*Off Storyline Christmas Special*

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THIS IS A CHRISTMAS SPECIAL PART OF THE STORY. It does not relate to the actual story...so Mitch didn't leave Grimshade, Future Jakey and Kay doesn't exist, Grandmaster Johnathan isn't evil, and Devin is with Grimshade (Eden isn't here) etc. 

Amber's POV

All the guilds decided to do a Christmas party and a Secret Santa exchange. So each individual guild will pull names from their own guilds, and at the party, they'll give the gifts to their person. So Grimshade gathered around in the guild hall. We stood around a circle with a chest in the middle. All of us went to the middle and took a piece of paper that had the name of one of the Grimshade members, that included my kids as well. After Michael said "So now that we have someone to get a gift for, you have a couple hours before the party. So go get a gift. I'll see all of you at the party." Michael went off to get his gift for his person. I went off with Pat and Mitch. When we got to the city, we split up and went off to find the present. I looked at  the paper multiple times, thinking what to get them. I had Michael. There wasn't many things I could get him, so I just looked around for something. I thought about Michael's sleep problems. I ran to a store and managed to buy him something to help with his sleeping problems. I also bought sweaters for my kids and me. I bumped into my kids and then gave them the sweaters. I smiled and then we went to the party together. Grandmaster Johnathan announced the party to start, and the guilds made small circles. Michael asked "Did everyone get a present for the Secret Santa?" We all nodded and then Michael said "Well, I'll go first." He went to Devin. He said "Merry Christmas, Devin." Devin said "Oh, this is nice, Michael. Thank you!" It was a ugly Christmas sweater. We all smirked and then after Devin said "Alright, it's my turn." He went to Bren and said "Here." Bren took the gift and said "Oh! Thanks, Devin! It's a Santa hat." He put it on and then went to give his gift, which was my son Ash. I was smiling as Bren gave Ash, a dragon plushie. Ash said "Thank you!" He hugged Bren, and we all just looked in awe. It was so adorable. Ash went and gave his gift to Mitch. Mitch looked at it, and said "Oh..thanks." He opened it and then said "This is..." I looked and saw it was a black scarf with a purple pattern on it. It matched Mitch perfectly, but I could tell that Mitch was a bit disappointed in his eyes. He managed to say "This is cool. I'll wear it." I knew that he might just put it in his room and never wear it. Anyways, Mitch asked if Colin could go before him. So Colin did, he gave a gift to Pat. It was a new suit. Colin said "I know that you prefer the one you're wearing, but this is another one that I asked to be specifically made for you. Like it's fireproof, bulletproof and more. Also you can turn invisible with it. I thought that you would like this." "This would be so useful when I'm in a stealth mission.  Thanks, Colin." Pat went to Lily and gave her a new sweater. Then Mitch went and gave his gift to me. I said "Oh, you have me? I wonder what you got me." "You'll like it. I promise." He said. I opened the gift and saw it was a holiday picture frame with a picture of Mitch and I. It was really nice and on the picture it said "Merry Christmas, Amber." I smiled and hugged Mitch. "Thank you! This is so nice!" I went up to Michael and gave my gift. I was smiling as I gave him my gift. He opened it and said "You got me a blanket and what are those?" He pulled out the onesie that I bought him with the blanket. I said "It's a purple Santa onesie that I got for you. You'll sleep more comfortably now, hopefully." "I will try to." Lily went to give her gift to my daughter Lily. It was a bit funny to see that both of them were named Lily. Anyways, Lily got her a dragon plushie too. I bet Bren and Lily teamed up to give a gift to my kids. We found out that Seek got himself a present, since he somehow pulled his own name out of the chest. We let him have it, since it wasn't that bad. Anyways, afterwards, we split up to hang out with the others. I hung out with Divinus Magia and then Grandmaster Johnathan proposed if someone would like to sing Christmas songs. I saw Ritchie, Brandon, David, Mitch, Pat and Michael's eyes on me. I tried to hide behind Bren, but then I got dragged out. Ritchie said "I'll sing with you, if you want." "No, I'll do it." Mitch said, taking my hand. I could tell that there's some jealously coming into play. So I said "How about I sing one song with you and one song with Ritchie. Does that work?" "Fine." Both of them answered. I went up the stage with Mitch and then we started singing. 

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