Comfort angel - Aziraphale

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Aziraphale adored you. You had been dating for quite some time now and he was the best thing to happen to you. He could confidently say the same for him. There was very few things that would hold him back from coming to your aid if you needed him, so when you called at a late hour he was concerned. You sounded tired, but clearly sleep was escaping you.

"What's keeping you up so late?"

"I don't know, but I can't sleep. I wanted to hear your voice, it's soothing and I thought it might help."

Aziraphale smiled and thought about how cute that was of you to say. He liked being your support.

You always said such sweet things about him and it made him the happiest angel in Heaven.

"Do you need me to come to you?" He asked softly. It wouldn't be the first time he had come to keep you company when you couldn't sleep.

"If it's not too much trouble." You muttered shyly. You didn't want to disturb him if he was busy.

"You are never too much trouble, dear. I'll be there in a jiffy." He was still smiling as he put the phone down and made his way to your place, grabbing his coat on the way out.

He made it to your place in no time at all and knocked just firm enough to be heard, but not too loud to disturb anyone in the other apartments. He heard your shuffling on the other side and waited patiently as you unlocked the door.

You were wrapped up in a blanket, a tired look in your eyes, but it was clear to him nothing bad was keeping you awake. It was just one of those nights where sleep decided not to welcome you.

The moment he entered your place you wrapped your arms around him and rested your head against his shoulder. His arms wrapped around you and kept you close to his chest as stood there cuddling you.

"Thank you for coming." Your voice was quiet, but he just put that down to you being tired.

"Anytime, Y/N." He smiled down at you and grabbed your hand. "Let's get you back to bed. You'll be more comfortable there."

You nodded and did as he said, leading him back to your room. He let you go in and excused himself for a moment, making his way to the kitchen. Aziraphale knew exactly how to help you relax.

You didn't mind and let him go on ahead.

You climbed into the bed and tucked yourself under the blankets. You got comfortable and waited for your beloved angel to join you.

The angel came in moments later, a tray in his hand with two steaming mugs and a couple of muffins, just in case. He placed the mugs down on each bedside table and dressed down to be more comfortable. He climbed into the bed beside you and opened his arms to you.

You shuffled closer to his body and rested your head on his chest, your arm draping around his stomach as you got comfortable.

"You made tea?"

"I find tea helps to comfort."

"You comfort me." You mumbled into his chest, but he heard you loud and clear. The soft angel was smiling all giddy and happy.

"Well, thank you."

You moved away from him and sat up on the bed, grabbing your mug and letting the warmth engulf you. Aziraphale also sat up, grabbing his own mug.

The silence was welcoming and calm as you sipped your drinks and took joy in each others company.

Sometimes sleep just escaped you, but it wasn't all bad when your 'guardian' angel was there to come to your side. He would drop anything he was doing to keep you company. All you had to do was ask.

Aziraphale turned to look at you, a smile tugging on his lips.

"Feeling better?" He asked softly.

"Much. You always make feel better, Aziraphale. What were you doing before I called?"

"Just reading one of my many books."

"Can I come to the shop tomorrow and see it? All your books are interesting. I could spend days in there reading." You gave a lazy smile, sleep beginning to creep up on you.

"Of course you can. You are always welcome."

Aziraphale loved sharing his books with you. Many days had passed by quickly lost in discussion about his own library.

When your mug was empty, you put it down and leaned back over to cuddle Aziraphale again. He instantly out his mug down and wrapped his arms around you once again.


"Very." You smiled into his shirt and closed your eyes, listening to his heart.

He reached for the arm you had draped around him and grasped your hand in his head, running his thumb along the skin of your hand. The rhythm of it was nice and relaxing.

This went on for a while longer before he heard your breathing even out. Aziraphale gazed down at you resting on his chest and found you sleeping soundly.

He smiled.

Awake or asleep, you were always beautiful to him. He ran his hand through your hair and and closed his eyes slowly. His smile was still there as he drifted off to sleep with you. Not that he required sleep.

The muffins had been forgotten with the need to cuddle and sleep.

You spent the whole night in each others arms and it was a pleasant feeling to wake up to. You woke up feeling refreshed.

If you asked, he would spend many nights like this with you. It was the least he could do.

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