Training the Dragon Slayers

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The next morning...

Amber's POV

I woke up early, the sun was just starting to rise. I sat up and saw that Colin was still sleeping. I said to Colin "Wake up Colin. It's our first day of training. You better wake up or else, I'll use my water magic on you." He was snoring, so I powered up my water magic and splashed cold water on him. He woke up and said "Oh my god! I'm awake." "Shhh." I said. He looked at the window and saw that the sun wasn't even up yet, he said "It's so early...why now?" "Come on, we're training early a bit, but don't worry, it won't be bad, also you'll be energized for the day. Come on." I said. He got up and then we went to the training area that Ritchie showed us yesterday. Colin said "Well, I mean it's nice to see the sun rise." "Yeah it is. Also, I thought for today, we would just practice our attacks, and our aim that's it. Since Ritchie has planned training for all of us, I just want to get some practice in before that." I stood in the middle of the place and then I used my attacks. "Dragon Slash!" I used my swords and slashed the dummies, and I hit every target. After, I used my elemental magic and then I said "Come on, Colin, your turn." He said "You're really good. Your aim was on point the whole time, okay. I can do this." I watched Colin use his attacks, his aim was good, but his attacks weren't as strong. So I helped him strengthen his attacks by giving him some shadow energy balls, that would strengthen his shadow magic. He said "What am I suppose to do with the energy balls?" "You don't know?! I wonder how you're a dragon slayer. Okay, let me show you." I said. I picked up a rock from the ground and ate a part of it, then threw it on the ground, it breaks. Colin said "Does that taste good?!" "Yeah *chewing* but it tastes a bit bitter because people walked on the area. But it still tastes good." I said. "You see, what I'm showing you is how dragon slayers power up their magic and it's actually enjoyable. So right now, my earth power should be powered up. So let's see." I picked up a rock using earth magic and then I threw it at the dummies and I actually broke one of the dummies. "Woah!" Colin said. I said "Oops. I did too much, oh well. Point is, you're suppose to eat the energy balls. They taste good, try them." "Okay..." Colin said. He picked one of the shadow energy balls and then he ate it. He swallowed it and said "Oh, it tastes so good! How did I never knew that?" "Your dragon was suppose to teach you how to eat your element. But it's okay if you don't know. At least now, you know, but there's one rule. You can't eat your own magic. So if you made these same energy balls, they won't power you up, so you can only eat someone else's or any shadow magic that isn't yours." I said. 

We continued for a bit, and then we went back to the guest hall. When we got there, everyone was already there. I said "Oh hey guys. Morning!" "Where were you two?" Ritchie asked. "Oh, Colin and I were doing a bit of morning practice, before we get into real training, also Ritchie, I can help with any of the dragon slayers." Then Ritchie said "How about Amber train all of the dragon slayer since she is experienced in every element, not only that one of the strongest out of all the guilds."  "I mean if you want me to." I said.  Lo'pho said "Hmm, that would help Bryan here." "Yeah, I can help, I can also help them with their attacks, defences or anything like that." I said. "Okay, so Amber will take all the dragon slayers to train with her, Brandon will take David and Jakey with him to train, Lo'pho can train with Bjorn and Inmo, and I'll take Kay and Kit to train as well. Alright, let's split up and go." Ritchie said. So I took the dragon slayers to an empty open area of the island and then I said "Before we start training, tell me what your dragon slayer magic is, and then I'll go off from there." "Well, I'm a Fire Dragon Slayer from the Protectors." Bryan said. "I'm the Cavern Dragon Slayer of Divinus Magia." Mario said. "Well, I'm the Shadow Dragon Slayer from Grimshade." Colin said. Then I said "Now that everyone knows each other. Let's see what you can do. We'll start with Colin." "Alright, wait Amber can you give me some shadow balls now?" he asked. "Sure." I said, and then produced some shadow energy balls for Colin. He picked them up and ate them, I felt his energy being powered up as he ate each one. Then he said "Now, I'm ready." "Do those taste good?" Kit said. "Yeah they taste really good for Shadow dragon slayers." I said. Then, Colin started using his magic and then after he said "That felt good. Alright, who's next?" "I'll go!" Bryan said. "Well, do you need more heat?" I said. "Actually, sure! I already have a lot, but it will make me much stronger." He said. I produced a couple fireballs, and then I gave the fireballs to Bryan. He took them and ate them, his energy presence changed and then he said "I'M ALL FIRED UP!!!" And used his roar. I said "That was a waste but okay, just attack the dummies and not showing off." Bryan threw his attacks and hit the dummies, he had accuracy, but his aim wasn't good enough, he kept missing the farther dummies. After he said "That took a lot out of me." "Well, you shouldn't have used your roar at the beginning then. You would have more power in your attacks if you didn't use the roar, and your aim was really off when you were trying to hit the  farther dummies." I said. Bryan said "Wait, I missed?! Dang it, alright, someone go next." I said "Mario?  Who wants to go next?""I'll go." Mario said. He went up to the dummies and said "Let me eat some rocks first." He lifted some rocks from the ground and ate the rocks, after he said "Now, I'm ready." He attacked the dummies and his aim and accuracy was really good compared to Bryan and he hit every target on the dummies and then he was done. We laughed it off and then we kept talking, and then we trained. 

A couple hours later...

We were walking back to the guest hall. We worked really hard, Kit learned how to use her roar and she can do other fire attacks. Mario was able to learn how to use Earth armour and we had some fun, Bryan almost burned a part of Colin's hair off, Mario almost pelleted Bryan with pebbles and I almost destroyed all the dummies, trying to show them my weakest Rainbow Dragon Roar. Anyways, we got back and everyone was there too. We talked a bit and then we had the rest of the day to ourselves. I went to talk to Ritchie and Brandon about some things that I know about Reaper's killer and some other things. I followed Ritchie and Brandon to their office. They said "How much do you know?" "I know a bit, also I'm talking about another thing as well, from what Michael has told me in secret." I said. "Oh? I wonder what." Ritchie said. We walked into the office, and I closed the door. "So, tell us what you know about Reaper's killer or anything like that." Brandon said. "Well, first off, whoever killed Reaper was very quick about it. When I got to where he died, the magic used would point fingers at Michael as it feels like that Michael used his magic to kill Reaper, but it wasn't him. Because one, he wouldn't do it and two he wasn't even there on the day or even remotely close enough to even do it on him. So whoever did it, wanted to try point fingers towards Michael, but it wasn't him, because I went through his memories and on the day of Reaper's death, he was nowhere near the guild hall or even close enough to even use his magic from a far distance. Also, on a different note, I felt some strange feelings towards Johnathan. He has some suspicious things that happened, especially towards me. Do you think he's planning something?" I asked. "I mean it's possible, but I doubt it but with what happened to you, we do understand. Why would he want you for a plan? And you told us that Reaper was killed by Johnathan, because he confessed to you. But there isn't any real evidence that he did." Ritchie said. "I know, but I hope it'll be solved. Anyways, I might go back to Grimshade, just to see if there's anything new and not only that, I have to check up on things back home. So I'll be leaving tomorrow, just tell the Protectors and Colin that I went back t do some business." I said. "Alright, we'll do that. But be back soon." Brandon said. I nodded and went to the guest hall. I got my stuff and then I got ready to leave, so when everyone went to sleep.I went to the docks and then I teleported to somewhere I had to go see. When I got there, everything was misplaced and was broken. I saw the toys were just laying around and I called out "Ash? Lily? Where are you?" Then I saw a note that said " We know who you are, and we have your children. If you come and surrender to us, your kids will be free, we promise. Come alone or else... -The Destroyers" I said "It can't be them...Dammit, I have to get them, but I don't think I can handle the guild. I need help now. There's only one place I can turn to." 

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