Cookies - Aziraphale

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There were many ways you liked to pass your time. Aziraphale could list them all and he always liked to comment how much you were in your element web you did any of them.

One thing you enjoyed was reading the books your angel's bookshop. He always gave you a list of recommendations to snoop around in and would always ask for your opinion when you were finished.

Your favourite hobby though, was baking. Cakes, pies, pasties.

Today you had opted for cookies. They were one of Aziraphale's favourite snacks and you loved making them the most.

Crowley had borrowed your dear angel for the afternoon, so you had the house to yourself. The kitchen was covered in baking equipment and ingredients.

You hummed along to a song that was playing on the radio as you measured out the cookie dough into even clumps. The urge to eat the raw dough was hard to resist, but you wanted there to be plenty for the batch.

There was no doubt Crowley would want one if he came by later.

Happy with the result, you placed the tray in the oven and left them to bake, remembering to set a timer. You got busy cleaning up as they baked.

Crowley parked outside your place, dropping off Aziraphale.

"You're sure everything will be alright?" The angel asked, sitting in the passenger seat still.

"If the world suddenly starts ending again, you'll be the first person I call." Crowley turned to his friend with a rather dramatic head turn.

"Very well. See you later then."

"Yep." Crowley popped the 'p' and waited till Aziraphale was out of the car, driving off like a mad man. Aziraphale watches him go with a soft shake of his head.

You had just taken the cookies out of the oven when you heard the door close.

"Y/N?" You heard his sweet voice call.

"In here!"

Aziraphale followed your voice to the kitchen and smiled when he saw you. The warm smell of freshly baked cookies filled the air, so he followed his nose over to where you had put them out to cool.

"Ah ah, not yet. They just came out of the oven." You gave his hand a light slap as he reached out for one.

"They look lovely!"

You chuckled and pulled his attention over to you rather than the baked goods on the counter.

"How did it go with Crowley?"

"The world is still standing if that's what you mean. I can't help feeling it wont be long before Heaven and Hell try again." He sighed.

You took his hand and gave it light feathery kiss.

His heart melted at your touch.

"Don't worry about it. You two are the most unusual, yet wonderful team. You'll work something out.

Aziraphale smiled at you and excused himself to go down to his book shop, waiting on your promise to bring him some cookies when they were ready.

Once they were cool you piled them into a container, grabbed your jacket and took the short walk to the shop.

Aziraphale just finished helping a customer when you walked in. He welcomed you with a heart melting smile and gave you a soft kiss on the cheek.

"I've been looking forward to these." He took the container from you.

"I made plenty." You looked around your shoulder. "In case you know who wanted some too."

As if summoned my the implication of being mentioned, Crowley suddenly appeared behind you.

"I appreciate you thinking about me." The demon reached over and grabbed one of your delicious cookies.

"Crowley!" Aziraphale gave a soft glare.

Crowley shrugged and took a huge bite of it.

"The rest are yours." You smiled softly at the angel who looked at you with a grateful gaze. He kept the container from Crowley's reach and took the cookie on the top.

"I do so look forward to your treats. You would do wonderfully with a bakery. I'd visit every day." Aziraphale sighed constantly as he bit into the cookie.

"Oh hush. You wouldn't need to, I'd bake for you any time."

Crowley rolled his eyes, though with no I'll intent behind the action. "Should I leave you two alone?"

"Hush you." You gave him a soft glare.

"How about I make us some tea and we can all enjoy these?" Aziraphale offered.

"Do you have alcohol?" Crowley asked, his interest peeking up.

"Not to your tastes."

"Tea is fine I suppose." Crowley rested his head back.

"I think that sounds lovely, Aziraphale." You gave the angel a smile and grabbed a seat. You pulled the container of cookies into your lap.

"What else do you bake?" Crowley asked.

"Anything. Do you have a request?"

"I request that whatever you make next, there's plenty for me." He reached over for another cookie.

"Save some for me!" Aziraphale pleaded.

"That's enough for Crowley. The rest are for Aziraphale only." You stuck your tongue out at the demon, who gave a false pout.

The tea and cookies went down a treat, Crowley being permitted to have another one after a while.

The container was empty by the end of the day.

"Will you be baking again soon?" Aziraphale asked curiously.

"That depends."

"On what?"

"On if you're busy or not later. It would be fun to bake with you, Aziraphale." You smiled at the man.

"Oh! I would like that very much. I'm sure I have nothing later."

"Can I join in?" Crowley leaned forward in his chair.

"You'll eat the cookie dough." You accused.

".... that a problem?"

"No cookie dough, no cookies. I think I'll have to ban you from out kitchen." You chuckled.

"I like that idea."

"Thanks, Aziraphale. Even my best friend is banning me from the kitchen."

Despite all this, you were all laughing. Crowley knew there was no I'll feelings between the three of you, and what you said was right. He would get no cookies if he was there eating everything.

Aziraphale couldn't wait to bake more with you.

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