"A shipment was suppose to be sent by the Chinese. However, it never arrived to Russia. No one knows till this day what happened to that shipment or if it was ever sent in the first place. Loss of arms and money is the cause of the war. So like I mentioned earlier it's a loss of arms, which is why the sudden alliance came into play," Amoret explains.

"Your fucking father did not mention any of that to my father. He spoke about the Chinese, Russians, and us joining alliances. We were sold a bunch of shit," I grumble clenching my fists.

"And you believe if he would of said the truth that your father wouldn't kill him right there?," Amoret responds her eyes connecting with mine for a moment, "my father needed an alliance and that is exactly what he got as a result to his play," she adds.

"What is your guy's plan? And don't you dare lie to me Amoret. I will find out whether you're lying or saying the truth," I warn.

"First of all this isn't an us plan. It's Romanov's plan. His plan is to sign into the arms business with your father that's all," she says.

Taking a moment of silence I have no clue whether to believe all that Amoret has just said or not. I ain't going to lie some of it makes sense. However, the part of Romanov wanting to simply be signed with my father for arms is too simple. For a bloodline that has been greedy and betrayed before this is not in their nature. Once my father becomes aware of the truth behind the alliance and finding out Romanov lied about his part of the offer is a bunch of bull. He isn't going to take it well. If anything another war is in the arisen.

Which to my luck this arranged marriage would be cancelled earlier than I thought. In matter of fact I hope Amoret isn't lying, so that this whole deal can be wrapped up and thrown into the trash.

"I will have to confirm with my sources about that war you speak of. If it comes out to be true than we'll go from there," I say wanting to get into my car and speed my way to my father to inform him about what was just revealed today. Amoret nods in agreement as she stands up from sitting on my bed.

"What's in it for you though? Why expose your father to me? Why so freely expose everything?," I ask curious about her intentions. Like I said this is too easy for this lifestyle.

Amoret stays silent her eyes disconnecting with mine as she looks down at the carpet. She starts unbuttoning her clothes, which catches me by surprise. I try to stop her from striping in front of me, but she ignores me putting her hand up to stop me from saying anything. I watch as she takes off her blouse and pants and what I see next has me completely stunned.

Her body is covered in bruises.

"Who the fuck did this to you?," I scold.

"Who do you think?," Amoret sighs.

"I don't understand these bruises weren't there that one time."

"Because makeup covers what one wants to hide," she responds.

I take steps forward almost as if I want to examine the bruises on her delicate body. These bruises are deep how can any man harm a woman? Such cowards if you ask me. I touch the bruise on her stomach careful to not put too much pressure. It's dark and big. Amoret must of spent quite some time covering all of this just to hide her abuse and then it clicks.

"You're his puppet aren't you?," I say.

Amoret nods her brimming eyes becoming a watery mess. It's as if she's been holding such a secret for who knows how long. Now that she is able to just let it out she does without a second thought. Her sobs start becoming louder and louder as I naturally embrace her into my arms wanting to comfort her. Her arms embrace me as if her life depended on it.

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