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14 weeks later

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14 weeks later.

"What time is everyone getting here" Adam asked as he put the turkey in the oven.

"they should be here in about 20 minutes" I smiled pulling the sweater over my head.

"Why are you wearing my sweater" he laughed "and why not a Christmas jumper"

"Well Christmas jumpers make me itch and our sweaters from work are so comfy. And I'm wearing yours because mine doesn't fit anymore" I laughed "this little one wants to give the game away before it's started"

"Fair enough" he grinned "I cannot believe we are telling them today"

"Baby calm down" I laughed.

"I can't help it, I'm so excited" he said bouncing on the stop.

"And you call me a child" I laughed shaking my head as I flicked the kettle on.

"Best not be coffee young lady" Adam said wrapping his arms round my waist.

"Hey I'm allowed 3 normal coffees a day and I haven't had one yet" I smiled.

"Ok I will let you off then" he laughed "as long as you make me one"

15 minutes later everyone had arrived.

"Babe can we do it first" Adam grinned.

"Yes because you will be a nightmare for the rest of the day" I laughed walking into the living room giving everyone hugs.

"Ok so you have got other presents but Ruzek can't seem to sit still at the moment" I laughed grabbing the bag with all the baby grows in. Before passing them all around.

"You all need to open them at the same time except Hank" Adam smiled.

I leaned back into Adam's legs as I was sat on the floor, watching everyone.

"Don't mess with me my auntie is in intelligence" kim read out.

"Wait what" Kevin said "girl are you pregnant"

Without saying anything I nodded with a big grin of my face. Instantly I was engulfed in one be hug.

"Whoa careful guys don't squish my baby" Adam laughed.

"Good luck with that one" Kevin laughed.

"Tell me about it, you would have though I was made of glass" I giggled.

"Dad this one is for you" I smiled passing him his present.

Soon enough he was holding a pink baby grow and the tears had formed in his eyes.

"Grandpa's little princess" he read "you are having a girl"

"Yes we are having a little girl" I grinned at him.

"Oh gosh both grandpa and daddy are going to be so overprotective" Erin laughed.

"Tell me about it" I smiled

"You thought about names yet?" Erin asked

"Yeah but we aren't going to announce her name until she's born" I smiled rubbing my stomach.

"Babe why aren't you sitting down" Adam said wrapping his arms around me.

"Again not made of glass" I rolled my eyes.

"So this is why you have been on desk duty" jay asked.

"Yeah as soon as these two found out I was pregnant there was no way they would let me be on the streets" I said.

"Too right I am not having anything happen to mini Ruzek" he grinned.

"Mini Voight" dad shouted.

"Have they been like this the whole time" Erin laughed.

"Yup pretty much" I laughed.

"Have you thought about what the baby's last name will be yet" Trudy smiled at me placing a mint tea in front of me.

"Not yet, it's hard you know I'm basically the only one now that can carry the Voight name on" I said

"Have you thought about hyphenating the two names" Erin smiled.

"No i hadn't to be honest" I said.

"What would you do if you two got married" Trudy smiled.

"I don't know to be honest, I always thought I would take my husbands name but since we lost Justin, I don't know again the whole carrying the Voight name" I said. "Anyway I can't see us getting married any time soon to be honest"

"What makes you say that" Kim asked.

"Everything has happened so quick. I mean this one wasn't planned" I said placing a hand on my small bump.

"Come that is you and Ruzek all over though, you never follow the norm" Kim laughed.

"You have a point there" I laughed "now come on let's go open the rest of the presents"


"I can't believe you are having a girl" dad grinned.

Everyone else had left about an hour ago and it was just the 3 of us.

"I know" I grinned "I have something to run by you dad"

"You telling him babygirl" Adam asked as he rounded all the pots up.

"Yeah I know I said we would wait but I can't" I laughed.

"What's up kiddo" dad smiled.

"How would you feel if we named this little one after mum" I said.

"Really" he said tears filling his eyes.

"Really, as soon as I found out i was pregnant I knew if we was having a girl there's no other name I would want to call her" I smiled.

"I think that's a beautiful idea kiddo" dad said as he wiped a tear away wrapping his arms around me.

"You know your mum would be so proud of you kiddo. You've kinda been compared to me all your life being a Voight but you have made a name of your self. I have heard conversations where people have mentioned the name Voight and people have turned around and asked which one" he said kissing my head "I am so proud of you kiddo you are a phenomenal detective and you are going to be an amazing mother"

"Dad" I whispered chocking back tears.

"Tell you what this kid is going to be so strong and loved by everyone" he smiled "and also a little trouble maker but what can you expect having Voight and Ruzek blood"

"That is true" Adam laughed as he sat on the sofa. "One thing that's certain she's going to have you wrapped round her little finger Hank. Everyone may see you as this big bad tough guy but deep down you have a heart of gold and would do anything for your family"

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