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Adam's view

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Adam's view

"Hey, how'd it go with the lawyer?" Hank asked.

"Yeah, pretty straightforward. Um, state's attorney is moving forward on the obstruction charges. There's no trial date set or anything, but the lawyer thinks it'll happen sometime next year." I nodded.

"Then don't do anything stupid between now and then." He laughed.

"I'll do my best." I half smiled.

After a bit of silence I spoke.

"Hey, listen, I wanted to talk to you about something, Um Can a cop choose to be in general population? I mean, if I lose, I don't know I don't know how well I'll do 23 hours a day alone in my cell." I asked.

"Uh, well, we'll talk about that down the road if we need to." He nodded

Walking out the office to head home I turned back.

"Yeah, um, is Heather all right? I've been reaching out to her, and, uh, she's gone silent on me." I asked starting to worry something had happened.

"Yeah, she's working a case." He smiled.

"All right, thanks, boss" I said before heading back downstairs.


I was so bored, trying to keep myself out of trouble. All I knew was being the in police. Due to the hours I worked in intelligence I didn't really have many friends and all the friends I did have were in the police.

Looking at the time sighing. I had know idea what time heather would be finishing. I know knew what I put all my ex girlfriends through that weren't in the police.

I knew what I was going to do. I couldn't book a table anywhere as I didn't know what time heather would finish but I could cook her something. Slipping my jacket on I grabbed my keys and headed to the shop.


The sound of the front door opening panicked me until heather shouted she was home.

"What's this? Are you actually cooking" she laughed in shock.

"I cook" I laughed.

"Yeah chicken nuggets and chips. Good job we run a lot or we would be fat" she giggled.

"Yeah well we don't have chicken nuggets tonight" I grinned kissing her head.

"now you go sit that pretty little ass down" I smiled passing her a beer.

"Thanks baby, I will on the balcony. I'm gonna go for a smoke" she smiled.

"Thought you was quiting" I raised my eyebrow.

"I'm trying. I have cut down but you know I can't just quit" she shrugged before heading outside.

I knew the reason she hadn't quit. And it was because of everything that is happening with me. Ever since she was 16 when things are upsetting or stressing her she smokes and quits when things calm down.

10 minutes later she can back in throwing the cigarette packet and lighter on the side.

"Things will be ok baby" I whispered wrapping my arms around her waist.

"I was just so worried about you. I was scared the same thing would happen to you like al" she sniffed.

"Hey, I promise you things will be ok. But we are going to have to wait it out. Now dinner is ready and after dinner I will run you a bath do you can relax" I smiled kissing her gently.

"Does that mean you will join me" she asked biting her lip.

"Like you even have to ask that question" I winked as I plated the food up.


"Baths ready babe" I smiled walking out the bathroom.

"Ok" heather smiled pausing the film before walking over to the bathroom.

Leaning against the door I watched her strip off.

"Mmmm that ass" I smirked at her.

"Are you just going to stand there being a pervert or you joining me" she smirked back.

"Hey I'm just enjoying the view" I laughed just as my phone went off.

"Urgh hold that baby your dad just text me telling me to meet him outside. I will be back in a few" I said as she climbed into the bath.

"Hurry up" she smirked sinking further down in the water.

Running down the stairs To meet Voight.

"Ruzek" Hank smiled at me as I stood on the door step.

"Hey. What's going on? Is everything all right?" I asked a bit confused why he was stood on the porch at 10pm at night.

"Yeah, we're good. Here you go." He said handing me my gun and badge back.

"I don't understand. What's what's going on?" I said staring at the gun and badge.

"ASA is dismissing the charges." He smiled "Insufficient evidence. You're good."

"What'd you do?" I asked tears starting to form in my eyes.

"All that matters is it's done." He said placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Thank you, Sarge." I said giving him a hug. "I owe you. I owe you everything."

As he let me go I wiped the single tear that had fell down my cheek away.

"I'll see you in the morning Ruzek" he smiled.

"Yes, sir." I nodded.

"Now go back to mini Voight. Have a good night" he said walking off.

Walking back into the department smiling to myself.

"What did dad want" heather asked as I walked passed the bathroom.

"He came to give me my badge and gun back" I grinned placing them with hers in the safe.

"Wait what" she said as I walked into the bathroom starting the strip off.

"ASA dropped the case apparently there's insufficient evidence" I smiled climbing into the bath "So I'm back at work on Monday"

"That's amazing" heather whispered leaning back into me.

"I can't wait to be back in work" I whispered against her hair.

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