To the rescue - Aziraphale + Crowley

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It was always a comfort to know that when things went wrong you had someone to come to your rescue.

In your case, two people.

Your lovable boyfriends, Aziraphale and Crowley.

Now, you weren't no damsel who needed saving every other day and were more than capable of of taking care of yourself, but you can bet that if it was needed, those two would come running faster than anything.

Getting hurt wasn't common for you, but accidents happen.

You had a terrible accident and hurt yourself quite badly. You had injured your leg during a horrible fall, due to being a little clumsy that day, and the pain was almost unbearable.

"Damn it!" You hissed between clenched teeth. You couldn't apply pressure onto your leg without pain shooting through it.

You fumbled for your phone and instantly called Crowley. You couldn't bare to tell Aziraphale first for he would only worry and make a fuss. He treasured you dearly and you didn't want to make him upset.

Crowley answered right away, his voice cheery and cocky. You could hear the grin in his voice.

"My day just got brighter, what can I do for you, love?" He said that a lot when you call him. He liked teasing you.

You rolled your eyes, despite your situation, and hissed down the phone. "I need you. I've... fallen."

"Fallen?" The cocky undertone of his voice seemed to slip away. "How bad?"

Crowley was worried. Very rarely you got hurt, so when you did, it was concerned for your health. He liked knowing you were well and happy when he wasn't around.

"Very. I hurt my leg and can't walk properly. I need you to help me, please don't tell Aziraphale. Hell only make a fuss over me, bless his heart."

"I can't keep that from him! I'm on my way. Aziraphale can fix that in a snap of his fingers."

"Crowley, he'll be upset with me..."

You could see it now. Aziraphale's smile would falter and his brow would crease. He want nothing more than to be at your side to help you when in pain. The angel hated the thought of you being hurt, despite how little it ever actually happened.

"He will, but he'll also forgive you right away. You know how he is, now stay where you are, we'll be there soon."

"You don't even know..." he hung up, "where I am."

You lowered your phone and tried your very best not to move too much. You cursed yourself for not paying enough attention, but were glad your boys would be here to help.

Gritting your teeth you leaned back and let your mind wander. You needed to get your mind off of the pain.

Your mind decided to focus on your boyfriends.

That made you smile.

Aziraphale panicked a little when Crowley had told him what had happened. He didn't like the thought of you in any sort of pain and made sure to tell Crowley to hurry up.

The poor angel just wanted to fix up your leg and make you comfortable. Kisses would of course be given to help you.

This was one of the few times Aziraphale didn't comment on Crowley's driving.

"Aziraphale, calm down a little bit. She hurt her leg, she wont die from it." The demon glanced as his lovable angel who had concern written all over his face.

"Still, they are hurt. We must hurry."

Crowley didn't like seeing Aziraphale this way. Where as the demon would try to hide his worry and focus on making the situation better, the angel would show his concern and let others know how he was feeling.

It was just one of the things you both loved about the angel.

"I'm going as fast as possible."

"For once... it's not fast enough." The angel sighed and looked out the window with worry. He hoped you were doing alright until they could get to you.

You heard the Bentley coming. You knew the exact sound it made and could always tell when it was near by. It was something you had just learned the more time you spent with the demon.

It parked sharply and in no time at all your two lovable celestial boyfriends climbed out and came over to you. Aziraphale hurried over, while Crowley took his time.

It wasn't that he wasn't worried, but he knew you were other wise OK. Aziraphale would be able to take care of the injury for you.

"Oh dear, how did this happen?" Aziraphale hovered his hands over your injured leg, not wanting to make the pain any worse.

"It was an accident, please do something, Aziraphale. It hurts." You looked at him with big bright eyes.

"No need to worry, I'll take care of it. Think of something happy and wonderful!" He gave you his angelic smile and kept his hand over your leg.

His very presence was soothing to you. You were grateful he came even though you asked Crowley not to tell him.

Crowley knelt down beside you and wrapped his arms around your torso, pressing a kiss to your head. He watched the angel perform his little miracle and let you rest against him.

You smiled and leaned back into the demon, letting your mind fill with thoughts of your beautiful boys.

Aziraphale waved his hand along the length of your leg and with a jolt of sudden pain, making your flinch, everything soon settled down and was gone.

Crowley made sure to give you a squeeze while Aziraphale performed his miracle.

You opened your eyes and glanced at the angel and then the demon.

"How does it feel?" Aziraphale asked softly.

You looked at your leg and slowly got up, with the help of Crowley. You stood on your leg slowly and carefully, just in case. Though you had no doubt it had worked.

Aziraphale was an expert with miracles.

"All better. It doesn't hurt any more!" You smiled at the pair.

"Oh, I'm glad! I hate seeing you in pain." Aziraphale pulled you into a hug and kissed your temple.

"We should go back and rest. Don't want to jinx this by hurting yourself again." Crowley teased. He was smirking from behind you.

You scoffed and turned to kiss the demon on the cheek.

"Alright, but only if you stay with me. I need my boys to look after me."

The pair of them were more than happy to comply.

"How did you find me, anyway? You had no idea where I was." You looked at Crowley, considering he drove here.

"We always find you." He winked. You couldn't see it because of his shades, but you knew he did it.

You chuckled.

Your evening was filled with lots of hugs, kisses and your boys looking after you, even thought you healed now.

You were very proud of your boys for coming to your rescue.

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