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Adam's view

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Adam's view

It had been a couple of days since heather had been back at work, we were still on desk duty and her flirting had increased.

Part of me wanted to act on it but part of me know this was a defensive mechanism she had. We both knew after what she went through she wasn't ready for a quick fuck or even a relationship.

"Ruzek my office" Hank said walking across the floor.

"What's up sarge" I asked closing the door.

"I don't know how to say this" he said running his hand over his face "but I want you to back off a bit from Heather. I've noticed her flirting the last couple of days and don't think it's healthy or if she even knows what she's doing"

"What do you want me to do boss" I sighed

"I'm switching partners up. So you won't be partners and I want her to move back home until she gets a new place"

Cocking my head to the side in agreement.

"She isn't going to be happy about this one bit" I sighed.

"I know but I know how to handle my daughter" I shrugged.

"Have you mentioned anything about what happened?" Hank asked.

"No she's been through so much I don't want her worrying about me" I sighed "I feel bad though from keeping this from her though"

"It's the right thing to do" he said opening the door and walking back out.

"Guys I realize we all have private lives. We exist. We exist as people outside this building. But when we are here working, we are one team with one purpose, period. And no matter what's going on at home, good or bad it's gotta stay at home." Hank said.

I noticed he looked over to heather on the last bit.

"So with that being said I think it's time we changed things up at bit. So from today the partners are, Voight and Halstead, Ruzek and Lindsay, Burgess and Dawson and Atwater you and me. Everyone clear." Hank said.

I could see the frustration building in Heathers eyes.

"This is bullshit" she shouted grabbing her jacket before storming out.

"Guys we are a family right and we all know Ruzek and Voight have been best friends pushing 20 years now and partners for 3 and with everything that she's been through recently she isn't going to be the old Voight for a while. I'm keeping the desks as they are but just tread careful for a bit" Hank sighed "now to go find my daughter and face the rath of the Voight genes"

"Boss I know what we just talked about but I know where she would have gone. Let me go please" I asked.

He didn't say anything but nodded at me. As soon as I got the green light I grabbed my jacket and keys and ran to my car.


Walking along the waterfront I saw her sat on the wall hugging her knees. Staring out to the river.

Jumping on the wall I sat next to her.

"Wanna tell me what that outburst was about" I whispered nudging her shoulder.

"How did you know where I'd be" she sniffed.

"Duh best friends for 20 years I know where you go to cool down" I laughed "now what was all that about"

"It's after everything that happened and all the partner changes we have had he has never split us up. It just pissed me off" I sighed.

"I know it sucks" I whispered.

"Don't get me wrong I love jay and he is like my brother but I was his partner before you joined us and he is kinda boring. At least you make it fun especially on patrol" she whispered.

"You know why your dad is doing it don't you" I whispered putting my arm round her shoulder.

"Because he is being a dick" she mumbled.

"No Voight he is doing it to protect you. Both him and I have notice how you have been acting towards me. I know it's how you are coping with the situation but he's just making sure you don't do anything you aren't ready for. We both know deep down you aren't ready for a quick fuck or even a relationship" I whispered kissing her head.

"But he knows you wouldn't do anything" she sighed.

"He does but he doesn't know how far you will take things and in the heat of the moment who knows what would happen" I said.

"I guess you are right" she sighed "I'm guessing he wants me to move back home as well"

"Yeah he does squirt" I sighed "I'm gonna miss you around my apartment"

"I don't want to leave, I feel safe around you" she whispered tears brimming her eyes.

"Hey don't cry, I know you do and that makes me so happy that after everything you have been through I'm the one that makes you feel safe. But let's just do what your old man says ok. Then who knows he might partner us back up" I whispered

She didn't say anything but rested her head on my shoulder.

"Come let's go back to the district" I whispered.


Walking back up the steps, Voight saw it was us and walked up to heather. Just engulfing her in a hug.

"You need to stop doing that to your old man" he laughed "you are making me grey"

"Sorry" heather whispered.

"It's ok we will talk at home now back to work" he laughed walking back in the office.

"I'm not a bad partner am I Voight?" Jay asked causing heather to laugh.

"How can you be a bad partner. You taught me everything I know" she smiled sitting down behind me at her desk.

I just wanted everything to blow over. But I knew it would take time. Then I would tell heather how I felt but until then I will just keep pushing them down.

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