The Mission

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A couple hours later...

Michael's POV

I teleported and brought Bri, the guild leader of The Protectors. I couldn't believe it, she's gone. I brought her body to the party, where everyone saw her. No one said anything. She died in battle, and that changed everything. 

A couple hours earlier...

Amber's POV

I was still following them, and I saw Michael looking at me, and then turned his head to talk to the others. After, I felt the ground shake and then saw the dark guild there. I was flying, so I was watching them, when the female one said "Hmmm, isn't there one more of you? I can sense it." My eyes widened, how is she able to sense me? I hid my magic very well, oh god. Ritchie said "There isn't anyone else, just the guild leaders of the four major guilds." Then the female wizard blasted magic towards my direction, and I got hit. I fell and it revealed me. I got hurt, but it wasn't bad. She said "You lied." Ritchie said "What are you doing here?" "I'll explain later." I said. Then the twin wizards pulled up a wall and then we were all separated except me. I was still in the same area. I said 'Shoot, they separated us. I better help whoever I can." Feeling the energy, I knew that Silver and Bri can handle theirs. So I went to help Ritchie and Brandon. When Ritchie and Brandon, both were hit by a rock. Soon, I went in and saved both of them. They said "Thanks." The twin Earth wizards looked at me and said "That's not fair." "Nothing's fair in this world. I would appreciate it, if you both just shut up." I said. I used my magic and said "Moon Rise Blast!" They blocked it with their wall, only for the wall to break and it still hit them. I said "Wow, that was easy." Ritchie and Brandon stood next to me and used their attacks as well, to make sure. I said "Can you guys handle them? I'm going to help Michael." They nodded and said "Leave them to us, we'll make sure they'll stay down." I teleported to where Michael was, and I said "Am I late?" She said "You came just in time." She used her Link magic, but it just bounced off me and went straight back at her. She said "What?!?" "I'm glad you don't know what I can do." I said. "Rainbow Dragon Blast of Fury!" I shouted and then magic blasted from my hands, hitting the female Link wizard. She got up, after being blasted and said "That's impossible, they can't still exist." Michael said "Oh, you don't know anything, do you?" Michael used his magic to trap her, and he said "I can handle her, go help someone else." 

I nodded and left, I saw that Bri wasn't doing well. I teleported and then I fought off the light mage, he was strong, but since my magic is a type of light magic, the attacks really just gave me more power. So, I blasted him with the exact move he had and he was hit. I teleported Bri away with me, and found myself back at the place where everyone was. I saw that everyone was there now, I was standing with Bri, who was injured. Ritchie said "Michael, take Bri out of here. We'll deal with them." Michael took Bri with him and they disappeared. Then as we were about to blow them away, a hooded figure came out, and instead of hurting all of us, he attacked me. I got hit, and blown back to a wall. I shook my head and said "Ow." Ritchie said "AMBER!" The person, then teleported to me, and then started beating me up, and then using its magic on me. I was really beat up, and then it brought out its sword and I stood up and took both of my swords out, ready to fight it. Silver, Ritchie and Brandon were occupied by the other dark guild members. Then it came at me, it slashed me a couple times and then I attacked as well. I was still being beaten up, and then he slashed my eye, which I couldn't open it anymore. I was really injured now, so I went to finish the person, when it teleported to the dark guild. Then, the person used a spell, that would reveal someone's memories and realized that it was revealing mine. As, the others saw my memories, I was silent. I couldn't believe it, they know now. After, Ritchie and Brandon attempting to finish them off, but they teleported as the attack hit. After, they were gone, but I felt a very sharp pain. I saw that he left the crystal that left me unable to move, but in pain. Silver said "Amber, are you alright?" I said "I'm fine. Just get that crystal away from me, it hurts me because of the crystal around my neck." Silver grabbed the crystal and the threw it away from me. Brandon helped me stand up, and we went to where Michael was. He said "What happened?" "I got beat up by a hooded figure, and I'm really not in a good condition. The person slashed my left eye, so right now it's hard to open it. Not only that, my mana seems to be drained, not only that wait..." I felt really faint, and then I saw a dark spell circle around me. I said "Goddammit, it used a spell on me. It's a drain spell, that's why I feel so tired." Silver was holding me, and he said 'We got to help Amber and Bri." "Help Bri first, she has a self-destruct spell  circle on her. She needs help before me, I'll be fine. I mean it." I said, breathing heavily. We discussed that we should go to Shades, who was Reaper's S class wizard and he knew how to disable spell circles. So Michael used whatever mana left and then teleported us to Shades' place. After, discussing it, Michael said "I have a theory, but we have to try. We're going to use whatever mana left and make a defensive spell circle. And it should not only save Bri, but saves everyone and the area we're in, from too much damage." "What about Amber? She barely can stand, she can't just sit there, hoping it won't hurt her." Silver said. "We're going to risk Amber right now. She's already involved, not only that, I know she can handle it. Amber, do you think you can?" Michael said. "If I do this, there's a chance I could..." I said, not finishing my sentence. "Could what?" Silver said. "Be severely injured, fatally injured, lose my memories or even dying. Those are the risks that I have right now. But, I'll do it, for everyone's sake." I said, nervously. Silver said "I can't lose you." "Just risk it, alright? I rather have all the guild leaders make it out, then having The Protectors to lose their leader. Please Silver, it's okay." I said, then smiling. He nodded and then we held onto each other in a circle and then we did the defensive circle. Then everything went black. 

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