

"I'm flattered. Now, what do you want to eat."

Crowley had just pulled up outside of the shop. He was hoping Aziraphale would keep him company, the demon had just escaped Hastur and wanted more enjoyable company.

When he reached the door, he first ignored the sign and immediately tried to open the door. He was confused with it being locked as usually Aziraphale didn't have many places he needed to be.

His gaze fell to the closed sign and he groaned. He sat down by the door and waited. Obviously his friend had popped out, but the demon wasn't sure where.... or how long he would be waiting.

Let's just say when Aziraphale returned Crowley did not go easy on the interrogation.

The angel didn't mention you, but the smile on his face told Crowley there was more to the story. He's find out one way or another. Crowley would be making unannounced visits to the shop regularly.

The demon would have do better though, because most of the time Aziraphale was out when he came by.

Despite Crowley's annoyance with the situation, Aziraphale was having a wonderful time with your lunch dates.

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