The Niphilm - Crowley

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Crowley loved you for who you were, not what you were, so you can take it that he head over heels in love with you and no one would ever change his thoughts about that. He knew the risks of your very existence and there was no doubt in his mind that Heaven would know about this sooner or later, but Crowley being Crowley would never let them hurt you in any way.

When he had told Aziraphale about you, the angel was at first very concerned. Being an angel meant he knew everything about what Heaven thought of Nephilm's. If they didn't already know, they would soon. He promised Crowley he would try and find out, for your own safety.

Aziraphale liked you. You brought it the best in Crowley and was certainly an image to see you both together.

Crowley never looked anyone the way he looked at you.

Turns out Heaven had yet to know about your existence on Earth, but that only brought on the concern about them finding out soon enough.

Crowley had hoped you could stay at the store with Aziraphale when he had to check in with Hell, but Aziraphale stated quite clearly that it probably wasn't for the best. He was concerned that Gabriel would drop in.

Gabriel would be able to tell right away you were in the shop, even if Aziraphale hid you.

"I won't be long. In and out." Crowley stated on one such occasion.

You were standing there with Crowley's jacket on, not wanting your lover to get into trouble for being involved with you. He was taking so many risks.

Aziraphale sighed and agreed, but he had a bad feeling about all of this.

Crowley gave you a passionate kiss, which made Aziraphale a little embarrassed to witness, and left to answer Hell's call.

Time was ticking and everything seemed fine, but Aziraphale was sure the angels would drop in and check on him. Gabriel liked to personally come and speak with him.

You stayed in the back of the shop, out of sight. Gabriel didn't announce his arrival, so it was for the best you were in a less obvious place. The only worry was that he would sniff you out. You don't smell completely angel, of course you don't.

You heard Gabriel's voice in the main room. Aziraphale looked at you with wide eyes. Crowley wasn't back yet and there wasn't many places for you to hide. He gestured to the desk at the very back, you could use the piles of books and boxes to hide behind.

Aziraphale just hoped he would be to convince Gabriel nothing was wrong.

"Can we talk in private?" You heard Gabriel ask.

You knew Aziraphale would have no choice but to bring back here.

"Of course." Your friend tried to remain calm as he brought Gabriel to the back.

You ducked under the table and hid yourself behind the stacks on the floor. Just in time too. Both men came in and Aziraphale stood with his back to the desk you were under, hoping to block Gabriel's view further.

"There are suspicions about that demon, Crowley."

"Oh?" Aziraphale kept his voice calm, but his eyes might deceive him. He felt that way.

"Have you seen him recently?"

"No. Course not. Not here."

You listened intently. You didn't want Azirphale to get into trouble.

"Something seems odd.... are you sure he hasn't been here?" Gabriel sniffed the air. A scent was lingering above all the old books.

You were still wearing Crowley's jacket. Perhaps he had picked up his scent from that. On one hand it makes your scent, but on the other Gabriel would be able to tell a demo had been here. Aziraphale would be in so much trouble if they found out.

Aziraphale opened his mouth trying to come up with an answer.

"I would tell you if Crowley had been here. Must be the books I just got in. I hear they contain the devils work." The angel chuckled nervously and tried to play it cool.

"Hm." Gabriel nodded, he seemed to buy it. "Fine. You see him, tell me. He's more trouble than the others." Gabriel turned on his heel and left the shop.

Aziraphale gave a huge sigh.

"You can come out now."

You came out of your hiding spot and stood next to the angel.

"That was close. Thank you for doing that." You looked at him with a grateful gaze.

"You're welcome. Crowley is worth the risks I take, as are you. Sit tight until he returns."

You nodded and stayed in the back.

Minutes passed and your demon lover returned to you, scooping you up in his arms as he hugged you tightly to him.

Aziraphale updated him about Gabriel and that it was a bad idea to keep you here, but Crowley thanked his friend and told him he would keep the angel out of trouble.

Crowley gave you a kiss and took your hand as you left the shop together.

"How did it go on your end?" You asked, quietly so people passing didn't stop and stare.

"They know about you, but they have less of an issue with your existence than Heaven does. You wont get anyone other than me protecting you from there though."

"I suppose it's better than being despised on both sides." You shrugged.

Crowley made you stop to look at him, his eyes peering into your own as he cradled your face in his hands. He gave you another passionate kiss and let you melt into him.

He moved his lips to your ear and whispered softly. "I will never let them get to you. Stay by my side always."

You smiled, nodded and kissed him.

Life is as tough as it is, but it's easier when you have Crowley beside you. He would love and protect you always.

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