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I was now 7 and a half months pregnant and looked like a whale

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I was now 7 and a half months pregnant and looked like a whale.

I heard the front door open and close again. Great Adam had left for the second time this week without saying goodbye.

I don't know what was wrong with him but he wasn't acting normal.

Sighing to myself I grabbed my phone and rung Kim.

"Hey can you pick me up please" I sighed.

"Yeah sure what happened" she asked.

"He just left for work without me or saying bye for the second time this week. Kim I don't know what I've done" I sniffed.

"Hey don't cry I'm sure there is a reason behind it, I will speak to him today. Now I'm just about to leave mine" she said.

"Thanks burgess" I whispered ending the call.

Within 10 minutes I heard a car horn so I grabbed my gun, badge, keys and bag before heading out the apartment.

"Hey" I said getting in the car "thanks for picking me up, this little madam grows by the day and Ruzek has taken my keys off me"

"I will speak to him don't worry, I'm sure it's nothing and it's just stress from work" she smiled as we drove to the district.


"Voight" Trudy smiled at me as I walked in "here's your new shirts, I ordered the biggest I could seen as in a couple of weeks you will need the next size"

"Cheers" I half smiled.

"You not come in with Ruzek today" she asked.

"Nope" I shrugged before walking off. I wasn't in the mood today.

"Morning Voight" jay smiled at me.

"Yeah morning" I muttered.

"Yo Voight what's up" jay asked.

"Halstead leave it" Kim warned him as I walked into the break room to get a drink.

"Hey kiddo" dad said.

"Shit dad you scared me" I said putting a hand over my chest.

"What's going on with you and Ruzek" he asked grabbing a mug.

"I don't know dad, second time this week he has just left without me" I sighed trying to hold back tears. "I don't know what I did"

"Hey kiddo don't cry" he said pulling me into a hug "want me to take him down the cage"

"No" I sniffed.

"Ok so less of the tears. I'm sure it's nothing but I will speak to him ok" he said placing his hand on my bump before leaving the break room.

"Ruzek my office" I heard him raise his voice making me laugh a bit.


Ruzek still hadn't spoken to me today and it was pissing me off. If only I wasn't pregnant I would have murdered a smoke right now.

I was starting to yawn, looking at the time 2pm.

Sod this I needed to go home and have a nap.

"Dad I'm gonna head off" I yawned "little madam is wearing me out today"

"Do you want a lift" he asked

"If you don't mind, give me like 15 minutes" I nodded before I waddled into the locker room.

Sitting on the bench I put my head in my hands.

"Baby you in here" Adam shouted.

"Yeah" I muttered.

"I'm sorry" he whispered.

"What did I do?" I sniffed as the tears threatened again.

"Nothing baby you didn't do anything" he whispered.

I didn't say anything as a stood up and went to my locker.

"I wanted to keep this informal, so I thought, you know What's more informal than the locker room Right?" Adam stuttered.

"Yeah." I said opening my locker and a ring box falling into my hands.

"So, listen, I know I've been a little weird lately.
It's got nothin' to do with you being pregnant or hormonal" he said running his hand through his hair. "I just, uhhh been tryin' to figure out out how to tell you that I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and, uh you and I are freakin' awesome together. I know this is quick, but I don't care because I love you"

"Adam yes" I grinned opening the box.

"Yeah" he smiled walking towards me.

"Yes I will marry you, you dork" I grinned.

He didn't say anything else but smashed his lips against mine.

"I'm sorry for being such a dick this last week" he whispered against my lips.

"I thought we were falling apart Adam" I whispered.

"That will never happen not again" he whispered as he slid the ring on my finger.

Looking at the ring properly the tears I had been holding in just fell down my cheeks.

"Baby what's wrong" Adam said putting his arm around me.

"It's my mums ring" I sniffed.

"Yeah baby it is. There's no other ring I'd propose with" he said kissing my head and wiping my tears away.

Just as I was about to speak I let out a yawn.

"Come on you let's get you home and in bed" he whispered.

"Can you stay with me" I whispered as he helped me up and grabbed my bag out my locker.

"Of course I can baby" he said putting his arm around my shoulder.

"Hank I'm gonna take her home" Adam smiled at dad.

"Ok saves me a job" dad laughed "and Adam take the rest of the day off"

"Cheers Sarge" Adam nodded before helping me down the stairs.


"Baby just have a nap" Adam laughed as he climbed into bed with me.

"I'm not tired" I yawned.

"Oh really then why are you yawning then" he asked raising his eyebrow at me.

"Urgh fine" I moaned snuggling into his chest the best I could.

"Don't get mad at me but I think you should drop down to half days, I've noticed around 2pm you get really tired" he whispered.

"I think that might be a good idea, this little one is zapping all my energy" I said.

"We will talk about it more later but for now just sleep" he said kissing the top of my head.

"I love you" I whispered as he started playing with my hair causing me to grow sleepy.

"I love you too baby" he whispered as I closed my eyes letting sleep take over.

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