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Adam's view

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Adam's view

"So how you adjusting to life of a dad" Antonio asked.

"It's harder than I thought" I laughed "but I have never fallen in love with a tiny human so fast. I mean Camille is only 9 months old now and I would do anything to protect her"

"That's exactly how I was man" he smiled at me.

"Does it get easier with being a cop?" I asked

"Yes and no, obviously we work longer hours than most people but you soon get into a good routine" he nodded. "How's Mini Voight adjusting"

"She's doing amazing but even though she won't say it she's missing all of this, I can see it in her eyes" I said leaning back in my chair. "This is all she knows though she went into the academy straight from school"

"Do you think she will make it through the two years maternity Hank put her on?" He laughed

"Don't be stupid, why do you think her and platt created the cresh down stairs. I have a feeling she will be wanting to come back to work soon" I laughed.

"It's scary how alike she is to Hank" he shook his head.

"Tell me about it, she's as stubborn as her mum and has the temper of her dad. I soon learned when we was kids never to piss her off" I laughed at the memories.

"Sounds like someone is bored judging by your phone" Antonio laughed as my phone vibrated on the desk.

- Urgh these mums are so fake, and pretentious going on about their healthy lifestyle 🙄 Hx-

"Yeah she is, I think she went to one of them mummy and me classes today" I laughed at the thought of her sat in a room pretending to be nice.

"Oh I bet she is biting her tongue right now" jay laughed

"She definitely is" I laughed.

About an hour later I heard the cries of my babygirl. The next thing I saw heather walking up the stairs carrying Camille in her car seat, scowling.

"Uh someone doesn't look happen" Erin whispered.

Instantly I got up from my desk walking over to my girls.

"Baby what's up" I asked taking the car seat off her.

"She won't stop crying" she sighed "she hates that class as much as I did for the whole time I had other mums telling me how to get her to stop when all the time I knew she just needed her daddy"

"Well daddy's here now little one" I grinned as I unfastened the straps on the car seat scooping Camille up into my arms, bouncing her. After a couple of minutes she settled down.

"She is such a daddy's girl" heather shook her head as she headed to the break room.

I knew I always wanted kids but now I have one of my own I didn't realise how bad I wanted a family.

"I thought I heard my granddaughter" Hank grinned as he walked up the stairs. As he got closer I passed Camille over so he could have cuddles.

Not a lot of people saw this side of Hank. The gentle side. The family man.

Knowing that he wouldn't be parting with his granddaughter for a while I headed over to the break room.

Wrapping my arms round heathers waist, resting my head on her shoulder.

"How was the class" I laughed knowing the answer.

"Shit" she laughed "we aren't going back"

"I didn't think you would after all the text you sent me" I laughed as she wiggled out my arms.

"Hey your forgetting something" I smirked. "You haven't given me a kiss yet"

"You are such a dork" she giggled giving me a soft kiss before walking out of the break room.

As soon as Camille saw me she started flapping her arms about. Yep definitely daddy's girl.

"Dada" she said reaching for me.

"Wait did she just" I said not believing my ears.

"Yeah I think she did" heather grinned.

"Dada" Camille gurgled as I took her out of hanks arms.

"Typical her first words are dada" heather huffed with a grin on her face.

"What can I say baby this one is a daddy's girl" I laughed kissing the top of Camille's head.

"Dad can I speak to you please" heather said to Hank.

That look was back in her eyes. She was going to try and come back sooner.

Once they were both in the office I turned to Antonio.

"Told you it wouldn't be long before she tried to come back" I laughed.

"Do you think Hank will let her come back so soon?" He asked.

"Nah I don't think he will not till this little one turns 1" I smiled.

"She isn't going to like that at all" he laughed.

As we were talking Camille started fussing in my arms. Noticing heather had put her changing bag on my desk I started to rummage through until I found a bottle.

"I know baby, your hungry" I bounced Camille in my arms. "Daddy's on it" I smiled walking into the break room to heat the bottle up in the microwave

As I was feeding Camille her bottle at my desk heather walked up to my desk.

"I will never get tired of see you care for our baby it's so hot" she whispered biting her lip.

"How many times Voight" I smirked.

"What I'm not doing anything" she grinned pulling her hair bobble out letting her hair fall across her shoulders.

"Oh you are so in for it when I get home" I winked as I placed the empty bottle on my desk.

"I can't wait" she smirked as she checked her watch. "Suppose I best get this one home and down for her nap"

"Ok baby" I smiled at her.

"Don't be late home Ruzek" she winked before picking Camille's car seat up and heading to her dads office to say by.

Oh trust me I wouldn't be late home.

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