Crafty demon - Crowley

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You were at book shop helping Aziraphale with some new old books he had come across. Rare editions, he told you. He had hired you on the spot when you came to his shop. You ended up having a 2 hour long conversation about the book you had found and was fascinated by your knowledge on the contents. The only person he knew who knew that information was himself because he had been there when it was written.

Not that he told you that.

There was a storm brewing and you couldn't think of a better place to be than in the book shop surrounded by so many tales, prophecies and life events. You would, however, have to go home at some point. For now you would savour the moments you spent within the forest of stories.

You had met Crowley through Aziraphale and became quite close to him. Everytime he stopped by the shop he was sit and talk to you for hours. You were sure he fancied you, but at the same time it was hard to tell, he was really outgoing.

You stacked up the last pile of books and stretched your arms out.

"I think that about does it." You smiled at your hard work.

Aziraphale looked up and smiled in satisfaction. "Wonderful!"

You gazed out the window to see people wrapped up nice and warm, hoping to get home before the storm hits. You didn't live far, but even you didn't want to walk home in this.

Crowley entered the shop right as you were thinking about what to do. He gave you his charming grin and swaggers up to your side.

"Something wrong?"

Apparently you were being quite obvious about your thoughts. You gave a shrug.

"There's a storm coming. I just hope it holds off until I get home."

Crowley took note of what you were wearing, and hadn't noticed a jacket of yours hung up. He came to the conclusion you hadn't brought one. He could tell by the people outside just how cold it was.

Aziraphale came over with a concerned look in his eyes.

"You're more than welcome to stay here. I can make up a bed for you." He offered.

You gave him a kind smile and replied, "that's very sweet of you, Aziraphale, but I have pets to feed."

"I'll feed them." Crowley told you, wanting to spend as much time with you as possible.

"That's nice of you, but they don't know you. I don't want to freak my lovely pets out with strangers. My cat gets nervous around people." You chuckled. "I'll be fine. I live right around the corner, I can make it."

Crowley frowned and looked outside again. The people passing were curling up on themselves, pulling their coats together around them trying to preserve any warmth they could.

"Take my jacket. It's cold outside." He shrugged off his jacket. "Let me walk you home too." He held it open for you to put on.

You looked at him unsure, but considering he had just been wearing it, you were certain it would be warm. The rain would bother you less, too, if it decided to fall.

Slowly you turned around and put your arms into the sleeves, letting Crowley pull it up over your shoulders. He was much taller than you and longer limbs, so the jacket was basically eating you. It was, however, really warm.

"Thank you, but won't you be cold?" You looked at him concerned.

"I'll be fine." He grinned.

You gave him a bright smile and went to collect your things, leaving the boys alone for a moment.

Aziraphale turned to his dear friend and gave him a stern look.

"What?" Crowley couldn't make out what he was trying to say just by his eyes.

"You're quite smitten with them."

"Maybe I am."

"I think they are good for you." Aziraphale smiled. "I hope you find it within yourself to not mess this up."

You came back as soon as Aziraphale had finished saying that. Crowley only looked at his friend as he couldn't reply.

"I'm ready to go!"

Crowley put his arm around your shoulders and walked with you out of the shop. Aziraphale watched from the window as you and the demon talked and walked until you were out of sight.

He smiled at the thought of you two together.

At least if you kept the jacket when Crowley left, he would have something to look forward to the day after. Sometimes Crowley was too crafty for his own good.

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