Final Battle Pt.2

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At a different part of Atlantide with the Protectors...

Bryan's POV

"Lo'Pho! What happened?!" I said. "This is one of Eden's illusions. They're not actually dead, hopefully." Lo'Pho answered. I was relieved and then Lo'Pho said "Oh no. She's here." "Who's here?" I asked. "Bryan, you need to go get the Protectors. We need to help the other guilds as much as we can." Lo'Pho said. "What?!? No! Whoever it is, let me help you." I said. "The guild needs you more than me. I'll be fine. I promise." Lo'Pho said. I didn't want to leave Lo'Pho alone, but I did. I went to find the Protectors. Jakey, Oliver and Relena were at the guildhall. I explained the entire situation, and then we went to find Lo'Pho. We looked around and then we found Lo'Pho. He was in his god slayer form. I said "Lo'Pho?" "Lo'Pho is gone. Now, I am free. Lo'Pho was weak and he couldn't control this power. Now, I can prove my strength." the god said. "NO! Lo'Pho wouldn't let something like this take him over. He's much stronger than that." I said. "You wouldn't understand that. He was weak, and now to show the world my strength and power." the god said. He was going to use an attack, but all of the sudden, Kay appeared. She said "Lo'Pho?" He stopped and turned to Kay. She said "Lo'Pho...I don't know what happened but I'm sorry for leaving the guild. I was too upset, but I forgive you Lo'Pho. I forgive you. You don't have to live with the guilt anymore." We helped, by telling Lo'Pho how much he helped us grow and become more powerful. Then Lo'Pho turned back to normal. He said "You guys protected me...Thank you...You all deserve to be Protectors." People from Divinus Magia came to us, and they were relieved that we were alright. So they went off to find the rest of their guild. We smiled and went back to the guild. We hoped that the other guilds were doing well. Suddenly, my mark started glowing. 

Now with Ritchie...

Ritchie's POV

I was fighting my other-self. Apparently, he was this world's version of me. It took me some time to defeat him. Since he was like me, and it was a bit difficult to defeat him. I managed to defeat him, and then Mitch came out of nowhere and killed him. So I thought that he realized the truth. After Mitch killed the other me, he went off somewhere else. Then I realized that Amber might be in danger. I went back to Atlantide, where I found that a part of it was floating in the air. I had to get up somehow. I saw Austin with Brandon. So I went towards them, and then I asked Brandon if he could help me get up there. He nodded and then used the wind to get me higher. I also used my Storm Blink to get higher too. I landed on the floating island. I saw that Grimshade, some members of Divinus Magia and Amber were fighting there. I had to try and fight with them. So I joined in the fight. Colin grew more powerful and defeated Bren. Soon, I realized that everyone including me was drained from the fight. Then Amber touched her hand on the ground, and it glowed. After all of us were glowing at our feet, and then we felt more powerful.  We continue the battle, but I noticed that Amber was pretty much around the edge of the island. I tried to get to her, but she was too far from me. Plus people were stopping me. So then I let my demon side out, and then fought through the people. I was getting closer and closer when I saw that Colin stopped me. We had an intense battle since he was much stronger than at the GMG. We kept going until Colin went into Dragon Force form. He had black wings, and he was much more powerful. I tried to keep up the battle, but now Colin was getting all the hits. I couldn't handle it either, but I tried to keep going. Colin threw me and I hit a part of a building. It hurts more than I thought. I tried to get up, but I couldn't. David ran to me and said "Boss! Are you alright?" "I'm fine. Just a bit surprised. Colin is stronger than I thought. Can you handle him for me?" I said. "Of course. Inmo's on the ground still, and well it's just me and Kit. She can't keep fighting for much longer. So I just hope we can win." He said. I got up, and David went to deal with Colin. I peeked over and saw Amber. She had wings out, and her eyes were purple now. I was surprised by that, and then she went to fight Eden. Michael was also trying to do his best. He was using everything he could, but I knew it wasn't enough. So I helped both of them with my demon slayer magic. It was working for a bit, but then Amber gets hit badly and she falls over the island. I couldn't get to her since I was occupied. I shouted "AMBER!" I let my red lightning out, and then I fought Eden with everything I had. I couldn't let him win especially since he managed to hurt Amber more than once. I saw that Lucas, Tapio and Mario made it on the island, probably Brandon helped them up. Then, I saw Brandon come up with Austin. I knew that this was the final battle. I tried to tell them that Amber fell over the edge, but they couldn't hear me. I just hoped that she was okay. 

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