I Think I Like You...

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A couple days later...

Amber's POV

I was walking to the gardens, so that I can just enjoy the peace. I was getting there when I noticed David and Lucas training at the new training grounds. I said "Hey boys!" Both of them noticed and Lucas said "Hey Amber. Do you want to train with us?" "Are you sure? I might be too powerful for you guys to handle. After all, I'm the Rainbow Dragon Slayer." I said. David said "Oh come on. I mean Lucas is S class and I want to know why Ritchie picked him." "I know why Ritchie picked him, but I don't know if I want to say it." I said. Lucas said "If you know just tell him. He'll find out eventually." "Alright, well Ritchie asked me to check what magic you use Lucas. And well when I found out, I was kinda surprised, but at the same time I was expecting it. You see Lucas is a god slayer. A water god slayer to be exact. And if you don't believe me, I might send you flying across the island. Also Ritchie sensed Lucas' magical power and confirmed that Lucas is a god slayer. Don't worry your secret is safe here unless someone else finds out. But I mean we're all going to find out eventually."  I said. "Come on. I want to see what a dragon slayer can do." Lucas said. "You're going to ask for it? Look, I fought my guild master who is also a god slayer and he was evenly matched with me. So I don't know if you can do well." I said. "I'll be fine. David, just watch us." Lucas said. I came in and prepared to fight Lucas. "Well, I'll try to keep the damage to a minimum. But you never know." I said. Then Lucas ran at me. I teleported and then kicked Lucas. He used his magic and I froze the water. Then I pulled out my swords and then I slashed him a couple times. He fell backwards, but the water caught him. After we continued fighting, but then I said "Rainbow Dragon Roar!!" And magic came out. And an explosion happened. Lucas was defeated. I went over to him and he was pretty much injured. I used my healing magic and healed Lucas. He woke up and said "What happened?" "I won the fight. And you were injured so I healed your injuries, so you're fine now." I said. Lucas got up and said "You are really strong. Who's your guild master?" "Oh. I'm the second in command of Grimshade. A guild for people who've done things. Anyways, my guild leader is Michael. He's a Shadow god slayer, pretty rare as shadow magic is very rare to find." I said. 

So after, David and Lucas went with me to the gardens and then we went to the rebuilt guild hall. David saw both Ritchie and Brandon and he went on a rant. I sighed and said "This is gonna be great." David was mad at Ritchie for giving Lucas S rank. I told David that just because he's an S rank doesn't mean that Ritchie wasn't considering you as a S rank. After, David and Lucas left. I sighed and said "Didn't want to deal with that. I mean Lucas asked for a fight with me, and oh boy he got destroyed. Anyways, I'm going to go if you don't have anything to say to me." I was going to go, when Ritchie said "Wait. Can I talk to you alone? Sorry I just want to talk to her about something." "It's alright. I'll see you both later." Brandon said. And then he went somewhere else. I said "So what do you want to talk about?" "Let's go to the garden." Ritchie said. I nodded and then we walked to the garden. We sat down on a bench and I breathed in the fresh air. Ritchie said "Umm, I have a question. Do you think you can fall in love again?" I blushed and said "W-Why do you ask?" "Well I just want to know. You know, after everything that's happened and also since you've been dealing with it for so long." Ritchie said. "Well, I think I'm ready. But at the same time, I don't know. Since this is my second breakup, it hurts more. But if I do end up in a relationship again, it will be harder for me get that trust, unless it's someone I know very well. So let's just say I hope I am." I said. I looked at Ritchie, who was looking at the flowers. He was kind of blanking out. I said to him "Are you okay?" "Yeah I'm fine. Um, do you have anyone you've liked?" I started going red and said "W-Well, I do have a couple in mind, but I don't really know. Anyways, why are you asking me these questions?" Ritchie started blushing and then he started stuttering and said "I-I t-think I l-like you..." I stopped moving and then I started blushing red. I blurted out "I-I li-ike you too!" Ritchie was blushing really hard and he said "You like me?" "Y-yeah I do. I liked you ever since I met you, but I kept it under wraps. So...does this mean we should date?" He looked at me and said "I-I mean if you're ready for it. I know that Mitch hurt you a lot so don't feel pressured to get into another relationship until you're ready. I think I should take my leave." He got up and started walking away, but then I said "Wait! I-I think I'm ready for another relationship, but I just hope that you won't hurt me like Mitch did." "I won't. I'll keep you safe and do whatever it takes to make you smile. Well, let's get back to the guild hall. Brandon probably wants to talk to me." Ritchie said. I got up from the bench and then I went with Ritchie back to the guild hall. I decided to leave Ritchie alone, and then I went to my room. I sat down and looked at a picture of me with the entire guild of Divinus Magia. I sighed and said "I hope this works Ritchie. I just hope that I won't cause any problems for you." Then I laid on my bed and went to sleep. 

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