Welcome for Team Battles of the GMG!

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A couple weeks later...

Amber's POV

I was sitting up at the stadium. I wasn't going to battle yet, I was one of the last battles, and I wasn't that excited. Since I knew that our team was going to win, I decided to go easy on them and toy with them. I was watching the battles as they played out. Mario and Lucas outdid themselves and I was surprised that Bryan unlocked his Dragon Force. After, Inmo and David were fighting Relena and Jakey (pretend Jakey was there) and the Protectors lost. Soon, it was Bren and Colin versus Stu and Brick. I said "They're done for. Bren and Colin trained really hard, so I hope they're ready to be beat." Ritchie said "Yeah, they're not gonna make it. I mean Stu has a fan and Brick has a ice hook. They're not a big threat like us." "Yeah, I'm ready to see Grimshade win." I said. And then after, Bren and Colin won. And now it was Ritchie and Brandon versus Silver and Dream aka Bri. I was kinda nervous for this match because if they go too far, Bri's identity might be revealed. So I was making sure that they're not going to do something that can reveal Bri. I stood up watching the fight, it was getting real bad. But I couldn't intervene since I could be take out of the GMG. Anyways, the battle ended with a draw. I went down and teleported Ritchie, Brandon, Bri and Silver out of the arena. I realized that Lo'Pho saw Bri, so I knew that he now knows what happened. Now it was Michael and I versus Kit and this other member who just joined 3 weeks ago. I came into the arena with Michael, and he said "Remember, we have to go easy on them. Also, I hope you don't disappoint Grimshade." "Yeah, sure. Let's get this over with." I said. I saw who we were fighting. It was Kit and another new member. I said "Good luck to both of you. You'll need it." Kit said "Are you sure about that?" I shook my head and said "Do you want to test that theory? Michael, handle the other guy, I can handle Kit." He nodded and then we fought. Kit was stronger, but she still lost thanks to my ability to use any magic. After, we won. So the scoreboard was Grimshade in first, Divinus Magia in second place and The Protectors and The Wandering Coins tied in third. 

After, I went back to Grimshade, where I saw Pat. He looked different from before, but then I remembered that Michael told me that he was merged with the first guild master of Grimshade. I approached him and said "Hi." Pat turned around and he was really different, but he said "Hey, Amber. Are you okay with me being like this?" "Yeah, to me that's normal. I mean if you saw Colin, you'd understand, but you guys are sharing so it's a bit different. I can do the same, but we decided not to." I said. "Wait, you have a spirit in you?" He asked. "Yeah, I had one since I was young. He's a demon spirit not just a normal spirit. I can show you." I said. I let Damien and I become one and Pat said "Woah!" I felt half of me disappear and Damien filling that space. From what I know, Damien made one of my eyes purple, and half my body is purple like and black clothing. Pat said " You look way different from before. So who's this?" "Well that's Damien. He and I accidentally merged into one. And we managed to live like this for years. So Damien, you can return now." I said. Damien left and went back to where he was as I returned to normal. I said "I hope that gave Damien some time to be outside me for once. Anyways, I hope you both agree on who you're gonna look like because I think anyone outside the guild would question your new look. So I hope you agree on something. But I'll go now." Pat said goodbye and then I decided to go back to Divinus Magia to see if anyone needed healing at all.

 I teleported to the island and I saw Brandon talking to Mario. I said "Hey boys! Both of your battles were amazing! I didn't think you'd be able to use Dragon Force yet. I'm proud Mario." "Wow, you're praising Mario and not me? I'm offended." Brandon said, pretending to be offended. I said "Oh come on. You and Ritchie were always powerful so I don't have to worry about that. And also I know that it was going to get really serious." After we went to the new guild hall and I sat down with Mario and Brandon. We talked about the battles and everything, when I saw Ritchie walk in. I said "Ritchie! I'm glad you're alright." "I'm glad too. Anyways, Mario can I talk to Brandon and Amber alone?" Ritchie asked. "Of course, Ritchie. I'll go." Mario said. Mario went out of the guild hall and then Ritchie sat down with us. He said "I wanted to talk about something. Let's go downstairs." We went to the basement, where there was tons and tons of beer and wine. "Alright, so we need to talk about Bri. Now that she's been exposed to everyone, we kind of don't have any explanation to how she's still alive. So we're going to have to explain eventually. But I want to know what you think." Ritchie said. "Well, I think we might as well reveal she's not dead, but not revealing the plan we're in. We need to keep it secretive." Brandon said. "I agree with Brandon. I mean they're going to ask questions." I said. After we discussed everything and then we decided to keep it on the down low until someone asks about Bri. I went out to the Divinus Magia gardens, as they're the most beautiful gardens around Atlanti. I saw that David was there, he had bandages around him. I said "David, are you okay? What happened to you?" "Well, I ran into something. It's nothing really." He answered. I said "Let me heal you." "No. It's fine." He said. "Are you sure?" I asked. He said "Really. I'm sorry, I'm not in the best mood right now." I went to a quiet part of the gardens. I sat down on a bench and then calmed down. I knew that when I sing a song, that I feel better. 

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