A Warm Welcome For The Wandering Coins

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Amber's POV

I managed to get to the Divinus Magia island no problem. I got out of my boat, and then I checked all my stuff before going through the gates. I was admiring the water, when I pushed to the ground. A man with red and black clothing with some black hair covering his right eye. He was a thief, I saw that he was a Wandering Coin. I got up and threw him into the ocean. I shook my head and then made my way to Divinus Magia. I knocked on the door, and David answered the door. He said "Ritchie, Brandon. Amber's back!" "Oh? I wasn't expecting her to be back so soon. Let her come in, David." David let me inside, and I said "Sorry if I came back too soon, I just wanted to train a bit more before the next battles, anyways, a thief pushed me to the ground, and I found out that he's a Wandering Coin. So, I'm already having a bad day." "Wait, someone from your old guild pushed you to the ground and was going to do what?" Brandon said. "I think he saw my necklace. Some thieves have tried to take my necklace, but they ended up in jail or personally destroyed by yours truly." I said. I sat onto of the middle table where Ritchie and Brandon were sitting near. Then 2 people came to the doorstep and I said "What are the odds...that I'll see 2 Wandering Coin members here..." I shook my head, and then waited. Mario and David were talking to the Wandering Coin members, and then they let them in eventually. 

They were talking about some things, and some hurtful comments about how Ritchie and Brandon are running the guild, and then I whispered "The guy with the red and black clothing was the one who pushed me, and tried robbing me." Brandon gave me a questioning look and looked at the guy, and then whispered back "Are you sure?" "Yes, I am. He's bad at lying and he stole some flowers, as I checked before walking into the guild hall." I said. Brandon muttered to himself "Oh, did he?" Ritchie said "Well, what is it you guys want? We're kinda busy with some stuff." "I mean, you guys look like you're just chilling and drinking. What are you guys even busy with?" Stu said. Brandon said "Planning to train for the next battles of the GMG. What else?" "I don't know... guild leader stuff and for the rest of your guild, quests? From my view, I think you're just doing nothing but drinking and hanging out, then training." Stu said. "Well, I don't appreciate the tone you're using towards the guild leaders." I said. I turned around and got up from the table. I said "Remember, they own this island, so technically you're on their territory. And if you anger them, they might ban you from coming here ever again." He backed away and said "And what proof do you have that you can say that I can get banned from coming here?" I said "Well, first, when I got here, you tried robbing me, but you failed, since I threw you into the ocean. And after, I see you stealing flowers that make this island thrive. So I would say that you're not welcome in my book." Ritchie said "Oh, so he stole the flowers that make this place livable." Mario said "Those flowers was the only things that made this island bountiful, I brought the island up from the ocean, so it was a wasteland when it came out. Stealing those flowers can reverse what we did." "And you insulted the guild masters in their own territory and I believe that you two should leave before you both have to play Dodge the Lightning Bolt." David said. "It could have been someone else. Why would I steal flowers in the first place? They're not worth much anyways." Stu said. I looked at Brandon and Ritchie, both of them were starting to get triggered. I said "You might want to take those words back, before Brandon blasts you away with a tornado or Ritchie's Dodge The Lightning Bolt." Brandon said "I wonder if you know what type of guild we are." "What guild are you?" Stu said. I said "They're a guild of ex-criminals. You know people who used to be thieves, village destroyers, you know, anything that can get you in jail. They're trying to redeem themselves, but they still have their criminal minds and skills with them. So they know the things that most thieves and dark guilds know. Don't even try to lie, since they can tell who's lying." Both of them said "We're going to be leaving now." "You should." David said. Ritchie said "David, Mario, go follow them and make sure they go back." Both of them went and chased them out. I said "Well, I hope they don't come back." "Probably not." Ritchie said. "I'm going to the garden and maybe calm myself down there. I'll see you later." I said. I walked out of the guild hall and headed to the garden, where there were benches and it was peaceful. The sounds of the village faded away, as the waves lapped the shore. I sat down on the bench. I looked around if there was anyone around, and then I breathed slowly, and then started singing.

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