New Guild!?!?

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A couple years later...

"Hey, Silver. I know I promised that I'll stay, but I don't think The Wandering Coins is the best place for me. I know that the election for the new guild leader is happening, but with Reaper dead, I don't think this place is a fit. I promise you, Silver, I'll find a new guild, but I will come visit you, alright?" Silver looked at me, he said "But all the members are voting you, and you know I'm not the best choice." "I know, but I know you can do it, trust me." I said, smiling. He hugged me and said "Be safe, I'll see you again soon, right?" I nodded and then I disappeared from the guild hall. 

I decided to go find the grand master, who's in charge of the Grand Magic Games (GMG) and the guilds. So I went there, I saw the grand master. He saw me and said "Ah, you must be Amber, Reaper's first choice apprentice. Are you running in the election for the new guild leader?" I said "No, I wasn't running in the first place, well I don't fit in The Wandering Coins since Reaper's passing, so I want to join a different guild, but do you have any suggestions for me?" The grand master said "Well, I do have one, in fact you might like it. I'll let the guild leader know, and he'll be here soon. Um, by the way, I'm Grand Master Johnathan, if you didn't know." I nodded and then I left. 

A couple days later...

I went back to the grand master's office, because he told me that the guild leader was coming today. I got there, and he told me "This guild is for people who did horrible things like murder, and their quests are more brutal and challenging than most guilds, I think you'll do well anyways because your magic is very powerful." Then I saw the door open, and saw a man with dark clothing, and a purple streak of hair. He said "Grand Master Johnathan, this is the recruit I assume?" Johnathan nodded and said " Michael, meet Amber. Like you, she's an assassin and she's a thief. She told me she doesn't want to be in The Wandering Coins, which is a thief guild. Do you think she'll fit in your guild?" "Well, that depends if I'm impressed and if she's good enough. What's your magic?" He said. I said "I'm a Rainbow Dragon Slayer." Michael said " That's impossible. I thought that there aren't any left." "Exactly, there isn't one anymore. I'm the last Rainbow Dragon Slayer that still exists." I said. Michael said "How good are you of a thief or an assassin, since I'm a highly trained assassin." I said "Well, I mean I've been a thief since I was 10, and became an assassin from being trained by dark guilds, since I was 14, and since I'm still doing them now, I'd say I'm a professional." "Well, I think you'd fit into my guild perfectly. Not only we'll have 2 dragon slayers, but with your history and background, you'd be one the best guild members we'll have. And it'll be better to have another girl in the guild." He said, happily. I said "What's your guild called?" "It's called Grimshade. It's not a dark guild, but it's a guild for those who've done things. You'll fit in." He said, and I followed him to where Grimshade is located. It was a mess, there were beer jugs everywhere and I saw different members of the guild there. Michael said "Listen up, we have a recruit here, introduce yourselves." 

Grimshade members

Seek-an ice wizard, a B class wizard

Bren the Berserker-a Beast Slayer, a S class wizard and is second in command

Trigger Finger aka Patrick O'Brian- a gun slinging wizard (gun magic) an A class wizard

Viper aka Mitch- a Poison Dragon Slayer, a Double S class wizard

Shade aka Michael-a Shadow God Slayer, and the guild leader of Grimshade

Then Mitch asked "Who are you?" I said "I'm Amber. I'm a Rainbow Dragon Slayer." "Wait, WHAT??!?" Mitch said "That's impossible, I thought they were all extinct." "The thing is I'm the last Rainbow Dragon Slayer that will ever exist. There might or will never be anyone else who will be another Rainbow Dragon Slayer." I said. Mitch was shocked and said "What have you done that you want to be here?" "I've done many things. I'm a thief and a highly trained assassin. Well, I trained myself so I can't say if I am, but I've done lots of assassinations and when Reaper was alive, I was his second in command for The Wandering Coins for a bit." I said. Everyone was shocked and Seek asked "Is she starting as a C class like me?" "I don't think Amber needs to prove how good she is, but I can test her, to see if she's worthy of a S class rank." Michael said. Bren said "Are you sure, Michael? I mean all the recruits have to start from the bottom to the top. All of us were C class rank from the beginning. It's unfair if you let one person be a high rank." "I said, I would test her. If you guys don't believe she's good then we can test that right now." Michael said. Everyone cleared the bar and watching from afar, as Michael and I were standing, getting ready then my swords materialized in my hands. Michael said "Let's begin. This'll be fun." Then the fight began, I was blocking his attacks, and he used a nightmare move. I froze, but I concentrated and said "Blazing Sunlight Blast!" Light magic combined with my rainbow magic, broke through the nightmare, and it exploded with a white light. After, both of us were breathing heavily, we continued fighting, but it was starting to get endless, since we were so evenly matched. Soon, Michael called it over, and we stood there. The rest of the guild were shocked and surprised to see me still standing after Michael's attack. Michael said "Now you believe me?" Everyone nodded and then I started out as a S class wizard. And my guild mark was put on my right shoulder. And from then, I was Grimshade's strongest female mage. 

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