An Accident...

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Amber's POV

I was in my room at Grimshade when I heard someone leave. I peeked and saw that Colin left his room. I was suspicious, but I suddenly got a vision of Colin being surrounded by bandits and fighting. So I went to Bren and woke him up, and I told him "Colin left his room and I think he's leaving the guild. Can you go after him for me?" He nodded and then went after him, I just hoped that they'll be fine when they get back. I went to the guild to talk to Pat for a bit, but Mitch was also there. He talked to us, but didn't talk to me at all, since we're fighting. Pat broke the tension between us and told Mitch to hang out somewhere else, while Pat talked to me. He was worried about me, but I knew that we'll never get back together. 

A couple hours later...

I was with Pat and Mitch when Colin ran into the guild hall, he said "I need your help right now." Then he rushed out, we followed him to see that Bren had a purple mark on his arm. I said "What happened?" "Well, I ran away because I had a nightmare that all of you were well dead. And Bren followed me, and he saved me from a thief guild, and I went out of control and hurt Bren in the process, I'm so sorry." Colin said. I came closer to the injury and said "It looks like an infection and I can bet you did some sort of shadow magic with it, since there are shadow magic coming from it. I mean I could take the shadow part of it out, and Mitch can take the poison out." "Wait, since when I was going to help?" Mitch said. "He's in our guild and as his fellow guild mates, we do need to help him. Come on, Michael wouldn't want to see Bren like this." I said. Mitch said "Fine." I used my magic and took out the shadow magic out of the infection, and then Mitch came and took out the venom. I said "You need to rest, and you'll be fine before the Games. Alright, let's give Bren some rest." Everyone left and I was by the water, when I saw Colin. He looked worried, and he came closer to me. He said "What are you doing here?" "Just admiring the view and the sunset." He sat down and admired the view with me. 

SORRY FOR THE SHORT CHAPTER, IT'LL BE LONGER AS IT'LL BE ON THE GRAND MAGIC GAMES... and maybe there might be a certain someone Amber could fall for....

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