Bri's Funeral and Trouble

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Amber's POV

It's the funeral for Bri, even though we know she's not dead, we have to pretend and doing so makes me believe she's dead. It's hard, and doing the final remarks is also hard. Austin and I are doing the final remarks for Bri. I walked to the place, and we all sat down as the guild leaders stood on pedestals. Grandmaster Johnathan said a few words and then asked "Will Amber and Silver join me up here to give the final remarks?" I got up from my chair as Silver got down from his pedestal, we stood in front of everyone. "Bri was someone important to everyone: a friend, family, a comrade, a protector, a supporter, a teacher, a mentor, and a leader. As the Dragon Queen, she tried her best to protect the dragons. As a close friend of hers, I'll protect the dragons the way she does, but she'll always be honoured from all of us. She was the leader of The Protectors, who are to protect those who can't protect themselves, she wanted the world to know that they'll be safe as long as the Protectors are around, so I hope the Protectors will live up to what Bri wanted. She'll never be forgotten, as she's one of the strongest guild leaders and the Dragon Queen." I said. "She was someone who was there when there wasn't anyone who could help. I may not have known her as long as you all have, but in the time I knew Bri, she was a protector to all, and she has left a legacy for all of us to fulfill. We must move forward and continue, but Bri will always be in our hearts." Austin said. Then both of us turned around and put a flower in her coffin. "Farewell, Bri. It's been an honour to know you." I said. Austin said "Goodbye, Bri." Then we got back to our seats. 

A couple hours later...

I was walking through the woods, because the Protectors walked here to get away from all this, I wanted to talk to them, but then I got jumped by 4 people. I got my swords out and I said "Who are you?!" "We're just here to get you." One of them said. "I don't think so. You're not taking me anywhere. You're challenging a very powerful wizard, I would stand down and leave if I were you." I said. And then they attacked, dodging them, but since it was 4 on 1, it was unfair. So I got hit a lot and then I hit a couple trees. I saw behind me was the Protectors and Mitch. They noticed me, and I said "Rainbow Dragon Roar!!" Then a blast of my Rainbow magic came out and then the people disappeared. I landed, in the huge hole I made and was breathing heavily. Mitch said "What happened?" I turned around and I walked to them, "Got attacked by 4 people, no big deal." I said calmly. "How are you so calm?" Bryan said. "Well, I'm used to it. I used to be attacked by so many people, and that gave me lots of fighting experience and strength. Now, I'm very powerful, as you saw, that was my roar. It actually doesn't take as much mana as you think it takes. Anyways, why are you here, Mitch?" I said. "Well, I was just talking to them, about how this guild will crumble if they can't protect." Mitch said, angrily. "Look, I know you're mad that Bri's gone because of the info. Don't make them think it's their fault, Bri's gone. She died on mission with the guild leaders, and blaming it on them doesn't make it any better. If you knew Bri, she would give the info to someone, to give it to you." I said. I pulled out a book and said "Here's your info, you needed. But there's something in there, I don't want anyone else to know, so if you want to read it, go home." "Why? Is it going to change how they think of you?" Mitch said, he was acting as toxic as he normally does, but he never does that to me. I looked away and then he opened it, and saw what I was trying to hide. He said "There's no way. Your parents did it?!? Why didn't you tell me?!?" "I didn't even know it was that place. Bri gave me her original info, and I realized that it was the same place. I'm sorry for what my parents did, but please don't think that I would do that too." I said. "Maybe, we shouldn't have ever been together. Maybe destiny was wrong about us, your family killed mine, I can't forgive you for it." Mitch said. I started to have tears and then he pushed past me. I couldn't believe that he said that we shouldn't have been together. Bryan said "A-Are you okay?" "No, I'm sorry that you guys had to hear this drama, but Mitch and I are currently fighting. We're not on good terms, he broke my heart and now he thinks our relationship shouldn't have existed. That hurts more than heartbreak. I can't believe he would say that to me, especially." I said, crying. Bryan hugged me and said "It's okay. I can't believe you even dated him, he's so rude and he was literally blaming Jakey for not being able to use his magic properly, and told him he could've saved so many people." "I'm very sorry for what Mitch was saying to you, he said the exact same thing to me." I said, sadly. "Really?!?" Jakey said. I nodded and said "I'm not kidding when I say he's poison. He's toxic to everyone, but he never was toxic to me at all, it's like he doesn't even recognize me anymore. It hurts a lot, I mean my friend has helped, but since Mitch and I are in the same guild it's hard to avoid him." Then I talked to the Protectors, and then I went back home. 

Back at Grimshade's guild hall...

I got back and Pat said "What happened?" "Got a little sidetracked nothing bad." I said. "Sure...those sword slash marks aren't anything. Come on, tell me." He said. "Got roughened up by 4 people, they wanted me to go with them. But a roar got them to scramble." I said. "Well come on, let's get you patched up and also Michael wants to see you." He said. I nodded and then got myself patched up, and then I went to Michael's office. He said "What happened?" "It's okay, Michael, but this is the second time I got hurt from other people. I think dark guilds are targeting me for some reason, either it's because of my family or my magic. Do you think I'm safe at Grimshade at all?" I said. "Hmm, well seeing that it only happens when you're out. But I know that the other members here, wouldn't want to watch over you, so I would say it's best to stay somewhere else, while we get to the bottom of this, but I want to say that, you should talk to Grandmaster Johnathan. He can at least start an investigation to find them." Michael said. I nodded and then went to my room and awaiting the Grand Magic Games. 

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