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"Baby I'm home" Adam shouted as he walked into the house

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"Baby I'm home" Adam shouted as he walked into the house.

"In the kitchen" I shouted back as I spooned another mouthful of mashed up banana into Camille.

"Dada" she squealed as Adam walked into the kitchen causing him to jump.

"She's been doing that all afternoon" I laughed trying to wipe her face.

"You and me are going out tonight" he grinned as he put his gun in the safe.

"What about Camille?" I asked putting the empty bowl in the sink.

"Your dads having her for the night, thought it was about time we had a night to ourselves" he smirked smacking my bum. "So we are gonna drop her off on the way, I'm gonna go get changed then we will head out"

Soon enough Adam walked back into the kitchen with Camille's blanket thrown over his shoulder and her changing bag.

Leaning back taking in his appearance he kept it simple but still looked hot wearing his denim shirt, black jeans, and timberlands, he had restyled his hair and his aftershave was driving me crazy.

"Baby you listening" he laughed waving his hand in front of my face.

"Uh What" I asked.

"You ready to go" he smiled putting Camille into her car seat.

"Yeah, Looking good by the way" I whispered as I walked by him wiggling my hips a bit more.

No words were said but I defiantly heard him groan as I walked out the kitchen.


"I've got a surprise for you as well" Adam grinned as we walked into my dads.

"Is it a good surprise?" I asked raising my eyebrow at him. He knew I hated surprises. 

"A very good one" he grinned as dad walked into the living room tossing him something.

"Hey kiddo" dad smiled giving me a hug.

"Hey, I've made up 4 bottles, her formula is in there, nappies, wipes, cream clothes and anything else she needs" I smiled placing Camille's changing bag on the table. "She should be ready for a nap soon"

"Heather I've got this" dad laughed "I have looked after babies before"

"I know it's just the first night we are leaving her" I sighed.

"I know but she is in the best hands so go and enjoy your evening" he smiled taking Camille out of her car seat.

"Now come on you let's go before you change your mind" Adam laughed putting his arm around my shoulder leading me to dads garage. "Close your eyes"

I didn't get chance to say anything before Adam put his hands over my eyes.

"I feel like I'm going to fall" I muttered.

"I've got you baby, I've always got you" Adam whispered in my ear.

"Can I open my eyes now" I moaned as Adam guided me down the steps before stopping me.

"Ok baby open your eyes" he whispered.

In front of me sat my mustang in pristine condition. I was confused last time I saw this car it was a wreck. Adam must have saw my expression change from confusion to excitement.

"Over the last couple of months I had a buddy of mine fix her up for you" Adam beamed.

"I thought this was too far gone" I whispered running my hand down the body work. "What did I do to deserve you"

"I know how much you love this car" he laughed throwing me the keys.


We had been in the bar for a couple of hours now empty beer bottles surrounded the pool table and the sexual tension was growing. We seemed to have taken over the pool table so as I took my shots I purposely leant over the table a bit more and kept wiggling my hips. This kept causing Adam to groan causing me to smirk.

"Baby if you keep doing that I'm going to have to take you on this pool table" he whispered huskily in my ear before gently nipping it with his teeth.

So me being me I did it again. Next thing I know is Adam has picked me up and laid me on the pool table whilst he kissed my neck causing me to let out little moans.

"Oi you two don't make me call the police" the bartender shouted at us.

Both me and Adam smirked at each other before we shoved our hands in our pockets pulling out our badges.

"We are the police" I giggled.

"How about we get out of here" Adam whispered huskily in my ear causing me to bite my lip.


"Baby why are you awake" Adam sleepily asked as I laid on my phone.

"Stupid body clock, I'm used to Camille waking up for a feed at this time" I said.

"Well put the phone down, come cuddle and go back to sleep it's 5am we aren't meeting your dad till half 9" he mumbled.

I didn't need telling twice, I quickly made sure I had an alarm set before putting my phone on my bedside table before snuggling up to Adam.

The next thing I knew my alarm was waking me up again.

"Babe turn it off" Adam groaned making me smile he really wasn't a morning person.

Rolling over I grabbed my phone to turn the alarm off, just then a text came through from dad causing my heart to melt and me to laugh. He had sent a picture of Camille in her highchair with yoghurt spread across her face and in her hair.

- just like you when you were this age -

Yes she was Adam's double but her mannerisms were all me, even though she was only 9 months old she was forming a little attitude that reflected mine.

Climbing out of bed I grabbed the first shirt I could find which was Adam's CPD shirt. Due to me only being 5ft4 and him being nearly 6ft it was more like a dress on me.

"I'm going to make a coffee so get your butt out of bed" I laughed as I walked out of the bedroom.

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