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Ritchie's POV

I looked at her and then she was unconscious. I said "Mario, call Grimshade now. I'll take care of her." He nodded and then went to call them. Brandon, Lucas and David came back and Brandon asked: "What happened?" "I have no idea. When you guys went after Eden, she just had a weird aura and then she went unconscious." I said. "Let's get her to the infirmary," Brandon said. I picked Amber up and carried her to the infirmary, where the doctors took her and assessed Amber's condition. One of the doctors said "She's in an unstable condition. Whoever did this to her, probably wanted her dead or something like that...I don't know what the cause is. We're doing everything we can to keep her alive." "She's..dying?" I asked. "As much as it pains me to say it, she is. But it's slow, so we have some time before she does. Now, please go outside and wait until we'll come to get you." the doctor said. I nodded and came out of the infirmary. I was in tears at that point. I saw that the rest of the guild was waiting. Brandon said, "What did the doctor say?" "She's...she's....dying..." I said. I couldn't believe she's dying. I walked past them and went off on my own. 

Brandon's POV

After Ritchie walked off, I was worried about him. I said "Guys, I know this is very sudden, but we need to stay strong and protect her. Remember, even though she's unconscious, it's easier for them to come and get her. So we'll take shifts every day to watch over her. I just hope that she'll make it. Please, don't talk about her with Ritchie around. She's Ritchie's girlfriend after all. If any of the guilds come here, just tell them briefly what happened and then try to comfort them. It's what we can do right now." Everyone nodded and then talked amongst themselves. I went to find Ritchie. I was looking everywhere for him, but I couldn't find him which was unusual. I walked into Ritchie's bedroom, where I found him. He was lying on his bed, crying. I didn't know how to comfort him. I approached him and said, "Are you okay?" "HOW CAN I BE OKAY?!??! Amber's in an unstable state and she's dying!!!! How can I be fine?!?!" Ritchie yelled. I was shocked to see Ritchie being this angry and devastated by this. I sat beside him and said "You need to calm down. Don't worry, Ritchie. We'll make sure this never happens again." "How can we be sure?!?! This is the third time this happened. Except she had only spell circles, not something that's killing her! Just leave me alone!" Ritchie yelled again. He was throwing punches at me, and I dodged them easily. He was so torn and I never wanted to see Ritchie like this ever again. I just sat there, patting Ritchie as he was crying into his pillow. After a while, I asked "Why don't we see Amber? They should be done checking her by now." Ritchie nodded and then followed me to the infirmary. When we got there, we saw members of Grimshade there. Brandon said, "Oh, I'm glad you're here." Colin was there too, probably to "gather information" on the entire situation. Colin said "The doctors won't say anything to us. So what's happening?" "I don't know how to say this, but apparently Amber is dying..." I answered. "WHAT?!?!" Michael said. "She's dying?!?!? What happened?!?" Michael asked. "She was attacked by Eden. In the end, Eden did something and now she's in an unstable condition." Ritchie said. "I'll make sure to destroy Eden when I get the chance," Michael said. 

"Well, you all can go see her now. She's stable for now, but we're not sure how long she has." the doctor said. We went inside the room, where we saw Amber unconscious in the bed. I asked, "Do you have an estimate of how long we have before she dies?" "We do. She has around a couple of weeks before she... you know." the doctor said. "Is there anything we can do about it?" I asked. "I'm sorry, but there isn't anything we can do except to keep her alive." the doctor said. "Are you serious?!" I asked. "Yes, I'm so sorry about this." the doctor said. I looked back at Amber, where Colin is holding Amber's hand. He said "I can feel that her energy is slowly going down. It's disappearing, but I can't pinpoint where it's going." "Maybe Eden has the energy. Since he was the one who made Amber in this condition. If we find him or find a reversal spell for this, then we can probably save her before the next couple of weeks. Colin said "I have to report to Grandmaster Johnathan that she's in a dying state. Then, lie that you guys are on the island. So I'll try my best to cover up that you guys are here. I'll also tell Mitch so that he can help me cover up the entire story." We nodded and then Colin went on his way. After, the members slowly left the infirmary. Michael, Amber's kids  (Ash and Lily if you forgot) and the rest of Grimshade went back to their guildhall. Divinus Magia separated and spread out among the island to watch. Ritchie said that he was taking the first shift to watch over Amber in the infirmary and we didn't argue with him. So we all left the infirmary while Ritchie was watching over her. I went to see Jakey, because I needed to talk to him. He looked like someone familiar in my brother's and my world. 

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