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Adam's view

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Adam's view

"POLICE FREEZE" I screamed at jack as he ran down an alley.

Running as fast as I could with Voight hot on my trail.

"Ruzek left" he shouted.

This guy was dead as soon as me and Voight got our hands on him.

I noticed he stumbled on a branch which gave me to perfect opportunity to rugby tackle him to the floor.

I may have also landed and couple of punches to his face in the process as well.

However this prick just kept laughing.

"You think it's funny do you? Kidnapping my daughter. How did you think that would go hey" Voight sneered at him as I yanked him of the ground holding his arms back.

"What you gonna do about it old man" Jake laughed.

"Oh me and my partner here can be very persuasive when it comes to heather Voight" Hank smiled.

"You know this is all your fault" he shouted at me. "You are always trying to take her away with me, making her work late. I've always hated you"

"Feelings mutual mate" I snapped as Voight punched him in the face causing him to drop on the floor.

"Boss can I have 5 minutes" I asked moving my hair that had fallen on my face.

"Ok but give me your gun" he said holding his hand out.

Punch after punch.

I got my anger out in this bastard.

"Ruzek, that's enough" Hank shouted pulling me off jake.

Once I was away from him. Hank landed a couple more punches. Punches that hard he split his knuckles.

"You don't fucking hurt my daughter" he shouted throwing one more punch. The final punch. The punch that killed him.

"I will call it in then we will head over to Med" he said giving me my gun back.

Stepping over his body I headed to the car.

It was going to be a long road of recovery for heather.

There was a silence before either of us spoke. But it was like Hank knew what I was thinking.

"You arrive on scene. You came around that corner, through that door. You witnessed me and the offender engaged in a physical altercation." Hank said.

"No, hold on." I said when I realised what he was doing

"Then you witnessed Jake"

"No, no, no, no, no." I shouted putting my head in my hands

"You witnessed Jake go over the wall." Hank said

"No, no, no. Boss, no." I sighed

"You run downstairs. You attempt to administer aid."

"No, no. I won't let you take the fall for this." I said pacing.

"He's unresponsive. You determined he was dead on impact."

"They will bury you" I whispered

"Adam. I need to know right now, are you with me?"

"Of course I'm with you." I sighed

"Then you need to go. Now. Go!"

I walked back up to Jakes body. Made sure Hank wasn't looking, grabbed his hand making sure I got his prints on my gun.

There was no way I was letting Hank go down for this.


"The offender and I got into an altercation. He tried to disarm me. He didn't make it. I need to talk to IR about an officer-involved death." I said to Hank before walking off my to speak to IR.

"You been through one of these before?"

"Yes, sir, unfortunately, I have, yeah." I Sighed.

"I'll just remind you that as IRT, we're here to investigate the behavior of the offender.
You understand? You're not on trial."

"I understand." I nodded

"Can you tell me in simple terms what happened?"

"I was in hot pursuit of the offender. As I closed in I announced my office several times. I ordered him to stop. He did not.
He was non-compliant. He was violent.
He lunged for me. For my weapon. And, in fearing for my life, I had no choice but to defend myself." I said as I ran my hand through my hair.

"He wasn't armed?"

"No, sir. It was a physical altercation. But weapon or no, I did believe my life was at risk." I stated.

"You and your sergeant were the only ones on the scene?"

"Yes, sir."

"Are you injured?"

I shook my head.

"I need a verbal yes or no."

"No, I'm not injured."

"Okay then. Let's get some pictures. You gotta piss and blow, and then, hopefully, if everything checks out, that's the last you'll have to see me."

"Copy that."

After about an hour we were free to leave the scene.

"Voight what am I going to" I sighed running my hand through my hair.

"You should have stuck to the story" he sighed "Leave it with me adam. Now no talk about what happened here" Hank said placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Hank you go first man she's your daughter" I nodded sitting on the arm of the sofa in the waiting room.

Erin came up to me with a coffee.

"How she doing" I asked.

"She's a tough cookie but she kept asking for you. Ruzek what's going on between you two" she asked.

"Honestly I have no idea we fooled around a bit a couple of months before she got with him" I said.

"Did he" I couldn't bring my self to finish the sentence.

"Yeah he did the bastard" she sighed placing a hand on my knee as a single tear rolled down my face.

Not long later Hank came out the room running his hand down his face.

"She wants you Ruzek" he nodded at me.

As I walked up to the door I mentally prepared myself before walking in.

"Adam" she cried.

Instantly I rushed to her side engulfing my partner in a hug.

"I'm here. I'm here" I whispered into her hair rocking her gently to try and calm her down.

"Did you get him" she whispered.

"Yeah we got him. He won't be an issue any more"

"Adam he, he, he" she said trying not to relive the memories.

"I know what he did baby and I'm so sorry" I whispered kissing the top of her head. "When you get out of here I want you to stay with me ok. I need to know you are safe"

Authors note - going forward some of the does he is from the show. I in no way own this it just works with where I'm going with this story. Also please let me know what you think so far I love feedback.

- I have amended this part slightly so Ruzek didn't kill Jake as it fits better with where I'm going

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