"And you're the most beautiful woman...ever." She tells me. I smile more and close my eyes. She always makes me feel wholesome.

"And sexy" she added. I laughed and hugged her tighter. "I'm so lucky to call you mine" I said.


The next morning, I woke up to Leahs alarm. Her arms are wrapped around me as she laying down behind me. It felt nice and comfortable making me wanna sleep more. I turn a bit and face her but she still has her eyes closed.

"Babe" I said quietly. "Hmm" she mumbles. "Oh you're awake" I giggle. "Mmm" she mumbles again.

"We gotta get ready so we don't miss the flight"

"Fuck" she groans in a sexy raspy voice. "Oh..that morning voice" I smirk and cup her face then planted a kiss on her lips. She smiles with her eyes still closed. But she still told me to shut up. I giggled and sat up.

"Get up!!" I exclaim.

"I'm up! I'm up" she says and sits up. I smile and get excited. Jumped out of bed and got ready. Ready as in, freshening up then throwing on leggings and a sweater for the plane ride.


Leahs pov

We just checked into our gorgeous hotel in Hawaii. The most excited one was Veronica of course. She was jumping around like crazy but it was cute.

"Mommy look!" She points. Me and Jen both turned our heads and see Mickey coming our way.

Jen gasps. "Who is that bubs?" She asks even though she knows. "Mickeeeey!" She says happily and runs up to Mickey. I laughed and watched her greet Mickey. A photographer comes up and quickly takes a pic. "Would you three like a picture all together? It's included in the vacation of course." She says.

"Sure!" I said. We all stood together with Mickey and smiles for the camera.

Then Jen carries Veronica and stands closer to me and smiles again for the camera.

"Beautiful! All the photos taken throughout your vacation will be sent to you at the end of each day. We just have to scan your hotel key card and it links up to the email used for the vacation." She informs us. "Oh cool!! Thank you so much!" Jen says. "Of course! Have fun!" She says.

Jen looks at me with her jaw dropped. I smiled and looked around.

"Let's go to our room already! I wanna show you how ours looks" I said since I got to see previews online.

We got to our rooms and Jen gasps again. Veronica runs around as her eye catches many things. I closed the door behind us as we kept looking around.

"Ohh haha I'm definitely doing you on that" Jen says and points to a luxurious couch in the master bedroom. Then there was a huge bathroom that could be the size of a regular room. Along with a huge shower and jacuzzi inside.

"Hey..we have a kid with nobody to help watch. We might not be able to"

"That's what you think. When I want some I'll get it" Jen confidently says and eyes me down. I roll my eyes and laughed then looked away.

"Good luck" I said. "Mhm" I hear her mumble as she walks away. "Don't forget there's a kids program" I hear her say. I look at her and she looks at me from a distance and I covered my mouth. She smirks then looks away. I completely forgot there's a kids program. Even though this is a family trip, parents gotta enjoy each other too for a bit right?

"Lee Lee! There's Mickey shaped pillows!" Veronica tells me. "There is?! Thats so cool mama!" I tell her. "I love it here" she says. "Me toooo" I said.

"Thank you for the surprise!" She tells me sweetly and gives my legs a hug. I looked down at her and hugged back. "Of course baby.. it wasn't just me though. It was me and mommy!" I said to her. "I know thank you mommy too!" She says but Jennifer was in a different part of the hotel room.

"Babe did you hear that?" I call out to Jennifer. "Babe? Mommy calls me babe" she giggles. I sat down on the couch so I could reach her height. "I call her babe too" I giggled as well.

"Do you loooove her?" She asks me. I smiled and played with her hair as she's standing between my legs. "Ha..I do" I said. "Cause mommy said she loves you" I smiled more. Then Jennifer comes to us and sits by me. "What're you guys talking about?" She asks.

"Leah said she loves you mommy!" She says happily. I look at Jen and see a smile form on her face as she's looking at Veronica. "I know she does mamas" she says.

"because I love Lee Lee too. She's like a mommy like you" she says so damn innocently. Jen bit her lip a bit and cupped Veronica's face.

"Yeah? You like her as a mommy?" She asks her. Veronica looks at me and smiles then looks back at Jen. Tiny simple moments like this makes me feel lucky to have them both in my life. Such a coincidence how we all happened to end up in each other's lives.

"Two mommies?" She asks. I quickly look at Jennifer. How does she have the instinct to even say that to us?

"Ha..I mean-"

"Your mommy is always gonna be your number one mommy. I could just be your pretend second mommy" I giggle. As much as that kind of hurt saying out loud, she'll grow up thinking I'm just her fake mom, I don't want Jennifer to confuse her. And I knew Jennifer needed backup to explain that.

Jen looks at me with a faded smile and it goes away. She presses her lips and looks back at Veronica.

"Okay!" Veronica says happily.

Jen lets Veronica go play in the bedroom. She faced me as we're still sitting on the couch.

"Thanks for the save but...she's gonna really remember you as a fake mommy" Jen tells me. I shrug my shoulder. "Yeah..well.."

"Like she's good at remembering things. She sees you as another mom..but she's your actual daughter. I don't want that to change"

"She sees you as her real mom. I don't wanna bother tryna prove anything. It'll just ruin it." I said.

"Okay...but don't reject the fact that you're still her mom." She says. I sigh and kept my eyes at her.

"I just hate the fact that...everything I did was a mistake back then. I mean I'm so glad you ended up adopting her. I'm just disappointed that I had left my own daughter and now that I have her back, she's basically not my daughter anymore.... but...she is in hands of an amazing mom. That's the up side about it."

"Lee. If you never left Veronica, who knows how much you would've struggled trying to raise her all alone. I hate just thinking about how you had nobody to help you out. Thinking about you all alone making sacrifices. I wish I knew you back then. I would've helped. But I'm here in this part of your life. None of this wouldn't have happened if you didn't leave her. It was a good cause. Even though you didn't know where she'd end up, you kept trying to do good for yourself to be able to do good for her. Even though the adoption agency said you didn't participate in the whole process of me finding you, I still know somewhere in your heart you wanted to find your baby girl. And guess what? You found her and you found me.." she smiles and cups my face. I smile a bit.

"..and I know life has been a bitch but we can make it better. I know we can. We gotta move on from the past. No matter how much it's impacted your life, you're in a better part now... you inspire me baby. Really. And I love you.." she softly told me.

My heart melted. My eyes glossed. She leans in and places her soft lips on mine for a few seconds.

"Now..stop being sad. We're on vacation! We have so much to enjoy" she giggles. I giggled too and kissed her once more.

"Alright" I smile. I stood up and thought of looking for Veronica. But Jen stopped me for a second.
"I love you" She says. I looked back while she was still sitting down. "I love you too" I replied.

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