The Battles of The GMG

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A couple weeks later...

Amber's POV

It's time for the GMG, and I'm so excited. I'm fighting Ritchie, one of the twins of Divinus Magia. I got there with Pat, and we waited. When it started, Shades announced the beginning of the GMG. The first battle was Lo'pho and Josh, they fought and Lo'pho was having trouble fighting and then Lo'pho got wet. He was surrounded with water, I was already laughing so hard. Michael was chuckling a bit, and everyone started laughing a bit, but were also holding it back. Then we saw a bright light and Josh was on the ground, well the lily pads. The next battle was Bryan and Inmo, I was worried about Inmo, because he wasn't the greatest at it. Bryan was just too confident and if he lost, his pride would just die. They kept fighting and it was almost endless, when both wizards lost their mana and it was a draw. 

The next battle was Ritchie and me, I got down there and Ritchie said "It's a pleasure to fight you. I just hope Michael won't yell at me." "Oh, please, he won't yell at you. He'll be yelling at me, because I'm going to take you down." I said, sassy. "Oh, now you're on!" Ritchie replied. He said "Ladies, first. Let see if you can even hit me." I got my dual swords and then I started running, I was way too fast, but he can also see my moves, so I pretended to come and attack him and I read his moves and I see that he's gonna use Storm Blink. I pretended to attack him, but then I blasted Rainbow Beam at him, where he used Storm Blink and it hit him. He hit the wall, and said "Nice shot." He made lightning appear and it became Dodge the Lightning Bolt. I was very quick, but some hit me, he doesn't know that I can absorb the lightning. Then, I used the lightning to be even faster and then I slashed Ritchie multiple times. He was injured, but he kept fighting. He used his strongest attack on me, and I hit the side of the wall. I fell and I got up, he said "How are you still standing?" "I'm tougher than you think." I said. I closed my eyes and I said to myself "Damien, let's merge." I opened my eyes and they were purple. I had purple lightning surrounding me, and then I teleported, and attacked multiple times. Then I said "Rainbow Dragon Roar!" Then Rainbow Magic blasted from my mouth, and then I landed superhero style. The dust cleared and I saw Ritchie unconscious, but he had slash marks and was bleeding. I looked at Michael and mouthed "I'm so sorry." I went to Ritchie and took him to the medic.

 I came upstairs to the viewing deck, where the next battle was about to begin. Shades announced "Now, we have Bren from Grimshade and Mario from Divinus Magia!" I saw that Bren was drunk, I said "He's gonna lose. Can you kill him for me Michael?" "Of course, he's suppose to be a model, and he's drunk. I'll make sure to punish him for that." After a bit, Mario won, but it was more of a pity win, since Bren was drunk. Then it was Brandon and Colin, I was like "I bet everything that Brandon is gonna win. Look, Michael, I'll train Colin if you want." "Please. He's not doing well, and I know that he'll be in good hands with you, so yes. After he loses." Michael said. I smiled and I can tell that Colin really thinks he could win. Kit said "Who's going to win?" "Brandon. If he somehow loses, that changes everything." I said. "That will never happen. I know Brandon, and he won't lose. Ritchie wouldn't be proud." Michael said. "I mean Brandon is always the one dragging you and Ritchie home, so he won't lose to a newbie of course." I said. Then Brandon won, I saw that Colin went full form was defeated. The next battle was Kit and Pat, I was so ready for this one. I said "Pat told me that he might go easy on Kit, but I mean she improved but she's too confident, and plus there aren't anything for her to burn except Pat's suit. And if she burns that, she's dead for sure." "I already know that she isn't gonna do well. She's too confident and thinks she's strong, when compared to Bryan is nothing. Bryan has more control and has more fire than her sparks." Brandon said. I nodded and the battled played out exactly as I suspected. Pat was going way too easy on her, but she did manage to burn a bit of his suit, and he got mad. I said "She's dead." "Agreed." Brandon and Michael said. Then it was over. The next battle was Kay and Silver, and I knew that Silver was going to win, and I yelled to Silver "Kay talks a lot, just finish her before you get bored!" "Wait, she talks a lot?" Michael said. "Yeah, she's really talkative and she talks to herself, so Silver gets bored easily and might leave the battle midway. But let's see how this will turn out." I said.  Silver beat Kay, and he won. The next battle was Mitch and Marshie, I already determined that Mitch was going to win, so in less than 3 minutes, Mitch beat Marshie. The second last battle was Dream aka Bri against Seek, and I knew that Bri was going to use her new illusion magic that I gave her. She was doing too well, and Michael said "She literally is doing Nightmare magic right now. Jeez, that gave me the chills too." After, Silver told her to stop because she almost killed him. The final battle was Michael and David. I said "If David goes full on, Michael will stop him before he actually does it." "That would be good, since he's reckless and Michael is too powerful for even him to try to use Ice Make Shell. "Brandon said. I nodded and it was pretty quick, and David went full. Brandon stood up and Michael destroyed him. After, Shades wrapped it up and Grimshade won, with The Wandering Coins being the runner up. So, we went back to our guilds to rest for the next battle. 

I went to go to the Divinus Magia island so I could check up on Ritchie. Michael went with me to check up on David. I followed Brandon to where Ritchie was, he was lying in his room, and he had bandages on his body. I said "I didn't mean to hurt him this much, that's what I get when I get super pumped." "It's not your fault, Ritchie would have wanted a battle like that, and I knew he would lose to you. I actually bet on you to win and Silver had to pay me." Brandon said. I laughed and said "Wow. Anyways, what's his condition?" "He's okay, just tired and drained." Brandon said. I nodded and then I held his hand and then I I used my magic to heal him and give back his mana. I let go of his hand and Ritchie sits up and said "What happened?" "You lost the battle against Amber, and she knocked you unconscious." Brandon said. I said "Sorry, got into it too much. Michael almost yelled at me." "God, anyways, you need rest. Amber and I will hang out until she goes, she just wanted to make sure you're alright." Brandon said. "Alright, then. I'll see you soon." Ritchie said, before lying down in bed. I said "Well, Brandon, where do you want to go?" "How about the garden? It's beautiful and it's nice to be somewhere peaceful." He suggested. We went there and then we sat down on a bench together. I smelled the air and it smelled like beautiful flowers and I could hear the waves lapping behind us. Brandon said "Well, I wanted to ask you something. You know that dark guild you mentioned about your kids? I want to know more about it, so Ritchie and I can have info, so that we can also stop them." "Well, it's a long story, but my parents were the guild leaders of The Destroyers. And as their daughter, they want me to be the strongest, so they went to get me light magic, to make it seem like I'm a good mage, so like giving a false sense of security. We got there, and I think those people had a vision because they gave me Rainbow Dragon Slayer magic, but my parents thought that dragon was a Light dragon, so when they found out that I could do any magic, they killed them and the dragon because they gave me the wrong powers, and stole everything. And when I got captured by Johnathan, he told me that his family was killed by my parents, so he wants revenge. Anyways, I met this guy named Shadow, he and I became close, but then we got into a  relationship. Then I found out that I was pregnant, so both of us were happy until the kids were born. Shadow always wanted his children to have his powers, so when we discovered their powers, he wasn't interested in them. As you know their powers, he didn't like them. He would always want me to spend time with me, but I was always so busy, so one night, he and I argued and he threatened to leave. He told me that we should abandon my daughter and take our son and teach him, since he hated her. I yelled at him and slapped him, so he left, and told me that one day, that I'll regret it. So when he kidnapped my kids before, I thought the worst thing. I thought that he was going to turn them against me." I said. Brandon said "I can tell that this is a touchy topic. We can stop talking about it. Let's walk around." He got up and I did too, and then we walked around the area. We walked around the island a bit, and then I started feeling sleepy. We sat down on a bench, and I leaned my head on Brandon and fell asleep. 

Brandon's POV

I felt some weight on my shoulder and I see that Amber fell asleep on  my shoulder. I carried her to my room, and let her sleep there. I went to visit Ritchie and explained the things Amber told me earlier, and then I went to Ritchie and my office and did some paperwork. But Amber was in my mind and I felt comfortable and calm around her. I blushed a bit, but I tried to hide it in case someone would come in. I don't know if I like her or not...

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